Eating after 8pm

ddecarr Posts: 103 Member
edited October 3 in Food and Nutrition
Ok...there have been many who posted in this forum that it doesn't matter when you eat your calories as long as you stick to your goals. I was always of the "don't eat after 8 pm" camp. Here is a link to some new research supporting that . I know anyone can always find research supporting whatever they wish these days, but this works for me.


  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    thanks for sharing.
  • I completely agree, I cut out all eating from 6pm and I have been doing that all my life.
  • agidius
    agidius Posts: 4 Member
    on the opposite here is a summary why you don't have an inner clock that says ohh it's after 8 pm, time to get fat..

    it's a bit more informative than foxnews and backed up with some facts i know, sorry about that
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Umm...where's the actual research that eating late hinders weight loss from a biological view?

    All this says is that people who eat late at night tend to eat more calories. So just watch your calories properly, and account for them properly!
    A bowl of ice cream at night has the same calories as a bowl of ice cream in the morning, but research shows there may be other real hormonal and metabolic differences that makes those nighttime calories less waistline-friendly.

    So the research shows there MAY be other stuff....hardly reliable :P

    Acg, imagine what your waist would be like if you didn't have that ice cream!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    No matter what the studies show, I know from my own past experience, that if I eat more than a small piece of fruit after dinner, I will gain or not lose the next morning. It may all be coincidence, but it's happened enough times to keep me from eating after dinner if I want to lose weight. I actually like the feeling of going to bed just a tad hungry. I don't really like to eat much in the morning either. I like either a larger lunch or dinner (but obviously, not both).
  • luvinlaurakate
    luvinlaurakate Posts: 145 Member
    I was always under the impression that it was more that you didn't have time to work those calories off before bed when you ate too late. Hmm...
  • ddecarr
    ddecarr Posts: 103 Member
    Well the Fox News haters (flat earthers, I think) will never even consider any other possibility, but if you actually read the words it does say

    "research in animals and humans shows that circadian rhythms of eating and sleep are ordinarily synchronized so we do not eat nocturnally. Night eating causes a disruption in hormones that regulate appetite and hunger and make the body more likely to store calories as fat."

    I know some people are so blinded by their hatred of anything Fox they can't differentiate anything. As i said in my original post,

    "Anyone can produce research showing whatever viewpoint they want to take sides on"
    My background is a science and fact based one, and I look at ALL research and take it as a whole body of knowledge giving the appropriate weight to the various conclusions and forming my own opinion.
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I still don't have a problem grabbing a snack an hour or 2 before bed if I need it. I am still losing weight at the rate I want to by watching my calories. As proof, my measurements are getting smaller. I am still under the belief that it is about calories and counting them. I'm not a Fox hater or lover. I'm not really a media lover for any matter since sometimes they can tell stories that can persuade any viewer one way or the other. There is always a study and one day someone says it is good, and the next day another person says it is bad. I honestly think common sense is the only way to weight loss, otherwise you will get lost in everyones opinions or become too opinionated on a specific belief.

    Edit: If or when my body stops losing weight, I will reconsider all current processes and redesign a better way to reach that goal, probably more exercise and more resistance.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    LMAO ... +10000000
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    1. This isn't a study.
    2. The blogger on the site claims to point out a study that shows that more people who eat late at night gain more weight but fails to provide any resources or links proving this.
    3. It's not the fact that eating late at night causes weight gain, it's the fact that people binge at night, dont track their calories and end up going over their TDEE.

    Energy in versus Energy out. Meal timing is irrelevant.

    Do you think a group of cavemen sat around a fire at night and said to each other "Damn it's too late to eat now because we'll gain weight...we have to eat earlier than 8pm!"??
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    It also contradicts itself . . .

    What to do
    An ideal diet distributes calories so you eat most before dinner. Once you’re done with dinner, try not to eat until bed to see if it helps you lose weight. ---If you’re extremely hungry, plan a light nighttime snack of up to 200 calories, but make it something that contributes positive nutrients, like half of a sandwich, a piece of fruit, or whole grain crackers and a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    What research? You linked to an article, a FOX one at that, that doesn't provide any studies to back up its claims.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member

    1. This isn't a study.
    2. The blogger on the site claims to point out a study that shows that more people who eat late at night gain more weight but fails to provide any resources or links proving this.
    3. It's not the fact that eating late at night causes weight gain, it's the fact that people binge at night, dont track their calories and end up going over their TDEE.

    Energy in versus Energy out. Meal timing is irrelevant.

    Do you think a group of cavemen sat around a fire at night and said to each other "Damn it's too late to eat now because we'll gain weight...we have to eat earlier than 8pm!"??

    Actually they might have said something like this...."Hey Brak whats in the rock cooler for snacks?" "nothing Crag!, you ate the last of the Naked baby mammoth ribs" Well what are we supposed to eat, Brak? I dont know what time is it? Like 10pm. Crag, Should we really eat this late? I dont think thats the right question Brak. The real question is should we be hunting in the dark while the Veloceraptors are out and about?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    The last sentence doesn't even have anything backing it up.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Useless FOX news article with no links to said "studies" to back it up.

    I always have my last snack around 9 PM, and consistently lost weight.
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