hello im new

hello my names carolyn and im new to this site. just rejoined tops tonite n weighed 211 most ive weighed in a long time. need to get dwn to 140 i really missed my tops pals was great to c them but am so ashamed that i gained the weight back. in 2000 i was our chapter queen n lost 92lbs total in 11 months. started out at 223 got dwn to 125 wow now im wayyyy up again anyway im not gonna look back , just forward i can do it!!!!


  • welcome - I am sure you can do it! This is a great site and really helps me stay on track with food and exercise.
  • tweet33
    tweet33 Posts: 10 Member
    welcome you can do it!!!
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    Hello! You'll find lots of friends and support. You may have gone back up after an incredible success story, but you are NOT the only one. Most of us have been up and down and are just ready to get healthy once and for all. Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • welcome i am new also feel free 2 add me for support! :)
  • welcome N good luck!!