Did metformin jump start your weight loss? Pcos?

experiences and thoughts please. Anything about metformin in general


  • Rowann
    I was taking Metformin a few years ago for PCOS, and it did seem to help a little. My consultant explained to me that it can act as an appetite suppressant, but that I would still have to do the bulk of the work to shift the weight. He was absolutely right.
  • kellie182
    Hi was diagnosed with PCOS 12 years ago and have tried everything under the sun for it metformin (diaformin) was one of the worst things I have ever tried it might start your weight loss but it made me so sick it wasn't worth it. In all honesty the birth control pill along side a protein packed diet is the only thing that has ever made my weight go down and my symptoms go away. Hope this helps good luck it is different for everyone so you might not have such severe side effects as I did.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    i felt like it did, i didnt have as many hunger cravings but you also feel like your gonna puke for awhile lol was on it from dec. til july 5th it made me Regular :) well as reg. as i can prob. hope to be i dont need to be on it anymore i still am getting periods without being on it for the first time in for like ever my cycle averages about 37 days now and before that id only gotten it that often once in 7 years id prob. gotten maybe 1 or 2 a year before that

    btw i am not on birth control or anything like that thats all my own body working my diet isnt anything special and i've lost 40 lbs its all about mind over matter ya its harder for us but dont let it be the thing that holds you back let it be what drives you
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago, and put on metformin in 2005. I lost 16 lbs (from 277 to 261) without any additional effort.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i took it for a while, but didnt really notice a difference. i started losing weight, but i started taking it around the time i really started watching what i ate and exercising. i stopped taking it and didnt notice a difference
  • katw26
    Not for me. It helps but the bulk of the work is done by hard work. I have recently just started back on metformin after a few years off (was diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin Resistance about 8yrs ago) The only thing metformin definitely does for me is to help me get pregnant! lol (two kids are the result of it) It has made me pretty sick for the first week but the side effects have eased off a bit now (just in time for me to increase my dose) I also craved sugar for the first few days after I started but that has eased off too. The side effects can be pretty bad but they do ease eventually- I also start taking only 1/2 a tablet a day and then increase by 1/2 every couple of weeks- I have found that way I don't get as sick for as long. I am not specifically taking it for weight loss (more for other issues, and no not to get pregnant again! 3 kids are more than enough!) but if it does help, it can't hurt!
  • SephirothsChild15
  • JessicaV623
    JessicaV623 Posts: 31 Member
    Im on Metformin. I stopped taking it for a month because I had some occassions happening that I couldnt be tied to the toliet for, and I gained 6lbs in the month i was off it. Im back on starting this week and the side effects are back. Im hoping that since Im monitoring my diet much more, it wont be as horrible this time around. Im taking Metformin for PCOS and to try and help me get pregnant..
  • racheljeffreys
    racheljeffreys Posts: 1 Member
    I started taking it a couple of weeks ago (500mg) in combination with a low calorie/carb/fat diet and have already lost at least 4kg. The reasons it's working for me are
    1) I did have some original nausea but it wasn't so bad I had to stop taking it - lasted about 3 days
    2) I don't crave sugary stuff and carbohydrates on it. One day I missed my dose I ended up having chocolate milk and too much carbohydrate - it's really hard to battle those cravings normally
    3) it seems to suppress my appetite too. I'm eating 1200-1500 calories a day and I don't feel like eating more.
    4) placebo effect. I didn't feel able to diet without the metformin because I'd learnt that when I tried to be good it didn't work - the effect of the PCOS.
    I don't think that metformin is a substitute to a diet, but it is really helping me to diet. The weight is also falling off faster than I think it would be if I wasn't taking it. I expect to be my ideal weight in 10 weeks at this rate.
  • lazokim94
    I Have PCOS :/ I was diagnosed at age 16, and I lost 36lbs at age 17 and gained them all back :( and Now I started excercising agian, My Doc put me on Metformin 1000mg 2x a day, I usually only take both if I have 2 Heavy meals, I really hate taking pills, So I'm wondering if I can just lose weight without taking the pills. It's been extremly hard this time. Last time I lost those pounds My cycles became regular by themselves. Will Metformin along with Excercise itself help regulate them faster?
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    I was put on Metformin for blood sugar levels early on in my journey. It made it so some foods, on some days just made me about gag and every time I ate much by way of carbs, especially if I tried to eat pizza I'd be stuck to the toilet shortly after, so it altered the food choices I made for sure!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Um, it made me sick as a dog...does that count? I couldn't ever adjust to it, so I've gone without it and done great. Had to change the way I ate and exercise a whole lot, but I've been able to lose quite a bit of fat.
  • cmalmasy
    cmalmasy Posts: 25 Member
    I have been on metformin for the last three years on and off due to pregnancy (three babies in 18 mos as a result of metformin last two were twins). I've been on all different doses and I have found that the extended release kind manages my side effects so much better! Before the twins it really helped with weight loss after my first child. I have thirty pounds to lose and it came off easily with good diet and exercise. This time around it doesn't seem to be making a difference much at all with weight loss. I'm on 1000 mg a day and eat 1400 cals a day exercise 5-6 days a week. I am losing but very very slowly. It has helped with other PCOS symptoms though too.