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Screw this!



  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    2 weeks really isnt that long. Now if it was 2 months id say change it up. It could be a list of factors such as water weight being held.
  • asiathog
    asiathog Posts: 1 Member
    I feel ya trekkiebeth. I felt so sad last night that I ate a handful of chocolate covered popcorn. Ok, it was more like four handfuls...
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    I SO understand your frustration, our body doesn't always do what we are told it is suppose to do.

    In addition to the comments already made: Take a look at the amount of salt you are taking in; Where are you in your cycle, a lot of women gain weight; and, remember a few extra pounds on a well exercised body is healthier than a few less pounds on an unexercised one.
  • Fit4Penny
    Fit4Penny Posts: 75 Member
    I looked at your diary and you haven't logged much in the past week....are you sure you are eating enough or are you eating too much?
  • I'll go with fluid retention too. Apparently newly worked muscles will retain fluid in the repair process. Just keep at it and it will start to work. Sometimes it takes my weight a month to start moving, even with eating right and crazy amounts of cardio. But then it will drop all of a sudden...go figure. Don't get discouraged.

    By the way..."watching what you eat" is not the same as "limiting" what you eat. I can easily watch a whole pizza go down my piehole.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    First thoughts are to eat more.

    One day logged in the past week, one day logged in the week before and both days you were under 1200 and did exercise on top of that, giving ~900 calories for each day. Water drinking? not logged. Fluid retention? Very likely, especially if you're not drinking to flush the crap out.

    Either be more diligent with logging, so you can really get a proper picture of what you're doing/not doing, or continue to wing it and be frustrated.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Maybe you need to try a low carb diet? Different things work for different people. I went 2 weeks on a prescribed liquid diet...5 cups 2% milk, 5 packets sugar free carnation and 1 scoop of protein powder a day...only lost 10 pounds...and this was when I was over 200lbs. But it was over 100 grams of carbs a day. If I keep my carbs under 35 or so a day, I lose weight like crazy! Just a thought.
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    when you start working out your muscles go, like "whoa" and they retain water. what you are gaining is just water weight. when your muscles figure out that this will be a normal routine and the ought to get used to it, they will release the water and you will start to drop pounds.

    don't give up now. your so close to seeing the benefits of your hard work!
  • New workout plan, creates muscle stress and tears - the muscles draw water into the tissues to repair and heal. stress and tears. Normal, and very good.

    Last month I lost one pound, BUT lost two inches on waist and one on hips.

    So take measurements - scales are VERY inaccurate as your only gage.
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    well, from the 2 days that i saw posted in your food diary, it looks like you might need to eat a bit more. weird as it sounds, it can help. i just changed my food settings this week, and it upped my calories. you are maybe burning more then you think, and then your body is storing more of the calories you are eating. mabye try going over your calorie goal by like 50-100 calories for a few days. maybe that would help.

    don't give up, you can do it! it takes time.

    other tips:
    -get your 8's-
    ~at LEAST 8 glasses of water
    ~get 8 hours of sleep
  • You've gotten great feedback. Listen to them!

    Whatever you do, you can't quit.
    That is, unless you were never serious in the first place.

    Good luck. You CAN do this!
  • Its not muscle... its fluid retention.

    Do not quit exercising just because the scale goes up. Take your measurements chances are you are losing inches. Eventually your body will adjust and things will fall into place.

    I agree I always retain fluid when I exercise vigorously

    I agree too!

    Don't worry about the stupid scales! :smile: Just keep up the good work and you'll see some weight loss after a few more weeks.
  • The worst thing you could do is give up. Look over what you've been doing and try another approach. If plan "A" doesn't work you have plans "B-Z" left. I willing to bet you that it wont take 25 more trys till you see results! Good Luck!
  • Unfortunately I have to weigh myself every week because I just started participating in a weight loss competition, which is now going to be extremely embarrassing with all the weight I'm gaining.

    I do watch my sodium and I buy mostly organic food.

    You can pretty much ignore my food journal because I mostly use it as a guide since I eat basically the same thing every day. I can't afford much variety, so I just try to make what I buy as healthy as possible.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Do you add your exercise calories back in? I agree with those saying you are not eating enough and should log in more. It helps me to enter foods before I eat them. If they take too many calories, I find something else. My guess is you are starving your body and it is hanging on to every calorie for survivial. Can't do that!
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I feel your pain!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Well you only logged one day this week and you were under 1200 calories that day. Start logging everything then people can help you better.


    if you're not logging in consistently, you're not tracking your calorie intake as well as you think you are. Believe me, I know!
    1- log in everything that you eat down to a tic tac
    2- eat ALL your allotted calories, even the ones you've earned through exercise
    3- patience! give yourself time!
    4- you seem like you don't have a lot to loose - trust me, those last 10 pounds are a bugger
    5- do not weigh yourself all the time, your weight fluctuates daily, even hourly. pick one day a week at a specific time and stick to that
    6-don't just rely on the scale, you could have lost inches! how do you feel? healthier?!
    7-it takes time and patience. you've made a great decision to join MFP and make changes in your life! hang in there and you will see results!
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Are you verifying your portions by measuring/counting them out?
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    Give your body a chance!!! When I started working out, it took a month before I noticed anything. I was waking up muscles that had been asleep for quite some time!! My rule of thumb is this: if I can feel my muscles from soreness I don't go NEAR a scale because I know they're holding on to lots of water for repair. You'll have a whoosh soon if you keep up your hard work.
  • My biggest frustration is that for a while I wasn't watching what I ate or exercising consistently, and I was pretty much maintaining my weight. Now that I've started doing those things, I've gained 2.5 pounds in just a couple of weeks.