Deleting "publicly shared food"

After logging for several years my food diary is rather bulky. I would like to delete obsolete food items but get an ALERT: This food is publicly shared; you may not delete it. I do not have my settings to public and don't recall having this problem before I became a "Premium" member. Any assistance is appreciated.


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    You can edit any food you have personally added to your database, and you can delete personal foods, as well, provided you have not shared them with the public database. At this time it is not possible to delete any food you've elected to share on the main database, you can only edit those foods.

    Based off the error message you're receiving you, you opted to share these foods to the public database when you created them.

    Apologies for the confusion or any inconvenience this may cause.
  • JodieHughes6
    JodieHughes6 Posts: 4 Member
    Has this feature been updated to allow us to delete? It would be beneficial for users to be able to delete a food they've created if it's incorrect. There are many foods created by others that are incorrect, or the manufacturers may have changed the recipe without consumers being aware of the change. It would be great to clean up the database so users can enter the right information.