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Access to registered dietitian who can be covered by insurance

Looking for a registered dietitian, who can work with me closely with my MyFitnessPal data to help me find tune my dietary choices for weight loss, constipation, control, appetite, suppressant to support the pancreas better
1 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    edited July 7
    @eawlizwa, that would be a great thing to have as part of MFP, I agree.

    In the short run, there may be other affordable or free routes. I see your profile says you're in the US.

    Have you asked your doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian (RD)? That can be the key to get insurance coverage, in some cases. Some insurance companies do have in-network RDs, too, which might simplify things if it applies to you.

    Other options: Some supermarket chains, drug store chains, or gym offer consultation with an RD. Usually that would be a "for pay" thing, but others here on MFP have reported discounted (affordable) consultations from sources like that.

    For clarity: I don't work for MFP. I'm just a regular user like you. I did consult an RD at one point, but she was affiliated with the cancer center where I received treatment, and it was done in that context.

    I'm also in a city with a major university, the land grant university in my state, so they have outreach programs. At times, RD consultation has been available to the public there as well, but I don't know the cost structure. I worked for that university, and they have RD consultation available for members of the university community (including retirees like me). I think that's either free or low cost. Other large employers' health plans might have a similar service, I don't know.
  • Hobartlemagne
    Hobartlemagne Posts: 503 Member
    Id start with the insurance. Look through their provider directory for who you want to see. Ask your PCP for a referral if required.
  • eawlizwa
    eawlizwa Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the feedback. I’m hoping to find an RD that uses MyFitnessPal, really understands the app and can look at my reports and provide guidance. Hold me accountable. That’s why I’m posting on my fitness app to see if there’s any registered dietitians out there that that would reach out to me.