Please HELP, losing my motivation!!

I started my new healthier eating/working out schedual 1st August this yeat (2011)
I have managed to get back to my weight of 140lbs (10stone), which is what I was a year ago (having lost 14lbs)
However I am finding my motivation levels decreasing, and almost feeling like giving up completely.
I have the further goal of losing another 10lbs, hopefully by the end of November this year, and if not, then by Xmas.
Anyway...the healthier eating is not that much of an issue. It is more the workout schedual?
Does anyone have any ideas? Maybe really fun workouts, or something that will burn alot of cals in a shorter time?
(I do not have a gym available, but have small dumbells)
I also am finding my tummy is not losing as much as I had hoped.
(I have my waist down to 28inch, but my belly button area is still 33inch. I would love it to be 30inch! hehe)


  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Hi ALL.
    I started my new healthier eating/working out schedual 1st August this yeat (2011)
    I have managed to get back to my weight of 140lbs (10stone), which is what I was a year ago (having lost 14lbs)
    However I am finding my motivation levels decreasing, and almost feeling like giving up completely.
    I have the further goal of losing another 10lbs, hopefully by the end of November this year, and if not, then by Xmas.
    Anyway...the healthier eating is not that much of an issue. It is more the workout schedual?
    Does anyone have any ideas? Maybe really fun workouts, or something that will burn alot of cals in a shorter time?
    (I do not have a gym available, but have small dumbells)
    I also am finding my tummy is not losing as much as I had hoped.
    (I have my waist down to 28inch, but my belly button area is still 33inch. I would love it to be 30inch! hehe)
    CHEERS all.

    signing up for some races lit a fire under my butt. i'm doing a mud run 5k in november and a triathlon in june. it gives me goals with a specific date to be ready by.

    and i love cycling. you can cover a lot of distance, in a short amount of time, burn a lot of calories, without the aches and pains that running can put on your body.

    don't give up, you've done great.
  • Make sure you have it set in your diary settings to show your sodium intake. Sodium loves to pack on water weight and keeping the same sodium will never let the water leave you without a ridiculous amount of work!
  • I feel the same, but it is with my diet! Workouts are great because I have a workout buddy & we meet at gym at 4:30 a.m. Breakfast and lunch are great. When I get home from work, the stress of helping kids with homework, getting ready for the next 4:30 a.m. workout, and cooking dinner for the family is too much. I graze on everything unhealthy in my house. All of the work for the day has gone down the drain. Sorry I'm no help, but I'm also looking for motivation!!!

    Maybe you could invest in some fun workout videos? Jillian Michaels are really tough. Is there a YMCA/YWCA in your area? They may have some inexpensive fitness classes.
  • Ditto on the cycling. Its great cardio and lots of fun. I also started Taekwondo with my daughter. Its a blast!
    Something easy and convenient is plain old calastenics. Push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, etc. Good workout, and you can do them anywhere and any time.

    The more you do it, and the more you enjoy it, the harder it will be to NOT do it.
  • Cheers, however I cannot ride a bike! hehe balance issues
    I was thinking it may be an idea to not do 30mins every day.
    Instead do 4days of 60mins minimum
    I an not very active in my job, sitting at a desk all day so could I do more than 60mins a day, say 60 in the morning, and 60 at night??