Losing Motivation...

I've been trying so hard to stay under my intake goal, but this past week or so i've felt myself hungrier then ever. I try sticking to healthier alternatives so i'm not racking up my calories fast, but i'm still going over. And on top of that i'm having a hard time fitting in a workout with four college classes and long nights of homework as it is to try to work off those extra calories. I just feel like i'm failing. I haven't lost a single pound in an entire month and i'm so frustrated. Is there any tips you might have as to how to fight through those feelings of hunger? I feel like my motivation is slowly slipping, what keeps you guys going?


  • mother_war
    when i feel like i'm really flipping hungry i eat a couple of red vines or twizzlers. and drink some water. i know how frustrating it is- at times i feel like i am going to scream at the top of my lungs and/or scare the hell out of someone- but i go for a walk and sing.. which usually makes things a little better.
  • the_new_robin2016
    Try working out before going to class. eat smaller meals every 3 - 4 hours. Plan what your meals are going to be, and stick to them! And if you don't, well its you that is losing out remember. Just pick yourself back up and try again. Giving up won't make the pounds going away, they will just keep adding on.
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    If you're not losing, and you're not exercising (building muscle), it's likely that you are eating at 'maintenance' level rather than "weight loss" level. When you have long nights of studying, can you get up halfway through and go for a walk to refresh your mind? Even that little bit of exercise will help. Do you have a gym on campus? Even a short workout is better than none - if you can do 10 minutes of exercise 3x a day, you'll still get in 30 minutes without having to block off a full half hour.
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Try to hang in there. Choose healthy snacks that fill you up. Do you walk to your classes?? Is there a track you can walk or jog around? Any chance of riding a bike? These are ways to get in exercise with going to class. I live by the UofD and see all the kids doing all these thing it would give you some points for exercising. Does the school have a gym or a pool that would also work. I hope this helps. I've been exercising regularly and scale took three weeks to move but I'm gaining muscle doing strength training, so don't get so bummed! Hang in there!:flowerforyou:
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    For me, beating the hunger is drinking water, lots of it. Often times I will put lime or lemon juice in it to give it a little more flavor.
  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    you didnt say what your calories are set at. Maybe with school and all you should relax and up your calories for a while.If you ate 1600 every day you would eventially weigh 160. It would take longer, but it may be the best thing for now. You can always set it lower in a month or two, when you feel more encouraged and have lost a little weight. I'd think you'd be doing a lot of walking in school. Just stay well and Take your time.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Please don't give up!

    As others have said, you're probably eating at a maintenance level. Can you swap your calories to use them for something that fills you up but is relatively low, such as a small portion of oats?

    Do you have stairs, or do you live in an apartment? If I don't have time for any exercise I just use my bottom stair as a stepper for a few minutes, enough to raise my heart rate and get me a little puffed. Little and often can sometimes be just as good as a long hard slog!

    I'm sure the scales will start to move again soon and in the right direction!

    Good luck!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Getting extra protein helps stave off hunger for me.
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    The first week I was here, I gained 2 pounds! I ate whatever I wanted until it got to 1200 calories.... not good.... because I was eating very little and stuff that was not really good. So..... I changed things out. I started putting a lot of fruits and veggies in to my diet along with oatmeal and lean meats ( chicken breast, fish, turkey, ) and that seems to be working for me. I buy salad chopped up already and cucumbers, baby carrots, tomatoes, celery, green peppers, onions and when I get them home, I dice everything up so when I go to make a salad, it takes me 3 minutes to throw it together. I buy the 10 minute oatmeal and it is actually better and faster in the microwave. Very healthy and filling too. I also buy peaches and strawberries , cut them up and freeze them so when I make a smoothie, I just get them out of the freezer, throw them in the blender, add a yogurt, 1/2 cup fat free milk and blend. It tastes like a milkshake!! I also make some of my meals to where they last me a few days. I throw chicken, or whatever in the crock pot, add what you want and let it simmer. It tastes even better the second day! Being as busy as you are, I would prepare lots of foods before hand so you can just grab and go. Hope this helps!
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Some people say drink water and apple vinegar.

    I just drink coffee and work, sometimes grab a smoke (Yea yea).

    And if I am really bored and think about snacking i just do 60 push ups and 60 dips and when I workout i forget about food.
  • WendyHJ
    Yep, more protein, more water, and more frequent/smaller "meals". And the attitude of mind over matter, you won't let this kick your butt. The longer you are overweight and the older you get the harder it is to lose.