Worried..... 30 day shred questions

Ok so I keep hearing everyone talk about the 30 day shred. I am fairly new on my weight loss journey, but I am trying to change things in my life. One thing is I tend to be somewhat lazy. I love my zumba classes but its 1 hour 3 times a week. I want more! So back to the DVD, I ordered it but now I am worried. Am I going to be able to do it? I have a friend who is going to do it with me and we are both out of shape. I hate to do any type of exercise alone, I give up and no was in there to say anything. Doing it with her I will feel accountable.

Now my other worry. I have a bad knee, it has a lot of arthrits. I had knee surgery about 4 yrs ago (torn meniscus). What happens with that? I can modify my zumba but not sure about this. I hear people with no knee pain complain of sore knees.

I hope I didn't just waste my money and will feel disappointed in myself.
Advise anyone????


  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    The shred is a tough workout, especially if you are out of shape, at first just do what you can. The only thing that concerns me is that this workout definitely is HARD on the knees. It is jump/lunge/squat heavy.. I tend to have a little bit of knee pain every now and then, and I have never had knee problems before. Good luck!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Follow Anita. She is the modified moves and doesn't go down as far and her version of the Shred is lower impact. If you still have problems, modify it until you don't. You can do it! :)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Good for you for figuring out what you need to stay motivated with your exercising! Unfortunately, even with modifications, 30DS is going to be really hard on your knees. Even people w/o previous knee trouble complain about their knees after this workout. You might want to look into other options.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i have pretty crappy knees myself, and 30ds can kinda hurt in a couple of the exercises.

    i found that cycling really helps me out with cardio, muscle building, and strengthening my knees.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Don't worry about a thing~ you'll be fine!

    I went through the entire 30Day Shred with modifications and did great!!

    I did not do any jumping~ I marched instead.

    For lunging~ I just bent my knees as far as comforable.

    I have carpal tunnel in both wrists so I did the pushups leaning on the seat of a chair with my legs straight out. You can also do pushups against a wall~ don't laugh~ if you do them RIGHT you will feel it, believe me! Of course you can always girl pushups too.

    I used my other workout experiences to modify the DVD to what I could do~ see what I mean~ use your Zumba background to make up your own modifications for this and any other thing you try to do!!

  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Good for you for figuring out what you need to stay motivated with your exercising! Unfortunately, even with modifications, 30DS is going to be really hard on your knees. Even people w/o previous knee trouble complain about their knees after this workout. You might want to look into other options.

    This is the truth. Even following Anita, this isn't a knee-friendly workout.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Talk to your doctor before doing this. If you have a bad knee, you might have a lot of trouble with a lot of the exercises she does. LOTS of squats and lunges and jumping jacks.

    That said, she gives modifications for the exercises for those at lower fitness levels. It definitely doable. You may not be able to get through it the first few times, but you will gain endurance and strength and get there eventually. We all have to start somewhere!
  • kissiefish
    I have destroyed (DESTROYED) my ankle. Most days I can barely walk, but I have modified this workout and it is AMAZING. Do the best you can and, despite Jillian's insistence that 400 lb people can do jumping jacks and there is no modification, I am not 400 lbs and I can't do a jumping jack. I can't jump at all...I would break what is LEFT of my ankle if I did......but MOVE
    SWEAT ,...modify.

    Just keep moving!!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I do 30DS and I have patella malformation syndrome in my right knee. My PT said that I still need to exercise and work my leg/knee to insure my muscles keep my knee cap in place and pain free. You should consult a doctor/pt to make sure you're not going to damage your knee more. BUT you should still exercise! You should still try. There are a million excuses to not do something....but your health should be a reason to at least try :)

    I also broke my leg in January and was in a cast for 12 weeks! My muscles in my left leg were gone, the pain after the cast was removed was terrible, but its 100% now! I give all the credit to exercise and working the muscles.

    I was a total out of shape lazy bum in August...now I'm strong and confident. Its awesome. I love who I've become. I've had 2 really bad knee days and a sore hamstring one day and I took those days off. I didn't give up or give in. I ate well and got back at it the next day!

    I take every Friday as a rest day. No 30DS, no elliptical and no strength. Just a day to rest and repair.

    You can do this and you can succeed! Good luck :)
  • creativechick22
    Hi, I have just started doing this DVD, 30 day shred.
    And do you have to do it every single day, as I thought your body needed at least one or two rest days?
    Also does anyone have any success stories from this DVD, as I am not feeling doing 20mins each day will effectively work for my weight loss goal of about 1.1lbs per week?
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    Hi, I have just started doing this DVD, 30 day shred.
    And do you have to do it every single day, as I thought your body needed at least one or two rest days?
    Also does anyone have any success stories from this DVD, as I am not feeling doing 20mins each day will effectively work for my weight loss goal of about 1.1lbs per week?

