Push up progression

Wanting to gain back the strength to do push ups again and variations of it , had tricep tendinitis on both elbows so lost alot of strength from that, if anyone has ways to get back to doing push ups easy that’ll be great.


  • SusanW7844
    SusanW7844 Posts: 4 Member
    Starting again from a standing or leaning position helps. You are still using the muscles without all the weight. I like to us the foot post of my bed. It's about a 45° angle from the floor and still gives me the resistance without the full strain on joints.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,945 Member
    As mentioned, standing against a wall, the closer you stand the easier it will be. Having your hands closer to the center of your chest instead of shoulder width or wider will put more emphasis on the tris.

    It sounds like you need to work on tris in general. There are tons of options there with cables or free weights. One that gets a good stretch that you can do from home starting with a light weight is the one armed French press. This pic shows standing, but seated would be easier. If you don't have a dumbbell or kettlebell, maybe try a half gallon of water first. A full gallon would be 8.34 pounds.

  • drv123
    drv123 Posts: 73 Member
    Try doing push ups on stairs. Your upper body on a higher stair and feet on the landing below and then as you get stronger move down a step until your eventually able to do a full push up on the ground again.