100 day Challenge July 19 – October 26.24



  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,976 Member
    edited September 30
    100 day Challenge 7/19/24-10/26/2024 **Do it for Mobility**
    Lily, age 63, 5'3"
    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    Targeting ~165 being closer to overweight instead of morbidly obese
    226.6 - Ending weight last round on 7/11/2024 before vacation.
    215 - Goal this round

    Day / Weight Daily Weigh In / 14 Day Trend Weight / Comments report day of activity

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    240’s 230’s 220's 210's 200's 190's 180’s 170's 160's 150's

    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    2021 SW: 212 BMI 37.6 (1/1/2021) NOTE: Low 201.1 in August 2021
    2022 SW: 209 BMI 37.0 (1/1/2022) Lost focus on myself while helping with 2 new grand babies (Jan & June); also started teaching ESL on Tues & Thurs morning and no longer went to in person Strong & Fit class … EXCUSES EXCUSES
    2023 SW: 232 BMI 41.1 (1/1/2023) Lowest 226
    2024 SW: 230 BMI 40.7 (1/1/2024) Refocus 6/22/2024
    2025 SW: ⁉️ It’s totally up to you and within your control

    Bike 30 min 3-4x weekly
    Strong & Fit 1 hr class 2x weekly
    Water 72+ oz daily
    Journal every bite focusing on low net carb <100g
    Weekly weigh in on Mondays

    226.6 - Ending weight last round on 7/11/2024 before vacation.
    7/11-7/25: DNW - Vacation Iceland & Norway
    7/26: 229.2 / 229.0 - Gained 2.6 lbs on vacation at first weigh in. I expect some of this to be travel bloat and disappear by tomorrow but not all! I did walk most days 2-6 miles which I'm proud of! Pushed through the knee pain. And one day I actually got on the bike in the gym on the boat. :)
    Not surprised that my weight is up. After a day of travel leaving at 3am Thursday morning from the hotel in Oslo … hour drive to the airport… flights to Paris, Detroit, Houston (airplane food on each leg of the journey and 3 bags of chips on the last flight) … landed in Houston at 6pm … picking up our dog & dinner with our son’s family at 7:30pm, another hour driving home finally home at 10:00pm Thursday night (which was 5am Friday morning Oslo time). So all in all a 26 hour travel day.
    Broke my promise to myself so vacation eating plan was a fail in that I ate the bread basket every night at dinner and dessert at lunch, dinner and 4pm tea time on a 11 night cruise! Oh boy such bad habits on vacation to over come. Otherwise my eating was really healthy with small portions and no snacking. Lots of room to improve on my next cruise in October.
    Now to tackle these pounds and not let them continue to slip back into the 230s.
    7/27: 227.5 / 228.6 - The real weight gain from my trip is .9 lbs! Less than a pound. Shedded the bloat from the long 26 hours of travel and got my body reset to this time zone. I’ll take it and tackle that little gain before it slips away from me. 😊 Now to make progress … meaning I need to focus on WATER, exercise and journaling every bite remembering small portions pay off big dividends helping me toward my goals.
    Biked 30 min, journaled, water 80+ oz
    7/28: 226.0 / 227.8 - Back to clean living and better habits. Grocery shopping was huge since before leaving due to the hurricane electrical outage for 3-4 days we had to throw EVERYTHING out of our 2 fridge/freezers. So lots of fresh food and very few temptations or snacks in the house. DH didn’t even buy cookies so there are no sweets to add calories after dinner. Created menus and bought only what was needed though I did forget salad dressing … guess the selection balsamic my sister gave me for Christmas will due in a pinch. LOL
    Bike 30 min, journaled, water 80+ oz
    7/29: 225.5 / 227.1 - Didn’t make strength training class since DH has Covid and I had to deal with the AC guy for our annual checkup. He was early and showed up when my class was suppose to start. So after he left I got on the bike instead.
    Bike 30 min, journaled, water 80 oz

    Weekly Goal: Lose any vacation pounds and ensure I’m back < 227
    Actual Weight: 225.5 - BMI = 40
    Challenge Weight Loss: 1.1
    🎯 Returning from vacation and getting myself started back on the healthy journey was key this week. I’m happy with my focus and determination. Now to focus on no longer being labeled “morbidly” obese.

