Just Starting

I'm 31 years old, weigh 250 lbs and need to get to 190 lbs. I've tried and tried and seem to always give up but this time I'm not. I have a 3 yr old daughter that I want to be able to be active with. I don't want to feel tired and drained anymore. This is my first week and on Monday morning I am going to weigh myself. I've done good so far with my calorie intake and trying to exercise as much as I can. I'm going to do this, for me and for my family.


  • Welcome! You've come to the right place and will find there are so many kind people here with the same goal and everyone is generous with support! I'm here for you! Add me as a friend :)
  • Welcome to MFP! I am fairly new also (been on here almost 2 months) and this site has really helped me on my weightloss journey. It helps to have an encouraging community with a common goal. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    Just counting the calories is a great start. After that work into light exercise and increase it as you start feeling better about it.
  • Yes, Welcome. Stick to your goal, Fitness Pal really helps. Good luck to you.
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome to MFP! :)
    You can do this!

    If you want what you do not have, you must do what you have not done. ;)

    Good luck.
  • You can do it! This place is great!