when do you personally consider it a plateau

how long do you have to be at the same weight? a week? 2 weeks? what are your own guidelines?


  • I would say, if you're eating the same and you haven't lost or gained any weight for a month. I would say you've reached your plateau
  • virgdugas
    virgdugas Posts: 11 Member
    For me a plateau is not necessary being at the same weight for weeks. It is also loosing and gaining the same 2-3 pounds over and over!

    I would consider a plateau after 2-3 weeks maybe? I was in one since mid-august and suddenly 2 weeks ago I started loosing again! No idea why...
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I figure if I have stayed the same weight for 2 weeks...I have hit a plateau and need to step up the excersize a little.
  • Im pushing a plateau at the moment. 2-3 weeks of nothing much happening. Im just gonna focus on my fitness now and if i loose its a plus
  • I agree with 2-3 weeks. I hit one once, and realized that I wasn't "netting" enough calories. I would have a good exercise and burn 600 calories, so I would only end up netting 700 calories or so. I later found out that you have to "net" at least 1200. Once I started doing that, the weight started coming off again. I've also heard people say that when they hit a plateau, they have a couple days where they eat more than their allotment by a couple hundred, then go back to the plan, and the weight comes off. Everyone's situation is different though.
  • mmensah
    mmensah Posts: 42 Member
    I just got out of a plateau i just ate more fruits and veggies and did not eat any carbs for about 2 weeks and now im losing again...i also have tyroid so i dont know if it has anything to do with it.
  • I hit a plateau for almost a month and I was wobbling between the same 2-3 lbs! If you are eating the same and being consistent with your workouts I would say a plateau is 2 weeks or more. Stay positive though and keep up the hard work!! I got over mine and I am still busting my butt!!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i think when you reach that plateau, you need to recognize it, and analyze what you have been doing, and then change it up. maybe take in more calories in the morning, try eating different things, and work out differently. yes, you may love your regular zumba class, and it is great, but maybe skip it and try something different, and at different times. your body gets used to working out and regular eating. try pushing back meals by half an hour, and starting your work out earlier.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I consider it a plateau when I stay the same weight AND have not lost any inches for 2 months or more. I never stressed out because even though the scale hasn't moved I still am losing inches. alot of people focus on the scale and ignore what the tape measure says or don't even bother with it.
  • phindilee
    phindilee Posts: 64 Member
    For me a plateau is not necessary being at the same weight for weeks. It is also loosing and gaining the same 2-3 pounds over and over!
  • I've hit what I felt were plateus twice. I started at 238lbs and it happened twice. Once was when I hit 220, I'd bounce between 220 and 223 or so and then the same 3lb fluctuation happend around 210. Recently, I was stuck at 207lbs for about a month and just this week I reweighed myself and I was 204lbs. As aggrevating as it has been, I've just stuck with it and eventually I've started losing again.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I consider it a plateau when I stay the same weight AND have not lost any inches for 2 months or more. I never stressed out because even though the scale hasn't moved I still am losing inches. alot of people focus on the scale and ignore what the tape measure says or don't even bother with it.

    I agree with this, though I would say one month without weight OR inches lost. I see a lot of people on MFP claiming they have plateaued because they haven't lost weight for one week. That's called weight loss- it isn't linear and it isn't consistent. I plateaued for 2 months. After 3 or 4 weeks of losing and gaining the same 2 pounds I knew something had to give. Recently, I thought I hit another plateau but then realized I was losing inches. I believe I am gaining muscle from my strength training (pilates) but clothes are still getting looser.

    Too many people focus on the scale only. That's just half of the story, particularly if you are doing any sort of non-cardio exercise to strengthen yourself. Weigh yourself however often you like, but remember to measure yourself once a month!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    When it seems forever, For me it is if you have tried different things (giving each one at least 2 or 3 weeks to see if it works) and you are still at or bouncing at the same weight. I did for 6 months. If you are stalled I will say bring out the mesuring tape. While I didnt lose any for 6 months all my clothes got loose and I dropped close to 3 pant sizes.
  • The last 5 pounds were my plateau lol
  • I consider it a plateau when I stay the same weight AND have not lost any inches for 2 months or more. I never stressed out because even though the scale hasn't moved I still am losing inches. alot of people focus on the scale and ignore what the tape measure says or don't even bother with it.

    This ^

    In the last month I lost 2 inches off my gut and the scale did not even budge (O_o) . This is especially the case if you exercise a lot too. Scale once a month, tape measure weekly.
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    I'd had a couple of successful weight loss efforts (just need to figure out the keeping it off part..). I found I hit plateaus when my body had adjsuted itself to the calories and activity I was doing and was happy to stay there. To throw my body off, I would eat high calories a couple days in a row. I still tried to keep it healthy, but eat a lot more. On the third day I would eat less than what I should. This would confuse my body enough that I could go back to my daily calorie goal and lose again.

    It's also good to constantly change your workout. This time I am doing cardio and strength training at the gym three days a week, walking at least twice a week, and yoga once or twice a week at home.