Anyone have suggestions on how to log rebounder or mini trampoline exercise?

I just bought one for at home and I have been doing it twice a day for 10 minutes each. It's a great cardio workout. I highly recommend it. Not too expensive to purchase and fits easily in my home. Sometimes I take it outside on my patio and enjoy the fresh air while jumping.

I just have no idea how to track it. I kind of consider it as "bonus", but I would like to have some accuracy in my tracking.


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,856 Member
    I don't think 20 minutes will really burn a lot of calories. Maybe, if you do it every day use it indeed as a bonus and a small boost to your daily activity level.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    I would go with 'aerobics, low impact'?
  • fknb5b7bf9
    fknb5b7bf9 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 24
    To calculate rebounder calories burned, I use this site: and search on rebounder.

    They have an equation based on body weight and minutes. An advanced version also includes intensity (low, medium, high).

    At the bottom of a bounce, you generate g-force. The more you weigh, the higher the g-force and the more energy used. This site may surprise you what a 10 minute low intensity rebounding session can burn.