this is it

I have to do this. I have been taking myself for granted for too long. I am 38 and I was diagnosed with Breast cancer a month ago. it was early, and my prognosis is nothing but good, but it has been a wake up call. There are somethings we do not have control over, like getting cancer, and then there are somethings you can do to control, like food intake and exercise, and that is what I am doing now. taking control of what I can.


  • Ayndelady
    Yes! Stay Positive and you will find a lot of supportive people on here. They will cheer you on and give you a kick in the tush when you need it.

  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    Welcome to MFP. A positive attitude is everything! You will find a lot of support and encouragement on this site. Please feel free to add me as a :smile: friend.