2024 Cycling Challenge



  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 967.82miles
    02/07 10.13 miles

    Total 977.95/2024 miles

    10 miles this morning. My legs are feeling very sluggish so hoping this passed as I want a run later.
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Final meetup before vacation. I am going to ride during it, but likely only 10 miles a day (or whatever's required to finish a Zwift climb portal ride - I'm taking my smallest dumb-trainer and a bike with me to use when we pull into our nightly campgrounds).

    Ride 1 - 13.01 miles
    Previous - 140.54 miles

    Total - 153.55 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11791889753
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Monthly metric century accomplished before vacation stuff.

    Ride 1 - 63.02 miles
    Previous - 153.55 miles

    Total - 216.57 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11799984918
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 977.95miles
    03/07 12.14 miles

    Total 990.09/2024 miles

    Good ride yesterday evening
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Quick ride today in the Zwift climb portal. Good times.

    Ride 1 - 14.01 miles
    Previous - 216.57 miles

    Total - 230.58 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11807939054
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Yes, I did in fact bring my trainer with me on vacation and am intending to set it up nightly behind the camper to get in some miles on the old bike I am hauling atop the car. Didn't bring the kid's bike, so no real rides (I'm not leaving her alone), but trainer rides are definitely in, especially when they take <30 minutes - I can knock one out while she takes her evening shower. :smiley:

    Ride 1 - 10.08 miles
    Previous - 230.58 miles

    Total - 240.66 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11817920725
    RMUNTZ2 Posts: 152 Member
    edited July 6
    I rode
    June 30, 32.56 mi. Planet Fitness - Spin Bike Ride - Watching 2nd Stage Tour de France
    July 1, 38.55 mi. Elberta Michigan - North Country M-22 Route Ride
    July 2, 35.01 mi. Endurance Spin Bike Ride - Watching 4th Stage Tour de France
    July 4, 35.13 mi. Planet Fitness - Spin bike ride watching TDF Stage 6
    July 6, 34.24 mi. Planet Fitness - Spin bike ride watching TDF Stage 8
    My 2024 YTD Total Cycling Distance is 1,467.03 mi.
    I got a late start so I need to do 180 mi/month to get to 2024 by the end of the year.
    I rode 142.93 so far in July.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 977.95miles
    07/07 12.26 miles

    Total 1002.35/2024 miles
    Got to 4 digits Finally!
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    On camper vacation, Zwifting on the silliest setup of all time still. Today was the final day to get an event ride finished... and it's the last ride of this event, so it kind of had to happen. Thank goodness I got it out of the way! Just pace bots for me from now on lol (or maybe climb portals!).

    Ride 1 - 39.06 miles
    Previous - 240.66 miles

    Total - 279.72 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11834390329
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 155 Member
    The year is getting away from me! July 8th already!?

    Rode 4.2 miles on Saturday but couldn't access the site to put it here until today!

    Current stats:
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 1002.35miles
    09/07 7.21 miles

    Total 1009.56/2024 miles
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 1002.35miles
    09/07 7.21 miles morning
    09/07 7.75 miles evening

    Total 1016.91/2024 miles

    This evening was supposed to be a run but it was too windy with light rain. If the wind wasn’t there I would have put up with the rain. We are having terrible weather
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    It's so nice to see more folks above 1000 miles! Great press!!

    Today I rode with a bot in Zwift. We're still roaming through the middle of nowhere in the camper, so all rides are done right now on a tiny phone and a bicycle mounted on a dumb-trainer. Weeeeeee!!

    Oh, forgot to log yesterday's ride, too, because my brain is made of butter.

    Ride 1 - 14.01 miles <- Zwift climb portal 7/8/24
    Ride 2 - 10.04 miles <- Zwift pace bot 7/9/24
    Previous - 279.72 miles

    Total - 303.77 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11842215993
  • IanTurner4588
    IanTurner4588 Posts: 8 Member
    Rode 60 on Saturday with club https://strava.app.link/j16vURwQ7Kb
    The 35 ride off-road on Sunday https://strava.app.link/AxA0zNAQ7Kb

    Total for week 191 miles including zwift racing

  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Oooo, off-road sounds like fun! (same with having a group that'll do long distance - I still am searching for something in my area. Bleh.)

    I am still in the middle of nowhere - just a smidge more east than before. Camper, tiny phone, dumb trainer and Zwifting in a truck stop parking lot for fun. (what can I say - at least I can't be pinged for not obeying whatever helmet laws whichever state I'm in has, as I'm on a stationary trainer and not rolling down the road! Plus can't go riding off into the sunset and abandoning my travel companion lmao)

    Ride 1 - 10.05 miles
    Previous - 303.77 miles

    Total - 313.82 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11859108395
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Camping in a parking lot, Zwift adventures are go. :lol:

    Ride 1 - 10.03 miles
    Previous - 313.82 miles

    Total - 323.85 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11867056902
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Decided that today was a good day to trek up a virtual mountain in Zwift's climb portal. Had to race the cellphone battery to finish. At least the bugs outside the camper weren't horrible today!

    Ride 1 - 16.00 miles
    Previous - 323.85 miles

    Total - 339.85 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11873853126
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    More riding out in campgrounds. Fun times. Pace bot today.

    Ride 1 - 10.04 miles
    Previous - 339.85 miles

    Total - 349.89 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11881894175
  • IanTurner4588
    IanTurner4588 Posts: 8 Member
    196 miles last week 10k elevation.

    Weight dropped 4kg in 3 weeks using the fast800 diet. 800 calories net, I eat more than 800 based on calories expended riding. I have a power meter so the figures are accurate. I average about 35-40 calories per mile depending on speed/hills.

    The goal is another 4kg before holiday in August, I won't have a bike on holiday but will switch to gym to maintain the weight until I come back.
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    @IanTurner4588 That sounds like one heck of a diet plan! Kind of wish I had the discipline to stick to something like that. :sweat_smile:

    Yesterday's campground had such poor reception it was impossible to Zwift - rode on the roads instead, so it was quite slow (I refuse to go quick if I don't have a helmet - and silly me, I didn't bring one with me on vacation because I planned on Zwifting every day). But got my daily 10 in. Today was a planned Zwift ride up the new mountain in the climb portal. Good times. :smile:

    Ride 1 - 10.38 miles
    Ride 2 - 11.24 miles
    Previous - 349.89 miles

    Total - 371.51 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11890389220