Dunno if i can do it!!

Hey Bigjeff back again for the 2nd time!!

I lost 40+ lbs the 1st time on here, but unfortuatly, gained way more than that since then (yep....depression is a b**ch)....

I hame back and motivated but need to loose a lot of wieght FAST!!

I got artritis in my right knee, and I got 6 moth to have the pain under control and be able to do my PT test (military)...loosing weight would be a big help since that for every lbs i loose, my knee will feel like i lost 4 (wish my waist line would work like that too....:/)

I was thinking about doing the Body By Vi 90 day challenge, to give me a headstart DONT FLAME ME RIGHT AWAY,EAR ME OUT!!

I can't really exercise because i'm too heavy for my weaker knee, i can do pool, bicucle and short walks, at that rate i'm gonna pass my PT test in 2025....so I was thinking about doing the 90 day challenge, loose a bunch of weight fast, then go back to counting calorie intake and calories burnt...see where it takes me, I'm pretty desperate at this point lol

anyway, good luck to all on here, as a soldier I know this is not an easy battle for anyone!!!

Big :)


  • Good Luck!!! The pool is definitely an awesome place to work out!!

    If you need motivation or some support, feel free to add me =-.)
  • ADDED!! ty :)
  • *double post*
  • kgraham101
    kgraham101 Posts: 27 Member
    It sounds like you are motivated to lose weight and get healthy. What ever the route you choose to start this journey at least you have started it. My husband was in the military for 20 years so I know how important passing PT is. You need to be more confident in yourself. Instead of saying, " dunno if I can do it" tell yourself Yes I can do it. Everyone on MFP are so encouraging and motivational they have really helped me and I know they can help you. Just hang in there and I know you will be able to acheive any goal you set for yourself. :happy:
  • Good luck. I am new to this plan and am in my first week!
  • It sounds like you are motivated to lose weight and get healthy. What ever the route you choose to start this journey at least you have started it. My husband was in the military for 20 years so I know how important passing PT is. You need to be more confident in yourself. Instead of saying, " dunno if I can do it" tell yourself Yes I can do it. Everyone on MFP are so encouraging and motivational they have really helped me and I know they can help you. Just hang in there and I know you will be able to acheive any goal you set for yourself. :happy:

    I'M at "I think i can do it" now ;) It's a process i've been trough so many time and been successful at many times, but this time the moutain just looks higher!!

    Thx for the support :)
  • Good luck. I am new to this plan and am in my first week!

    Cool! Keep me informed :)
  • Seeing a new Physio this P.M, should come up with a new training plan :)
  • You can do it. Just take it a day at a time. No rush. Good luck :smile:
  • You can do it. Just take it a day at a time. No rush. Good luck :smile:

    Saw the physio, he's putting me on a rehab program at the gym :-D
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    I can relate to the knee issues. Had surgery on one a year ago and trying to hold off the other. My doc said I will have to get both replaced some day if I don't lose the weight and strengthen my leg muscles. It's tough to find exercise programs I can do with my knees. Standard aerobics classes are out. Anything that twist my knees is out. I can do the stationary bike with no problems. I'm trying to walk as much as possible (can't run with current knee issues) and do the weight machines at the gym. Trying a Biggest Loser yoga video tonight.

    Hang in there. Happy to be "friends" and compare notes on what exercises work with horrible knees.
