Crazy Night - Thought maybe a ghost. *I'm a dork*

d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
Just thought people might get a kick out of this story. Anyways I come home from working out and I'm wiped, I sit down in the kitchen to cool off a bit before taking a shower. I started to hear this drip.drip.drip...EEEEHHHHHEEEEEIIIIIIIII noise...then it'd stop then I'd here dripb bip bip drip EEHEHEEEEEEIIIEEE.. I thought, oh I must have not shut off the facet all the way. I walk over there and try to turn the facet off and it is already shut off. I'm looking all around puzzled look on my face because the sound keeps happening!

My wife comes in and she is like what is wrong with you. I tell her, "listen". The noise happens again and again and she is like WHERE IS IT. WHAT is it? So I'm looking all over going through different rooms and it was defiantly in the kitchen where I was.Trying to pin point the sound down I determine it is in the ceiling of the house. Thinking maybe it's an animal I slam the ceiling a couple times with my hand to see if it stops and it still is going at it.. dripbipbipbip EEEHHHHEHEEEIIIIEEEE.. I get all angry and say THAT'S IT. I grab two flashlights and head up into the attic.

Funny enough I have never been in the attic of our house, we've owned it going on 4 years and just never had to go up there. When I get up there I notice there is a ton of stuff up there. It looks like someones personal belongings.. Then I start thinking....I don't hear the noise up here.. I start looking at the stuff and its not the previous owners of my houses either. I decided I'll come back up here later when it's day time to look.

As I turn around to go back down, my first flashlight stops working.. and I hear it faintly EEEHEHEIEIEIEEIEEEEIII right behind me.. I flip on the second light and turn around real quick! Nothing there, so I look around and I apparently psyched myself out and I felt this really cold breeze on my neck so I pump myself down stairs and I'm in the kitchen freaking out. At this point I'm thinking I don't believe in ghosts but I think I have a ghost.. It makes no sense.. WHERE THE H#LL is that sound coming from... My 2 year old is freaking out, going daddy we have bird in house? We have monsterrrrr in house? I tell him no, it's probably the ballast in the light. He wasn't having that answer and is dead set it's a giant bird so he is looking for bird. I say it's got to be the ballast in the light and leave it at that. My wife thinks its a wounded animal somewhere.

It's been going on 30-40 minutes still can't find the sound and I'm starting to buy into the ghost theory as I'm annoyed beyond all belief.... I grab my gatorade sports bottle (Like the ones you see football players use on the field) and squeeze it, it makes a loud EEHEIEIEEEIIEIEE and then fills back up with air... The whole time it was my gatorade sports bottle. 2 grown adults and a 2 year old spent almost an hour trying to figure out where this noise was coming from that sounded like it was in the ceiling and it was a sports water bottle.

Just a heads up so you guys don't go through the same mental trama!


  • annadilynn
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    OMG! Totally sounds like something that would happen to me! But seriously, I'm more curious about the stuff in the attic! That crazy! maybe there is something good in it like a hidden box of money!!! If you find that, its mine, I must have forgetten i put it there!
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Question who was squeezing the gatorade sports bottle the whole time, because you only did it at the end of the story?
  • statia152
    I was starting to get worried about the ghost. I half fill my bottles and freeze them. Sometimes my bottles make funny noises and it takes me a few minutes to figure out the source of the sound. Thanks for a good laugh.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    THANK you for sharing that! Sounds like something that would (has lol) happen to me! I'm glad it turned out to be something as safe as the water bottle!

    But yeah......check out that attic a bit more closely when it's daylight. Make sure you don't have someone living up there! That would freak me out more than the sound.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    :indifferent: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Awesome.
  • bdreilly
    That is awesome..... One night I was freaking out because I kept hearing this high pitched whistling sound. And it sounded like it was like right next to my bed so I am sitting there trying to figure it out totally FREAKING out. Well I can't pin point it so I hold me breath and wait for it and it doesn't come so I was like okay it went away. I lay back down and a minute later I hear it again. WTF?? So I hold breath and try to find it, sounds stops....turns out I was wheezing when I laid down but not whenI was sitting. Yup that is me, I am so freaking cool LOL
  • healthy_KT
    healthy_KT Posts: 57 Member
    Can you let us know what's in the attic when you look up there?
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    That's funny.

    But I cannot believe you 1. have never been in your attic before and 2. have some random stranger's belongings up there.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Reminds me of this old advert here in the UK
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member

    I seriously have to know what is in that attic.
  • lizzragland
    Thats happened to me, well the bottle part. To afraid to go in my attic after paranormal activity :embarassed:
    but anyway, too funny!!!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I've never had reason to go to the attic it's an old house and attic entrance is up in an old closet. The stuff up there just looked like boxes of clothes and stuff. Im going to drag it down tomorrow with the window up there should be some daylight and make it easier to see. I was shocked they had plywood down up there, I assumed it wasn't a finished attic.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I was moving some stuff from storage to the house late one night. I was driving down a dark narrow wooded country road that local legend tells of it's haunting. All of a sudden I hear this scraping noise coming from the back of the car. My heart started racing and I was afraid of what could be making this scraping noise! It kept making it too. A low constant noise that had me pretty much in hysterics by the time I got home. I jumped out of the car without even turning it off. I ran in the house and had the BF come out to see what it was. I thought it could be some critter because of the stuff from storage...

    Turns out it was the rear windshield wiper that I had somehow flipped on!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Dun dun DUHHHHHH...

    went up into the attic today... and in the boxes was..... rags, a can of paint remover, a couple glass jars(the canning kind), a hammer, a screw driver, an oil can, and string......

    Major disappointment. :-( Was hoping for something a bit more epic.
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Hmm ... a very boring end to such an exciting story. But thanks so much for sharing with us! :)