What are your stats?

hopetobeinshape Posts: 272
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I am looking for others with the same stats as me or who started out with the same stats. I would like to know what they are doing to get in shape/lose weight and how fast the weight is coming off.

My stats are 5'6, 164lbs, size 11 jeans


  • I am looking for others with the same stats as me or who started out with the same stats. I would like to know what they are doing to get in shape/lose weight and how fast the weight is coming off.

    My stats are 5'6, 164lbs, size 11 jeans
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Remember that we are not all built the same. My best friend and I are both 5'9". I'm 161 lbs, her 160 lbs. I wear a size 11 long leans and she wears a 9.

    You have to look at the composition including % of fat.

    I know...it sux :grumble:
  • aprildan
    aprildan Posts: 9

    I am a little older than you but I am also 5'6", was 155, size8/10 jeans. I do cardio at least 3 times a week and keep my calories between 1200 and 1400. It took about one month for my body to catch up and the weight to start to really drop off.

    I am now 137.

    Take Care,
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 5'2" 220 lbs size 20 (They're starting to be loose. I started off at 237)
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    I'm a little shorter, at 5'4"... but I started at 165, size 11/12 (That was early January)

    Now I'm 146 and fitting into some of my 10's

    Hoping to get into some 8's when I'm all done!
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    I'm an inch taller, and fluctuated between size 9 and size 11.

    I exercised 30 minutes a day every day power walking, getting about 2 miles - 2.5 miles, burning about 200 calories (on a moderate hill, 2.0 slope on the treadmill).

    I ate 1800 calories a day, and stayed at 1800 calories. I think this helped me to not gain the weight back, because I didn't have a losing-weight-phase. I just got used to eating the number of calories I should have been eating. The study determined I was originally eating 2400 calories a day.

    I went from 146 pounds to 124 pounds over a year. I did this with a university research study, so I had tons of encouragement and advice and the data was very exact - I had to measure absolutely everything, which I think was the biggest help. They determined that 122-124 was my ideal weight for longevity, about 19 BMI.

    My first month they provided meals, so maybe pre-made meals like Weight Watchers would help to start. The first month was a ton of skim milk and fat-free yogurt.

    Also, I'm a vegetarian, so it was easy to avoid the greasy meat that adds on so many calories. Meat replacement food like Boca Chicken burgers and seitan have so little calories, compared to their counterparts. I never deprived myself of the sweets I liked so much, I just planned for them. Also, I found less calorie-dense sweets, like chocolate merengue cookies from Trader Joe's. I ate four meals a day of 450 calories each, because my work schedule was strange.

    I really believe you've got to really measure your calories accurately in order to lose weight.

    Best of luck!
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    Here's what I would do:
    To determine the weight you want to be, choose your BMI and found out your ideal weight using a calculator:


    Then, determine the number of calories you should eat to maintain that weight. (Use MFP Settings - Update Fitness Profile - put in your ideal weight and how much you exercise and choose your goal as "maintain my weight.")


    Either eat that amount of calories, to go the slow road, or eat 100-300 less for the fast road.

    Remember, people tend to over estimate the calories they burn and underestimate the calories they eat - to correct for this error, don't eat your exercise calories. Think of them as money in the bank!
  • ilp1970
    ilp1970 Posts: 2

    I'm 5' 10", 157 pounds, lost 17 pounds since February (and have 20 more to go)

    Done this with:

    1. Diet 1200 calories, ~50% protein, 20% carbs, 30% fat. Eat 5 meals, including 2 protein shakes, lots of fish/chicken, veggies and berries.

    2. 6 days a week exercise: 3 cardio intervals, 3 weights & circuits - 45 -50 mins each.

    Can recommend 2 excellent sources on fat loss below. These are great for overall factbase (and recent research) on exercise, nutrition, supplements etc.

