Do you link your garmin to MFP

Simon2666 Posts: 2 Member
edited August 30 in Getting Started
Hi guys. Back on the fitness training but this time the app Is changed. So I've linked my garmin watch. Today I went for a 2.5 mile run and did 13,715 steps its added 1200 cal onto my daily allowance for both steps and run. Doesn't feel like I've worked that many calories as the run was only 300 odd.

Do you guys have yours linked too and does it seem right as 1200 extra cal per day seems alot.


  • Simon2666
    Simon2666 Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 30
    A pic of my stats
  • johnhanken
    johnhanken Posts: 1 Member
    If I do an exercise, (run, bike, weights), MFP will add the additional calories for that event to my budget, but will also make adjustments for general activity. The 1200 does sound weird, but give it a little time, sometimes it needs to update and weird things get fixed.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    Keep in mind that the calorie adjustment is comparing the totality of calories your Garmin saw you as burning to the number of calories MFP expected you to burn based on all of your profile entries, perhaps most importantly your activity level setting. It's not just adding calories from intentional exercise.

    For example, if a person set their activity level to sedentary, but they have a very active job and do a lot of active chores at home, they'd likely be burning more calories than MFP expected, so they'd get a calorie adjustment from that even before doing any intentional exercise.

    1200 is a big adjustment, but a 2.5 mile run and nearly 14k steps is a lot in itself. (You haven't given us any hint about your current height, weight or age, so it's hard to guess how many. But 14k steps would be more than MFP typically would consider to be the "active" profile setting.)