    7/30: 224.8 / 226.2 - Bike 30, journaled, water 80 oz. Focusing on getting the 7 hrs recommended sleep.
    7/31: 224.5 / 225.5 - Since I missed strength training Monday I’ll tune into her private YouTube channel and do a make up session. I put it off not feeling my best so probably will test for Covid later today. Skipped all exercise instead this Wednesday. First time in the red since I had not activity to burn off extra calories. 1228 cal and 70 net carbs. Felt so awfully full in the evening that I had to stretch out and go to bed early. Journaled and 80 oz water.
    8/1: 224.4 / 225.0 - Feeling good this morning but still have an uncomfortably full sensation. Otherwise feel normal. Negative Covid test! Biked 30 72+ oz water. Journaled a big bowl of red beans and rice but the surprise was the 31 carbs in my store bought prepackaged salad! Roundtrip 3 hours to north part of Houston to watch my granddaughter for 2 hrs. DH is considering moving to be closer.
    8/2: 224.1 / 224.5 - Today’s focus … after my exercise class … prep for the party. Buying everything for the charcuterie board I’m making for the party, bake dark chocolate brownies, an then picking up wine & special iced cookies for the party tomorrow. The other grandmother is having tea sandwiches made, buying a dip, wine, variety of sparkling waters and she hired someone to act as bartender and to keep the place picked up during the party (la-di-da but that is how she rolls in her world … the party is at her house in a very nice upscale area inside Houston).
    Only did 20 min of my strength training class because I became dizzy and almost fainted. Had to lay down. Journaled. 72+ oz water.
    8/3: 224.8 / 224.4 - Not at all surprised by the up tic on the scale. Lunch out with my daughter yesterday and though we split the meal I let her order … chips with spinach artichoke dip, chicken strips, French fries. Nothing healthy about it! Then I ate brownies because they made a crumbled mess out of the pan and didn’t get a clean square … probably ate 2.
    Today I need to be a little more cautious in my eating! Sip & See for my new granddaughter. Myself and the other grandmother are hosting a large party of our lady friends (45-50) to meet all 3 of my grandchildren. No exercise, no journal but did drink my water. Didn’t eat anything at the party but did have a slice of brisket at my son’s and a cookie when I returned home.
    8/4: 223.5 / 223.9 - Nothing planned today but the bike and painting. May get out and weed some though the heat is stifling. Way too much charcuterie and cookie leftovers in the house. DH & I could have charcuterie for lunch or dinner every day this week LOL
    Bike 30 min, water definitely but not sure of the oz, no journal.
    8/5: 223.7 / 223.7 - I successfully made my goal this week!!!
    20 min strength training, not enough water and no journaling.

    Weekly Goal: Obese stage 2 BMI 39.9 @ <225 No longer 🚫 morbidly obese!
    Actual Weight: 223.7 - BMI 39.7
    Challenge Weight Loss: 2.9
    🎯 I moved out of Morbidly obese stage 3 and into obese stage 2! ✔️
    Now to work my way down to obese stage 1 around 197 but I’ll first have to hit many milestones to get there.
    NSV - I “slid” my cellphone into my front pocket of my pants with lots of room to spare. (Aug 2024) ✔️

    8/6: 224.6 / 223.8 - Bike 30 min, no journal.
    8/7: 223.4 / 223.5 - No planned exercise for Wed! Need to focus on water. Though I’m not journaling my portion control has been spot on and no time for snacking the last few days.
    8/8: 223.5 / 223.4 - Bike 30 min, water, but only half journaling and way over my net carb limit of <100 due to snacking on crackers.
    8/9: 224.4 / 223.5 - Strength training 40 min, water, but still no journaling.
    8/10: 222.9 / 223.2 - No exercise or journaling.
    8/11: 224.2 / 223.4 - No exercise or journaling.
    8/12: 223.0 / 223.2 - Pre-journaled my food plan. Slight change in food plan for lunch. No exercise … forgot how time consuming a 2 month old is!

    Weekly Goal (until I hit it): < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 223.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: xx
    🎯 Many poor food choices, no journaling for the entire week, exercise also thrown off since DD & grandkids stayed with us while her husband had pneumonia. Cannot let grandkids be the reason I regain the weight like 2022!

