How fast is too fast ? Also a "big boned" question

I have been working on losing weight for 11 weeks (on Sunday) and I have lost 30lbs. I am doing great but I am really worried I am losing too fast and that all the weight will just creep back up on me once I slow down.

I try to stay within my calories and I normally dont eat back my exercise points because lately I haven't been able to exercise everyday. Also my eating habits are very poor :( I am trying to change them and I know it will take time.

So do you feel that 30lbs in 11 weeks is too much too fast ?

I started out at 210lbs and I am now 180lbs. I am 5'2"

Also since I have started I have lost NO inches on my wrist and ankle is that normal ? I feel like my ankles are huge does your ankle or wrist measurement signal whether or not your big-boned ? My wrist is 6" and my ankle is 10" ... my neck is only 13" lol my ankle is HUGE


  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I lost 35 lbs in 8 weeks. No, I don't think that is too fast.

    As far as big boned, that is a tough call. How tall are you?
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    we have very similar measurements, except my ankles are about 8" around. i'm wondering if you're carrying any fluid around your ankles... do your feet swell? do you spend a lot of time in heels are on your feet during the day? are you diabetic or have lymphatic issues?

    not sure? try this - one night try sleeping at least 8 hours with your feet propped up (higher than your heart is the general guideline) and see if there is any reduction at all in your ankle measurement.
  • Runnermadre
    Runnermadre Posts: 267 Member
    Considering your height and your starting weight, you're probably ok as far as how much you've lost so far. I would definitely recommend eating back your exercise calories though. MFP sets your calories so that if you do no exercise, you will lose. If you don't eat back your exercise calories you're making a bigger deficit. It might be ok for now, but eventually it will probably catch up with you. I have lost about 30 pounds, and I ate back all my exercise calories! :-) If you're worried about not knowing exactly how much you're burning, try eating back half of your exercise cals. You'll probaby feel better too because you'll be giving your body the energy it needs to repair itself. :-)
  • TopazCarey
    I don't think it's too fast. I've been on mfp for about 12 weeks now and I've lost 37. And oddly enough, this seems so slow to me. Lol. Somehow we all want instantaneous results. Lol.
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    Well figure 2/ 2.5 lbs per week is ok times 11 (thats about right) 27.5 lbs (on the high end) and the first 10 probably dropped right off due to the change in eating habits. You are right on track as far as I can tell without looking at your food diary.
  • jaxdiablo
    The "standard" recommendation is about 2 lbs a week. Right now you're at 2.72 per week, you're not that far out of the norm. Now if you were let's say, 10 pounds a week and you'd dropped 100+ in 11 weeks, that might be something to concern yourself with. At this point you're a little ahead of schedule so what you may want to look to instead of the retuning weight is a bit of a slow down or plateau.

    As for the big boned thing I've never actually seen anything about an actual "big boned" individual. There may be some water retention in the ankles. Again, I'm not medical doctor (or any other kind, nor did I stay at a holiday inn express last night), so if you're concerned about that and are losing inches in other areas, but not there, you might just ask a doctor. Also, it might not be a bad idea to check in with them soon as well to see what they think of your general health condition after a good amount of weight loss.

    Regardless of all the above, that's a great job to lose that much weight and stick with it. So congratulations!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm a shorty also, 5'3" and I am large boned. Look online there are calculaters that have you put all your info in, and it will tell you. But you measure your wrist and your elbo to determine bone stucture. Good luck
  • Esme35
    First of all I would like to say well done for losing the 30lbs, that is brilliant keep it up!! That is just under 3lbs a week so not too bad for rapid weight loss IMO. I am aiming to lose 2lbs a week so I think 3lbs is OK. I would probably be able to lose 3lbs a week if I would lay off the wine!!! You say your eating habits are not very good so just make sure you are getting a balanced diet. I worry that I don't get enough calcium when I diet.

    I am 5ft and my wrists are 6" so you're wrists are not that big. My mum is the same height as me but her wrists are smaller than mine but she is really petite. Do you think you are carrying extra weight on your wrists? My ankles are 9" but I tend to gain most weight on my torso. Have you measured your upper arms? I have lost an inch off my upper arms since dieting and 1.5" off my waist.

    Keep up the good work!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    we have very similar measurements, except my ankles are about 8" around. i'm wondering if you're carrying any fluid around your ankles... do your feet swell? do you spend a lot of time in heels are on your feet during the day? are you diabetic or have lymphatic issues?

    not sure? try this - one night try sleeping at least 8 hours with your feet propped up (higher than your heart is the general guideline) and see if there is any reduction at all in your ankle measurement.

    Good point here!

    To OP: Looking at your diary, it is possible that you are getting too much sodium and not enough potassium. This will cause edema. Are your feet swollen and puffy? This might explain why you aren't losing inches. Sodium and potassium cancel each other out. I learned this right around 30 lbs lost so that could be your problem.
  • nikki91950


    i'm just under 5'1'' and i also have 6'' wrists and i think 10 or 11'' ankles, but i also have cankles… so don't worry if you don't :p
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I've posted this before, but I'll put it up again. I just put in a snippet and the URL if you want to see the whole thing.

    Post from one of my favorite blogs

    Fallacy #1. There is no scientific proof that 2lbs per week of weight loss is a safe or realistic goal that all adults humans can or should expect to achieve. This is a claim based on FTC advertising standards. You only hear this number because marketers aren’t allowed to say any more by law. If they could the number would likely be 10lbs per week. That doesn’t make it any more or less correct, because neither number is based on scientific evidence.

    If you are happy with your eating and exercise program and it feels sustainable the weight loss is probably fine. The more you have to lose the more you can lose safely in a week because you can create a bigger deficit while still getting required nutrients.

    On the big boned question - it's hard to tell until you get down closer to goal weight. I still believe I'm big boned but not has much as I use to. I'm aiming for the middle of BMI for my height, but I think that will put me on the low side for BF% (18%).
  • mrsmccullen07
    Thanks everyone ! I have never lost weight before so want to be sure I am doing it safely :)

    I do not ever wear heels and I am on my feet alot. I never get over 6 hours of sleep a night and that sleep is broken up since I am up with both boys during the night.

    I dont think I have any swelling. I am going to try and get in the doctor soon maybe they can help me figure it out.
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    I've posted this before, but I'll put it up again. I just put in a snippet and the URL if you want to see the whole thing.

    Post from one of my favorite blogs

    Fallacy #1. There is no scientific proof that 2lbs per week of weight loss is a safe or realistic goal that all adults humans can or should expect to achieve. This is a claim based on FTC advertising standards. You only hear this number because marketers aren’t allowed to say any more by law. If they could the number would likely be 10lbs per week. That doesn’t make it any more or less correct, because neither number is based on scientific evidence.

    If you are happy with your eating and exercise program and it feels sustainable the weight loss is probably fine. The more you have to lose the more you can lose safely in a week because you can create a bigger deficit while still getting required nutrients.

    On the big boned question - it's hard to tell until you get down closer to goal weight. I still believe I'm big boned but not has much as I use to. I'm aiming for the middle of BMI for my height, but I think that will put me on the low side for BF% (18%).

    Thanks for that opinion and info link, I will be sure to check this out.....Just to establish my reasoning on the 2 lbs per week issue....I firmly believe anything more than that would be unsafe. Not everyone can experience this OR expect it. We all have goals that we set and sometimes they get met and sometimes they don't. What the media does or whatever products they try to sell us, making claims of rapid wieght loss MORE then 2 lbs a week is unsafe and unrealistic.