When will it be enough???

When I first started I set my goal at something I thought I would be satisfied with when I got there. I had been trying to lose weight for a long time and really didn't think I would ever reach it. Well 3 pounds before I got there I decided to try for another 5 pounds. Now I am again 3 pounds before my goal and I am trying to decide whether I should try for another 5 pounds. The problem is when will it be enough. I don't want to keep going 5 more pounds forever.

I am 5'4" I am in between small/medium build w/ hypothyroidism my original goal was 135 then 130 now I am contemplating 125. I just want to be healthy and not have to worry about my weight anymore.



  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    When I first started I set my goal at something I thought I would be satisfied with when I got there. I had been trying to lose weight for a long time and really didn't think I would ever reach it. Well 3 pounds before I got there I decided to try for another 5 pounds. Now I am again 3 pounds before my goal and I am trying to decide whether I should try for another 5 pounds. The problem is when will it be enough. I don't want to keep going 5 more pounds forever.

    I am 5'4" I am in between small/medium build w/ hypothyroidism my original goal was 135 then 130 now I am contemplating 125. I just want to be healthy and not have to worry about my weight anymore.

  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    What's your BMI/waist:hip ratio?If in mid healthy range-you're on maintenance baby!:bigsmile:
  • verifire
    verifire Posts: 44
    i am the same height, and i have had to listen to my body to figure out the right weight for me. if i stay on course with a healthy diet (not restricted, just leaving out the sweets), my body stays just around 127. i have found that when i force myself to go lower than that, i end up binging, or having to obsess about food, and the weight is not maintainable. i have found that it is really not worth having a number as a goal; instead, you should have the goal of a healthy equilibrium. a healthy point for you is one that does not require constant dieting. you should be able to eat healthily and heartily and maintain the body weight that is most beneficial for you. eat to live, don't live to (not) eat -- i have made that mistake, and it's not worth it!

    sorry if this is vague. i hope it helps!
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    My BMI is 22.8 and my ratio is .81 so I am still moderate risk but I have a short torso and after three kids it takes a while for things to shrink (if at all :wink: )
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    Thank you!!
  • sparrowlittle
    When your BMI is 20 I think it is definitely time to stop. A friend got to that point once and needed some operations (not weight or food related) but the doctors were rather worried and classed her as having a 'weight problem' although she didn't look unhealthy or 'anorexic'. A healthy BMI is between 20 and 25. I think the problem is though that the success of losing weight and seeing results can get addictive or compulsive. The real goal is learning how to maintain a healthy weight range without obsessing over calories, exercise and good or bad foods (imho).
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    My opinion - just my opinion :happy: - is that you should stick with your current goal and when you reach it just stay there for a while - work on maintenance and toning. I hear you on the "when is enough enough" If you think at all you may be developing an issue and struggle with wanting to keep losing weight then nip it in the bud now. Let yourself and your body get used to being at that weight for awhile and work on toning and other goals. Then in 2 - 4 months or so, take another look at it and see if you are happy where you are at, are able to maintain it, comfortable, etc. and decide where to go from there. Some people here when they have gone to maintenance calories and worked on toning have continued to lose a little naturally - but all have toned up and seem to be pretty happy with their success after they "try it on" for awhile!! Congratulations on your success :drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i ditto espec mtgirl and verifire, tho you all made good points. when i was a regular person (after kid #1), i lost the pg weight w/o TOO much difficulty and then easily maintained. it wasn't an obsession. baby #2 changed all that--b/c i gained too much weight and lifestyle changed. so here i am w/baby 2 turning 5 and baby three is 2 y.o.--and have this last 14ish pounds to lose. i'm about your same size (5 4.5") and my "normal" back 6 years ago was 125ish. Now that I'm 37 and i don't want to set myself up for failure--i'm going to 130. and like mtgirl said--hang out there a bit. if i get lower, fine. but lower than 125 would be back to my wedding day, and that's just not my body anymore.
    whew...my point is that you have accomplished so much and it makes sense to see how you do at 130 before you add more challenges. if you like the challenge--make it lifting x pounds for biceps curls, or something like that.
    it's late, and i'm long winded...congratulations on all you have achieved so far!! :drinker:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Please consider your body composition rather than obsessing with scale weight. And as far as the BMI is concerned, what is it really telling you? It only knows your height and weight, period. It can't tell you how much muscle and fat is on your body, so what good is it? Eat clean, do some cardio to knock the remaining fat off, do some strength training to sculpt your body. That's it...take your measurements occasionally and look at yourself in a full length mirror. When you are satisfied with the way you look, the scale and BMI become meaningless. Good luck!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I think you also need to keep in mind maintaining your goal weight FOR LIFE...
    When I came here in Jan 08 at 157, my goal was 140
    I increased my cals but continued to loose...it just felt 'right' when I hit about 130...
    My goal now is to work-out and be able to eat a decent amount of cals (which for me is about 1800-2000 per day)
    I would take being 130 or 135 and eating 2000 cals over 'struggling' to be 125 and only eating 1500 cals a day..get my point?
    Also, being a mom of 2 kids (18mnth apart) no matter how much I loose...my trouble area/tummy is still an issue and I think rather than loosing more weight we need to focus on core/target exc etc