    8/13: 223.3 / 223.1 - No exercise, no journaling
    8/14: 223.8 / 223.2 - Travel day round trip to granddaughter’s ~3 hrs and caring for her today. Bad food choices, no journaling, no exercise, lacked water.
    8/15: 225.1 / 223.7 - Bike 30, no journal and lacked water. I have today all to myself … so plenty of time to work on my own goals, exercise and make great decisions!
    8/16: 223.5 / 223.6 - Thought that spike might have been temporary. Glad to see the number come back down! Baby duty today for my 2 month old. She starts daycare on Monday. So I’m planning to enjoy all the snuggles I can get though I will miss my strength training class. No exercise or journaling and still need to work on water. But my meals were barely there … like I took some turkey deli meat and that was it for lunch. Not one single snack all day!
    8/17: 222.8 / 223.4 - Good the trend is going back down! Tonight I babysit but today is mine for exercise and painting. Bike 30 min and drank more water.
    8/18: 222.3 / 223.0 - Today roundtrip car trip to my son’s to help unload and move furniture they bought. My goal is to bike this morning since we don’t have to be there until noon. DH & I decided to eat at home for both lunch and dinner and it makes a huge difference. No snacking. 30 min bike! 80+ oz water.
    8/19: 220.5 / 222.1 - WOW! Controlling what I put in my body makes a huge difference … something I need to remember. Opportunity to eat out before and after our roundtrip to my son’s home to help move furniture. Instead of lunch out for burgers & fries at a new place DH & I made open faced sandwich and a few olives for salty. Returning from my son’s we almost went to an Italian restaurant but came home cooked a steak and romaine lettuce on the grill with a homemade lemon parmesan thyme dressing.
    📚 tonight + strength training today 40 min. AF ✔️

    Weekly Goal (until I hit it): < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 220.5 - BMI 39.1
    Challenge Weight Loss: 6
    🎯 Getting back on the bike, water and watching what I eat always pays off focusing Thurs-Sun. I need to remember this when my schedule goes crazy like it did in the earlier part of the week! I was able to bounce back. Aug 10 last Saturday I was in the 222 range but then let life happen and it slipped away. The old me would have avoided the scale at all cost after Wed after a really bad eating day and travel. But I did the daily stepping on registered it and moved on. Yeah me! It was mostly temporary due to time in a car and eating out processed food / sodium … so I had hoped I could reel it back in and I did. Ignoring things never got me anywhere. Got back down again not letting my weekend dictate slacking off. Full steam ahead started on Thursday and it paid off for my weekly weigh in. Now to not let up or slip up! I have dinner with book club ladies Monday and Wednesday night at restaurants this next week.

    8/20: 220.9 / 221.6 - Okay into the stretch shooting for the teens! Bike 30 min, water 80 oz. ✔️
    8/21: 221.3 / 221.3 - Today will be challenging. Driving to care for my granddaughter. Eating out lunch and dinner. Leaving at 9am returning at 9pm. Mexican food and chips temptation at bookclub. 📚 Dined out at Mexican restaurant for both lunch and& dinner. Tried to keep my portions down and not eat everything on my plate and counted chips. Did not order any rice, beans, etc and ate only 2 of 3 enchiladas at lunch and half order of quesadillas at dinner. AF. No exercise Wednesday but lots of water. ✔️
    8/22: 220.8 / 220.9 - Prep day for procedure only clear liquids which thank goodness includes black coffee, tea, chicken broth. Alcohol Free (AF)! Still feeling full from all the chicken enchiladas and chicken quesadillas yesterday. Met with design team on remodeling our downstairs. Next week we meet with the contractors and appliance people. Lunch out with DD & DH. While they ate I sipped on my chicken broth in a Yeti cup that kept it warm for the trip and more water. No exercise but plenty of water.✔️
    8/23: 219.3 / 220.3 - Lacking sleep. This is definitely not a diet to lose weight!!! Love that I touched the teens but positive it is a temporary loss. Scheduled Colonoscopy & Endoscopy. Results are fine. No exercise, lots of water, regular meals. Slept most of the afternoon. ✔️
    8/24: 223.4 / 221.0 - I knew it would be up from yesterday’s low but this is ridiculous! Still resting no exercise, lots of water. Not snacking and meals have not been that bad but did indulge in ice cream after dinner when watching a movie.
    8/25: 222.0 / 221.2 - Cannot believe how off kilter I am on the scale … you would think after a colonoscopy the numbers would be down. Dinner at my son’s cancelled since DIL is sick. Bike 30 min.
    8/26: 221.8 / 221.4 - Glad the number is coming back down but disappointed that I let it get out of hand. Not really sure why or what happened. Driving 2+ hr to pick up my granddaughter so she can spend the days and nights here so my son can work and my DIL can recover from fever, upper respiratory infection, etc … she needs rest, fluids, antibiotics. Walked outside 1/4 mile with stroller.✔️

