Could be pregnant can I still loose weight if I am still unh



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Go pee on a stick.
  • DzyIzy
    DzyIzy Posts: 22 Member
    If you are following a healthy weight loss plan where you are trying to lose 1-2 pounds a week by balancing diet and exercise there is no need to change what you are doing untill after you have "official" results. Even then you won't need to change much. FOr now Just do eat if you physically feel hungry and make sure you are getting calcium, iron, protein, and folate. Most woman don't gain much weight during the first trimester unless they are underweight or get lax about a healthy diet anyway. And losing weight the first trimester is common. You actually shouldn't gain more than 5 lbs the first trimester according to what I have read. If you are overweight it is acceptable to only gain about 15 lbs your entire pregnancy assuming you are eating healthy. Pretty much any "regular" exercise is allowed the first trimester (if you feel up to it) as well. There are a few high risk scenarios that are exceptions, but I never had any limitations w/ my 2 babies.

    Now if you are on a drastic diet or doing marathon training or something you may want to see a doctor sooner than later.
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    Dr. Buchanan: I love your response...that is exactly what I will be doing after "O" day :):)

    Thanks so much!
  • Well losing weight during pregnancy is not at all a healthy process.If you are concerned about gaining those extra pounds ,than you need not worry.Practice prenatal yoga during pregnancy and postnatal yoga after pregnancy to control your weight.
  • I lost weight with all 3 of my pregnancies simply because I ate much better. I was really conscious that everything I put in my mouth was going to the bub so I ate well. Such a pity I could never use that same discipline when I wasn't pregnant! (Until now of course)
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    I'm no expert but I do believe that what you eat isn't going to have major affects your baby this early. Just maintain a healthy diet until you find out for sure and then switch to "pregnancy" diet. And by that I mean, don't try to lose any more weight and increase your calories by the amount recommended by your doctor. :smile: And congrats (hopefully)

    This is not true. Most women don't know they are pregnant until they are at least a month along, especially if they were not actively trying to conceive. So what you eat in the earliest part of the pregnancy has a huge effect on the baby's development. The first few weeks of pregnancy are crucial to the baby's healthy development. That's when everything is forming and growing!!...just as an example: that's why women of childbearing age are supposed to take folic acid whether they are TTC or not: by the time you know you're pregnant, the spinal cord is already forming/formed.