Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Hello I am new all the way from Alaska! I was recently diagnosed with GERDs and making lifestyle changes is a must for me my health depends on it and my kids need a healthier mama! My biggest struggle has been consistency and staying motivated with physical activity. Maintaining a healthy weight too. I’ve been between 170 and 157. Since I was diagnosed and had to break up with my food habits 😅 I’ve lost a significant amount of weight and was surprised with my current weight haven’t seen that number in 5 years. So cheers to staying consistent and healthy 🙏🏽🤞🏽


  • esmall1831
    esmall1831 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello JMSbain! I just stated today with this weight loss trial. I how are you holding up? I normally don’t do well, but I have the help of my doctor this time around.
    My name is Erin, and I live in Yuma, Az! I’m 48urs old , really trying to get myself together with weight loss and being healthy. I have never really cared much about “ eating healthy” but I’m getting older and have to think of my kids. Hope we can keep in touch.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    One of the reasons I started weight loss was GERD. It was so bad, I was choking in my sleep and terrified I wouldn’t wake up. I’d upchuck at the drop of a hat, and being an older female, this meant discreetly checking for toilets the moment I entered a building, and always carrying a spare pair of undies and pants in a plastic bag 😩 in my purse.

    GERD was terrifying, humiliating, painful. It ran my life. Dictated where and when I could go, made sleep impossible.

    My doctor told me over and over and over. “Lose weight. It will relieve your symptoms”.

    Instead I took ranitidine and other GERD meds til they no longer helped at all.

    I am ashamed (and happy!!!!!) to say, my GETD completely vanished with the first ten or twenty pounds lost. It was like a switch turned off.

    It has not returned in nearly six years now, except when I occasionally grossly over eat, I’ll get some mild symptoms. I appreciate the physiological prod in the ribs to remind me Don’t Go Back!!!!.
  • JMSablan
    JMSablan Posts: 4 Member
    @springlering62 wow that was a journey I can tell it was traumatic. Praise God that you are in a much better and healthier place. I commend you for your perseverance your strength. It’s incredible 6 years wow that gives me hope that this to shall pass with changes and commitment to a better self awareness in my choices with food and physical activity I got this! You give me hope thank you!
  • JMSablan
    JMSablan Posts: 4 Member
    @esmall1831 I have been doing well so far I dropped a decent amount of weight. It’s difficult where I live to get quality food so grocery shopping is a process our stores don’t have the best fresh ingredients so I do what I can with what’s available. Some days I do have urges to cheat but I remember the pain it causes and that’s enough to keep me motivated as well as my children just seeing a happier me. I sit a lot in prayer everyday for God to continue to be my strength and remind me this is for my good . You Got this! I’m Jas I live in Alaska and I’m 35 years old mommy of 3. it is very nice to meet you!
  • Walton2206
    Walton2206 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! Yep, I’ve dropped 9lbs so far, eating much more fruit and veg and my digestion has stopped. Some nights it was so bad before I wondered if I was having a heart attack. I just need to keep going now.
  • JMSablan
    JMSablan Posts: 4 Member
    @Walton2206 Oh my gosh same here I would be in tears thinking I was having a heart attack telling my husband I am having trouble breathing and my chest was so tight it was very uncomfortable. I was in an out of the Dr office going to different specialist seeing a cardiologist getting all kinds of blood work done for years and everything came back normal. So they started thinking I was mentally ill sending me to a psychiatrist the psychiatrist said I was fine. Finally I seen a GI specialist and she scheduled me a upper scope and colonoscopy and found that Gerds was my issue for my discomfort and pain. I praised God that I finally had a answer and I wasn’t crazy just imagining this. I lost 10 lbs so far and she has me on a 8week medication to help prevent further damage and we will see after that 8weeks if she wants to look into my gull bladder if the medication hasn’t helped. I say I do feel lighter I still have mild symptoms but not as horrible I just can’t eat much anymore small portions like super small portions lol mostly veggies and no gluten no processed foods no fatty foods no take out or fried foods. It’s been a journey but I’m grateful I finally am able to know and take care of it without the unknown