  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I'm 5ft 5", size 18, weigh 207lbs:drinker: , I used to be size 24, weighing 248lbs (6 months ago):grumble:
    Ideally I want to get down to a size 12-14 130-140lbs :love:
  • Bexey
    Bexey Posts: 2
    I was the same weight as you when I started excersing last september although I'm 5'8 ( I hadn't discovered this brill site back then so wasn't dieting). I'm 157pounds now & the last time I took my stats I was 36" bust, 33" waist and 40" hips. I want to get down to 147 which will be a bit on the skinny side but it's for my wedding which is in 2010 & the dress I want is super slinky so doesn't allow for wobbly bits! I just can't seem to get under 154. Talked to my friend last night who's going to be graduating soon as a Personal Trainer & she said I need to drink 1.5litres of water a day (I have, but it's been through cups of tea which is a no, no)& really up the anti with the exercise. She's suggested warm up then jog for 2mins, walk for 1 & repeat for 10 mins. I swim twice a week and I do a dance vid but am definitly going to start doing this as I really want to get past 154. I'll let you know how i get on in a couple of weeks. In the meantime good luck!
  • freed
    freed Posts: 6 Member
    Great idea about banking the calories earned from exercise. I'll try that this week.
  • 5'8, 155lbs, hips 38.5, bust 36, waist 30. Depends on the brand for sizes - usually an 8, sometimes a 10
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    i'm 5'3 115lbs, size 2, I'm here for tracking my calories, I'm a zig zag girl, for example, here's my three categories for my caloric intake

    for extreme fat loss, fat loss, and to maintain

    monday 1166 1555 1943
    tuesday 933 1244 1555
    wed 1399 1866 2332
    thursday 1166 1555 1943
    friday 1050 1399 1749
    sat 1283 1710 2137
    sun 1166 1555 1943

    I only follow the extreme category when I have competitions coming up and need to lean even more.
    This calorie cycling is the same amount of calories per week, but it tricks your body by constantly changing daily intake, this helps..in my experience, which I have 18 years of fit comps behind me, to prevent plateaus, never been in one. I also exercise 6 days a week, for 3-4 hours, and one day at 1 hour, that's my rest day =D. I've decided recenly to avoid any protein drinks, by way of trainer and dietician suggestion and to have chocolate milk, and rice cheks as my after workout boost, but my diet is usually high in protein anyway. Different tricks work for differen people.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Great idea about banking the calories earned from exercise. I'll try that this week.

    I agree, that's what I've been doing, I have about 10 lbs I want to lose and not eating the exercise calories works for me!! :drinker:
  • Remember that we are not all built the same. My best friend and I are both 5'9". I'm 161 lbs, her 160 lbs. I wear a size 11 long leans and she wears a 9.

    You have to look at the composition including % of fat.

    I know...it sux :grumble:

    This is a really important thing to remember! I am also 5'9, same height as my mom. Right now I am 180lbs and a size 8/10 long while she is the same weight and a solid 12 long. Even when she was in the 140s she never got below a size 10 while at 150 I was in a size 4.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    I'm the same size as you!

    I'm going to the gym 6 days a week (most weeks) spend 30 mins doing cardio and about 30 mins doing toning exercises. I alternate days but even when doing toning I do at least 20 mins of cardio. I always eat my exercise calories...I drink LOADS of water...

    I also do yoga at home. It is working, but not as fast as I'd like. I've lost over half a stone since January though and my Bupa Medical nurse told me losing weight how am means I'll keep it off, which I like!

    Good luck! :smile:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I started here in Jan 08
    I am 5'7+ and was 157 my first weigh in
    By May I was down to about 129ish
    I started a size 10 and am now a 4/6
    I gained some weight over the Holidays but am trying to stay around the 130-131 range
    Initially I lost the weight ONLY by watching what I eat...no official exc/gym but I am a SAHM to a 4/5yr old
    Over the past 6-8 mnths I started walking, yoga and recently bought J/M 30 day shred...

    Good luck!!!
    P.S I have some pics in my profile...only one before pic at x/mas (on my stomach)
    I always tried to take pics this way, so u could only see my face..as little of me as necessary

  • Thanks for all advice and info! It really does help to see a range of what people are doing and losing that are near my size. I realize that everyone is different but it still helps me to get an idea of what to expect and it is a great motivator coming from everyone that is successful! :flowerforyou:
  • paula123
    paula123 Posts: 91
    I am 5'5, 135 lbs and about a size 7 right now sometimes an 8 depends on the brand
  • I am 5 feet. maybe a little under haha. 130 pounds and a size 4-6.
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