    I may have "only" lost 11lbs but I've gone from a size 14 to a 10 since August 7th. Jillian is a machine and gets the job done if you do what she says. You may not see the scale drop (or you will!) but take measurements and I think you'll be surprised at what 'only 20 minutes can do' 30DS is amazing and I tell all my friends about it. Good luck :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I do 30DS and I have patella malformation syndrome in my right knee. My PT said that I still need to exercise and work my leg/knee to insure my muscles keep my knee cap in place and pain free. You should consult a doctor/pt to make sure you're not going to damage your knee more. BUT you should still exercise! You should still try. There are a million excuses to not do something....but your health should be a reason to at least try :)

    No one has said not to exercise. But this is not a knee-friendly workout. I have knee issues and was told to do specific things to strengthen the muscles. Swimming, stretchy bands, etc. Not lunges and squats.

    Though, my knee problems are different than most and as long as the muscles are strong, I can still do those things in moderation. I just have to be careful. She needs to talk to her doctor before doing this DVD.
  • statia152
    I have many health issues (arthritis, knees, back, neck ...) and I did 30DS without too many problems. Yes, I was sore. Ice, massage. menthol muscle rub and hot baths helped alot (plus meds). Be sure to do the lunges correctly: do not let knees go over your toes!!!! Go slow and steady and you can do this. Good luck.

    To the lady asking about "do I have to do it every day" ~ I think Jillian has people do it daily to "get into the habit" of exercising. I did 30 days and missed one day. Eating alot of protein helps with muscle repair.
  • alair1980
    alair1980 Posts: 31 Member
    On the second cardio section of level one she gets you doing stationary punches. She says that it's a great option for people with lower leg injuries/issues. Maybe just do that for the cardio section if you find the other cardio exercises hurt your knees.
  • msstillion79
    Girl I weigh 274 and i was ten 12 pounds heavier when i did it I am goin to start tomorrow again ill tell u it is a workout and the next day u will feel it ur legs will hurt but it does get better trust me and i also have knee issues just stret\ch good before u do it and u will be good and do as much as u can dont listen to jillian if u need to take a min break pause the dvd and take it i did in the begining but u will feel great after u do it Have fun!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    rml_16 I guess you took my encouragement negatively. Everyone is not out to get everyone around here. It's Friday, relax and look on the bright side!
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    Thank You for all the advice. I do have a dr. appt Monday (not knee related) and I hadn't even really thought about asking him about the DVD. I have talked to him about Zumba, he said if it hurts when I do a certain move don't do that one. Sometimes my knee is sore after class but not always. I was really sore after a yoga class recently, I think I was stretching muscles I am not using in zumba. It was a good soreness!!!
    Thanks Again, I love all the support on this site
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    rml_16 I guess you took my encouragement negatively. Everyone is not out to get everyone around here. It's Friday, relax and look on the bright side!
    I didn't take it negatively. I took it as dangerous. She has a bad knee. 30DS is not knee-friendly. It isn't an excuse not to do it, it's a good reason.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    rml_16 I guess you took my encouragement negatively. Everyone is not out to get everyone around here. It's Friday, relax and look on the bright side!
    I didn't take it negatively. I took it as dangerous. She has a bad knee. 30DS is not knee-friendly. It isn't an excuse not to do it, it's a good reason.

    But taking bits and pieces of what someone says and not the whole comment is what you did. You jumped at the chance to point out where I could be wrong and not the fact that I told her to talk to her Doctor or a physical therapist. This is why arguments happen on here. We are not experts, we are here to support. I was telling her my honest opinion as you were. Maybe we are right and maybe we are wrong. But calling what I wrote, 'dangerous' is far fetched at best. The poster is a Zumba lover, clearly not opposed to working her knee. I was simply trying to get her to try 30DS in spite of her fears, if its too strenuous or causing her difficulties/pain, all she has to do it stop and turn it off.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    rml_16 I guess you took my encouragement negatively. Everyone is not out to get everyone around here. It's Friday, relax and look on the bright side!
    I didn't take it negatively. I took it as dangerous. She has a bad knee. 30DS is not knee-friendly. It isn't an excuse not to do it, it's a good reason.

    But taking bits and pieces of what someone says and not the whole comment is what you did. You jumped at the chance to point out where I could be wrong and not the fact that I told her to talk to her Doctor or a physical therapist. This is why arguments happen on here. We are not experts, we are here to support. I was telling her my honest opinion as you were. Maybe we are right and maybe we are wrong. But calling what I wrote, 'dangerous' is far fetched at best. The poster is a Zumba lover, clearly not opposed to working her knee. I was simply trying to get her to try 30DS in spite of her fears, if its too strenuous or causing her difficulties/pain, all she has to do it stop and turn it off.

    Well, one of us on here is definitely worked up. It isn't me.

    You obviously don't have knee pain. You cannot compare what one does in Zumba to what one does with 30DS. I've done both. I have bad knees. Zumba is a much different movement.

    You told her she was using her bad knee as an excuse not to exercise, which wasn't the case. It was condescending at best.