I'll Introduce Myself (finally)

I've been lurking around the message boards here for some time now (ever since I downloaded the Android app and found the site here) and wanted to finally introduce myself.

I'm a 33 year old male, 6'0" starting weight 180 with a tentative goal weight of 170 but what I really want is to be able to see my abs again (last seen at age 20 or so). I have a desk job so I have a very sedentary lifestyle (for most of the day). Once I get home, playing with my 4 and 2 year old boys gets my heart rate up if I have the desire to go the rounds with them. But for the most part I've been quite out of shape for quite a few years now. I had a gym membership in college, but I graduated about 5 years ago and the intermittent jogging, mountainbking, elliptical (have one at my house) and tendency to overeat hasn't kept this machine in very good shape. I've felt for some time now that I needed to change but always put it off.

This all changed about a month ago. A group of friends suggested doing the Insanity program. We'd meet at 5 am and do the videos together. Sounded good to me - I had no idea what the program was, but I knew I needed something to jumpstart my physical reformation. August 22nd was the first day of my committment to finish the Insanity program. I am now on day 5 of week 5. That's five workouts past recovery week. HOLY COW. This second half is where the name comes from, that's for sure. The fact that it's a struggle lets me know that the program is and will continue to do good stuff for me. I have not missed a day yet and on the one or two days where we have not been able to meet (do to circumstances beyond my control) I have worked out on my own.

At this point I have only lost a 2 or 3 pounds. But I have lost about an inch off my waist. I feel great, my legs look great and my core feels tighter and stronger. My BMR is 2,200 calories and while I have no idea how many I burn during my workouts, I eat about 2,000 to 2,100 a day. I've cut sweets and refined flour out of my diet and eat whole grains and lots of fiber and lean protein. I know about the "phases" of weight loss, so I'm trying not to get discouraged over not seeing big strides at this point but I'm committed to this for the long haul.

I don't know who will care enough to read all this, but feedback is welcome. Anyhow, it feels good to write this down.



  • cheri868
    Congratulations and keep it up
  • windowhotel
    Wow that sounds pretty intense!
    You seem like you're doing great & good luck!
    We have similar lives it seems, I am just a bit older. Add me if you need friends. I have a 5 year old son, he keeps me going even when my body says no. :)
  • SkinnyMamaG
    Whether they reply or not, just know that your story has encouraged someone! Good luck!
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    Best of luck - if you need support - feel free to friend me. But I know you can do it and i'm glad you wrote it all down and got it out there - it's worth it! X)
  • LadyG33
    Best of luck! Sounds like you have a plan and are driven, so that is what counts!
  • Chef2B
    Good for you!! That's awesome!!! It feels really good to get into working out and then seeing an actual change. I've gone back and forth with my endeavors, but I'm back on again. I'm not pressing myself of how fast I want to lose the weight, I just want to make sure I keep up with the healthier lifestyle. I feel that's more important than losing weight fast. I'm seeing small changes in myself, and even though the number on the scale hasn't changed too much, I feel a difference on the way my clothes fit, and that's enough.
    I tried Insanity, it was tough. My sister has done one full run of it and she enjoyed it. At some point I would love to complete one full program of it, but for now, I'm content with my workout plan I'm doing now.

    Good luck in your journey!!!!
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    I think having a group of people on here as friends is crucial. We don't judge each other, but support, encourage and offer advice. I have a lot more weight to lose than you, but have had tremendous success on this site in the past 3 weeks since I've joined- I attribute it to the amazing people for the most part and to myself for working hard. I would recommend you invest in a heart rate monitor (there are so many options) to help you track the calories you burn, log your food- try eating as close to what your goal is, drink your water, and you will succeed. Good luck.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks for the support and feedback, people. Weekends are always tough because I'm around the house with complete access to food. Plus my pregnant wife is supportive but craves stuff that I try to stay away from which tests my willpower constantly.