LESS Alcohol ~ SEPTEMBER 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,709 Member
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,197 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    25 days AF and starting day 26. Posting daily helps me be mindful. This team here is helping me stay accountable.

    Ideas for folks who want to start their day 1 AF:

    1.Pick a day or weekend where it's likely to be a low-stress time, fewest likely triggers, and plan out your AF days
    2.Doubting thoughts will enter and firmly tell them to shut up. Brain is just sending out a thought that makes no logical sense and it needs to be treated like a misbehaving child. It's not the thought you want or need.
    3.Get support - tell family what your plan is
    4.Consult with the doctor even if it's telemedicine if there's a concern or if medication is a desired option
    5.Prepare: I got rid of the wine in the house and replaced it with nonalcoholic stuff, even flavored fizzy waters, ginger beer, chocolates, healthy carbs like popcorn, all used as a replacement. When the cravings and irritability hit, I turned to these things temporarily
    6.Go to bed early. Fewer waking hours = fewer craving hours in that first week.
    7.Consider Annie Grace 30 day online program or similar ones, I used that years ago and it really helped me change the thoughts that were nothing but malfunctioning doubt and fearful thoughts that were blocking me
    8.Replace thoughts like "Lets see what happens" with "I control my actions today and deserve a successful outcome".
    9. Don't accept excuses. Live a no-excuse life. I had re-started drinking because my tummy hurt, my digestion was off, I had a headache, just can't sleep, I had a stressful meeting, I had an argument with the husband, my boss is driving me crazy, I went to the supermarket hungry so I was tempted, I have a coupon for 40% off wine and it's a really good deal.
    10. Embrace temporary discomfort and grow up (I told myself firmly). Pop a tylenol, take an alka-seltzer, take a day off, go take a nap, get some melatonin gummies, drink herbal tea in the afternoon, stay away from the bad friend, get support, take yoga, take magnesium, drink lots of water, drink less coffee, run out for the best gelato ever if there is a bad craving, drink an AF beer, eat a carby meal. And yep, I learned there was a solution for all of it and I didn't need wine.

    Love everything you said. :)

    One thing I have started to do is not tell anyone I have actually quit drinking. This is my second go at this, and my personal plan is to never drink again. My last attempt was actually temporary because I knew I would drink at my daughter's wedding. When I started again I couldn't stop and started to drink daily again. This time I keep it to myself and don't make it a big deal about it because really no one cares. When someone asks me if I want a drink I simply say, "no thanks not drinking today but appreciate the offer". This eliminates the accusations that I have a problem with alcohol and avoids the probing questions... :)

    These are all excellent suggestions - thank you both so much for sharing them.
  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 314 Member
    @RubyRed427 It's definitely possible for you to still reach that goal. Be strong!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,748 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    I have been alcohol free for 10 days now. :)

    A few observations.
    sleeping way better. I wake up before the alarm.
    Energy is way up during the day. Fatigue is gone.
    Less bloating.
    Cravings for empty calorie food and mindless snacking is gone.
    I have dropped 5lbs.
    Anxiety is gone. I feel calmer and more relaxed with myself.
    I seem to have more time on my hands. :)
    My overall senses are firing on all cylinders.

    My wife said to me last night "you will drink again I don't think you can do it" normally this would have set me off but for some reason I found this to be motivating, and I accept the challenge! lol

    This is my second go around to quit the habit.

    I initially wanted to do a 90 day challenge but I have made the decision to make this a permanent change. The people in my life will either have to accept it. If they can't accept it, then I guess that's the end of our relationship. :)

    I love how you were like “Challenge accepted!” Great to hear being AF is making such a difference for you.
  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 314 Member
    I wish I hadn't announced my intentions of making today Day 1 AF. I'm not sure if I can do it today ☹️
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,748 Member
    Low alcohol wine is really working for me. Even a 6oz glass is still not quite one normal glass, so that’s a LA win for me. I’m sleeping much better too. Sticking to one glass of the low alcohol wine is a bonus!

    So my new favorite Starborough’s Starlight Sauvignon blanc. Better price point than the Decoy (which I still love), and more readily available. But- with the regular one on sale, it was more expensive! Grrr. But, I just spent the extra $2 and moved on.

    I had two glasses of regular wine on Wednesday night, which caused sleep disturbances. So, when out, I really need to stick to one glass. Two is just a little too much.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,748 Member
    @MissMay, thanks for setting up October! Glad you’re ok with the hurricane.

    @xbowhunter so happy for you! Your positive energy is very motivating.

    @SurferGirl1982 wow, the story of you being hospitalized is terrifying! Yeah, nip that in the bud as best you can, safely, of course.
  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 314 Member
    @Womona Yeah, my story is a little different than most of the other members here. And I think it is best for me to try to quit altogether.

    Most of you know that I'm not capable of moderating. If I were, I don't think 1-2 A days a week would be that bad. But it just doesn't happen!

    One thing that is very motivating is @xbowhunter. Yes, xbowhunter you are doing great! And giving inspiration to me and I imagine many others. Thank you!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 610 Member
    What SparkSpringtime said, SurferGirl. You are getting a little closer each day. It's hard to kick a YEARS long habit in a few short months. Do what you can to even cut back a little when you can. Hang in there!
  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 314 Member
    Thanks @chicbuc I know I'll have good news real soon!
  • SurferGirl1982
    SurferGirl1982 Posts: 314 Member
    @shorepine You should be proud of yourself. Those are awesome numbers!