    GOOD LUCK and great job!
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    i am the same height, and i have had to listen to my body to figure out the right weight for me. if i stay on course with a healthy diet (not restricted, just leaving out the sweets), my body stays just around 127. i have found that when i force myself to go lower than that, i end up binging, or having to obsess about food, and the weight is not maintainable. i have found that it is really not worth having a number as a goal; instead, you should have the goal of a healthy equilibrium. a healthy point for you is one that does not require constant dieting. you should be able to eat healthily and heartily and maintain the body weight that is most beneficial for you. eat to live, don't live to (not) eat -- i have made that mistake, and it's not worth it!

    sorry if this is vague. i hope it helps!

    I agree with this - listening to your body. I completely understand the addiction to the declining numbers. I've had that myself as well.

    I'm 5'2 with a petite frame, and I've realized that when I eat right and excercise on a nearly daily basis, my body is happy between 110 and 113. Technically, I could go down to 100 for my size, but I think that's too low for my body. It sounds like you're healthy - just eat right and exercise and let your body be where it needs to be instead of trying to lose!
  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    I am 5'4" and have a small/medium frame too. According to MFP, a healthy BMI rage for me is 18.5 to 25.5. Right now, I am down to 130lb and my BMI is 22.5. My goal is to go down to about 120lbs and then focus on core toning and weight training from which I will most likely gain about 5lbs back in muscle mass. I remember before having two kids that I alway naturally stayed around 125lbs. I definitely want to gain muscle so that I can burn more cals and develop a good maintenance plan.

    Everyone is different! Just listen to your body! You might want to go to a gym and have yourself tested more accurately for your BMI and if you are under 20, you may just want to focus on toning and maintaining.:smile:
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194

    I agree with staying at your current goal for a bit and see how you feel as you tone. For years I was at 130 and very very fit. I dropped to 125 for a summer just to see how I looked and I felt it was too thin for me and it was soo hard to maintain. At the activity level that I had back then 130-135 was pretty easy so I went back there because I felt great and I could maintain it and not feel restricted. Remember this is for life so you want to have something you can live with!!

    My goal now is 130 but to be honest at my activity level now that may be too hard to maintain so I have another goal in my head of 140. I am just waiting to get there and see how I feel and look. I want something that I can live with without having to struggle everyday but still be healthy.

    I also agree with the poster that mentioned body compsition. At 130 I was very, very lean and everyone thought I weighed a lot less. In fact I had a friend who weighed the same and was the same height but kept telling me I was too thin ( even though my doc thought I was healthy?) She didnt stop nagging till we weighed on the same scale and we were the same lol. The difference was I had a lot more muscle so I looked smaller. I also had a tiny waist that is just genetic I am a pear and she is an apple so we looked different.

    I know that when I get to 130 now I will be a bigger size because I am no where near as lean.

    I think a good goal is one that you feel good and are healthy and you can maintain without having to overexercise or stuggle daily with your cals...thats my opinion

    great job so far:flowerforyou:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I'm with everyone else. The number on the scale is only a tool. I'm 5'2" and weigh about 120. At one point I got down to 115 but I look thinner now.

    Like suldrun I had the same weight as my sister but I was more toned because I work out. I also eat alot more than she does. But I eat healthier.

    Don't get stuck on a number on the scale. It's a guide not the goal.
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    I do tend to get obsessed with my weight and size, I haven't lost for the last two to three weeks and when I look back through my diary I have been sabotaging myself with excessive workouts (everyday) and not eating clean every day (we have been going out to much). So today I am starting over and I am going to concentrate on eating cleaner and losing these last few pounds. I am happy with my size now 4/6 after I lose the last of the weight I will start to do more toning and maintaining.

    Thank you so much to everyone!! It helps to know I am not the only one.