Larger lady/Asthmatic Exercise

I’m a large lady. Have lost just over a stone but still have a long way to go. I want to bring exercise into my day, but with being larger and asthmatic it’s hard to know where to start. Running and any walking that involves hills kills me. Can anyone suggest gentle exercise for weight loss?


  • LeapStepper
    LeapStepper Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Gemma,

    I am in the same boat. I just started a yoga fusion class which is basically a lot of stretching and body weight resistance. So far so good. I am also large and walking right now is a chore. I think of my yoga fusion class as yoga lite and its getting me back to being active. I had been swimming regularly and then got sick and my asthma flared up pretty badly over a few months so I fell out of practice. I sit a lot, all day practically, for my job and school so I am desperately trying to become more physically active. Sometimes I just have to lift my arms over my head to get the blood flowing and get just a little bit of cardio. I am still working on it. Hang in there. We'll get there!

  • WoodlyMK
    WoodlyMK Posts: 9 Member
    I’ve been using the Workout Women app after 10 years of inactivity, it lets you pause them if you need to rest 😀 it’s been 3 weeks and I’ve already seen progress in my endurance and health!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    Also, discuss with your pulmologist on how to increase the effectiveness of your medication.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    I started chair cardio on YouTube. It has helped me tremendously. I have a hurt foot and cannot walk or run like I used to. I swim too, which is a great activity. Sometimes I alternate between swimming and kickboarding. Ultimately, it comes down to what we eat though.
  • judyscuba
    judyscuba Posts: 1 Member
    Have any of you considered weight lifting? Start with a day of upper body and a day of lower body each week. Lower body can be body weight, upper body start with three pound weights. Cardio is good, but you also need to build muscle.
  • dmrisch1990
    dmrisch1990 Posts: 1 Member
    I've found the infinity hoop to be a lifesaver. Takes a week or so to get coordinated but works the waist, hips, back and legs.