Just getting started

Hi! I've been doing Fitness Pal for 3 weeks and have not noticed any diffferance in my weight. I've biked 4 miles a day and did daily water aerobics. Is this normal? Still watching my calories, but could use some encouragement.

Best Answer

  • DillonPackard
    DillonPackard Posts: 2 Member
    Answer ✓
    Don’t stress it. Things aren’t going to happen right away. Your body is going to start acclimating to the adjustments you’ve made. Assuming this wasn’t a daily routine of yours prior, you’re essentially putting your body in somewhat of a shocked state. It’s not sure what’s going on. The bottom line, in my opinion (I’m not a professional just a regular dude), calories consumed make a huge part of weight loss. So I suggest you keep doing what you’re doing. Stick with your goals and plans and your body will realize that it can start pulling the body fat for energy rather than holding it. There’s quite a few people on YouTube that can really explain how macros work and guide you through how to adjust your caloric intake to what fits you. Don’t lose the motivation and stick with it. Eventually you’ll see that weight will start coming off. Also, keep in mind there is not a healthy way to just drop weight immediately. If there was, it would be well known by now and no one would have an excuse that they couldn’t do it. It’s a gradual process. Keep it up! 🫡


  • DillonPackard
    DillonPackard Posts: 2 Member
    Also just noticed you said you were doing daily exercises too. That’s fine but switch it up rather than doing the same stuff and make sure you’re giving your body rest. That could be skipping a day or just doing a mile compared to the 4. Exercise is damaging to the muscles and rest is where it’s repairing itself. Again- not a professional just a normal dude.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    If you’ve just begun exercise, and are experiencing any muscle soreness, your body will retain water to aid in healing. The sorer you are, the more water you’ll retain til the soreness passes off.

    You’ve probably also made changes to your diet. This may cause tummy issues, epecially “backups”
    or additional water weight til you get used to the changes. Something you’ve substituted may be saltier than usual and causing water retention.

    For me, one of the first things I did was substitute a particular protein bar for sweets. Instant stomach discomfort and bloating til I realized what was happening.

    Be patient and give things a chance to settle down.

    You’re so new at this I wouldn’t bother about “switching up your exercise”, but I do agree with rest days. The key thing right now is to simply start moving.

    If you don’t have one, invest in a fitness tracker. Think of it as an investment in future you and future health. Syncing a tracker to MFP taught me the “cost” of food versus the “return” of exercise. It was my lightbulb moment that it took almost an hour of walking to burn off two or three Oreos. Understanding that was when I got traction.

    Please please be patient. Weight loss will rock your world. It rocked mine. Yall look like an older couple like us. My husband has joined me on MFP and began exercising. Life changing! I started at 56. Don’t let anyone pooh’pooh you about when you start changing your life. That’s in their head.

    If you don’t beleive the stuff people are gonna spout at you, it won’t affect you.
  • schepersnd
    schepersnd Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the encouragment. I have snuck a snack once or twice, but gave myself a talkin' to. I am determined to stay with it. A friend told me it took 6 to 8 weeks to start noticing a differance.