Looking for friends and support.

I have been on and off this site and many others so many times I can't even keep track. I just recently tried to do this on my own, being mindful of portions and working out and I guess I wasn't being as mindful as I thought because I did not make any progress. The only time I have ever made progress is when I stuck with the tried and true "track calories and exercise" and no matter which site I used it always worked. Then I would slack off, stop tracking, and gain the weight back. So I am back again and I am going to try this again and I will hopefully be successful and stick with it. I can use all the friends and support I can get so please feel free to add me! And I will be supportive of your journey as well!


  • stephp83
    stephp83 Posts: 19 Member
    Looks like I am looking in the mirror! yo yo dieter here for YEARS!!! I am soooo ready this time :) I need friends too. I am just a lurker and use the Track food and exercise but I am ready to have a Support system too! I need friends!!! Ill add u.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Hi guys....you can add me if you like but look at my profile first....I'm not here to cheer you up but to keep you motivated. I too have tried it before on my own and it does not work. You need the support of all the other MFP and you need to be honest with us if you come over to the dark side. Good luck in your travels.
  • charlesalvear
    charlesalvear Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome Swp. I sent you a friend request. I'm happy to share my success factors with you and help you along in your journey.
