sugar intake too high.

So I've been noticing that my sugar and fiber intake is always well above what it should be. I'm not snacking on bad sweets but I do eat A LOT of fruit throughout the day. Does anyone have the same problem? Or have any advice on how to keep this a bit more under control?


  • i have this same problem - the fruit is what over does it for me. Not sure how to fix that though.
  • I am finding the same problem - I don't snack on sweets but my sugar is high from fruit, skim milk, yogurt, and other nutrious foods. Would love to hear info on this as well.
  • I don't think eating too much sugar through fruit is bad. My PT did tell me that your five a day should be 2 fruit and 3 veg though
  • Been doing lots of research. Apparently sugar is sugar. So we either have to eat more veggies and less fruit, or exercise more to use it before our body stores it.
  • Maybe its just a matter of trying to monitor it closer and choosing some veggie snacks to replace the fruit sometimes.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am the same too. I don't eat much sugar in general, but I eat a lot of fruit, which always puts me over.