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Glass of water before coffee ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.8
    GAINED this week: 1.3
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.8
    🎯 Disappointed that I let it get out of hand. Not really sure why or what happened. I didn’t snack but were my portions larger than I thought? Need to focus on journaling every bite again.

    8/27: 220.2 / 220.9 - Finally back down to 220 again. Maybe my body has finally rid itself of all the bloat after the colonoscopy. Now to continue and break through the 220s! Granddaughter duty today. No exercise. Did not journal my food at all … not one single bite.
    8/28: 220.5 / 220.8 - Okay today focus! Not traveling today and no granddaughter duty since my son said he would stay home and work and care for her so I don’t have to make the drive again. Bike 30 min, lacked water and still not journaling.
    8/29: 221.1 / 220.7 - No excuses today! Bike 30 min
    8/30: 220.3 / 220.5 - Plans to bike, menu plan, grocery shop, drink more water! No bike. UTI so meds and water!
    8/31: 219.7 / 220.1 - Plans to bike … and today I will just do it! Plenty of water in my plan as well. 2nd time seeing 219.x! Can I keep the scale from slipping up again into the 220s and soon mark it off as a scale victory? To check it off my list I need to see it multiple days in a row … so here we got trying to hold on to 219 through the weekend! Biked 30 min. Snacking go to me for the first time in a while during the afternoon.
    9/1: 220.1 / 220.0 - Bounced back into the 220s. Darn! Today we are having family over for fajitas. No exercise except chasing a toddler. Too much food!
    9/2: 220.8 / 220.1 - I need the brownies my sister brought yesterday out of the house! I ate 3 yesterday. Today my goal is not even a nibble. Ate them anyway and they are still not gone! 30 min on bike. Still not journaling.

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Journal every bite! ✔️ Notice that I didn’t even attempt this habit once this past week. Really becoming a problem.
    Actual Weight: 220.8
    Challenge Weight Loss: 5.8
    🎯 Wasn’t able to hold on to the 219.x after all. I need more discipline in my life.

    9/3: 220.6 / 220.2 - No art class today. DH started auditing graduate level Math Economics classes at Rice Univ on Tues & Thurs (w/ labs Tues night & Friday day). So I have plenty of time to myself today for exercise, weeding, reading and painting. Bike 30 min. ✔️
    9/4: 221.7 / 220.6 - Wrong direction! ✔️Drive to babysit granddaughter and birthday celebration dinner for my sister. No exercise.
    9/5: 221.0 / 220.7 - Wrong direction! ✔️ Plans to bike today! Biked 30 min.
    9/6: DNW - Girls weekend with old college friends ... need to wrap my head around food and drink before diving into the situation.
    9/7: DNW
    9/8: DNW
    9/9: 222.7 / 221.9 - Fun weekend but obviously went overboard on the food front. Bike 30 min. Journaled for the first time in a month!

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Water before coffee ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.7
    Gained this week: .9
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.9
    🎯 I really need to get serious if I want to hit 215 before my birthday at the end of October. I need to get back to journaling every bite. If I don’t get one other thing right this week it needs to be that.

    9/10: 220.5 / 221.6 - Busy day ahead … Learn English Ministry volunteer teaching for adults in the community starts back up for today. I teach level 2 out of 4 levels. Then art class after lunch and a sorority alumni craft party this evening in town. Journaled yesterday for the first time in forever! Plans to do that again today :) No exercise. Avoided journaling. Snacked in the afternoon when I was not really hungry, then dinner out with DH and couldn’t finish my real meal, skipped the food at my evening meeting.
    9/11: 220.7 / 221.3 - No excuses today. Need to both exercise and journal. Bike 30. Did not journal. Baked cookies instead.
    9/12: 220.7 / 221.1 - Today ESL class, garden, and bike. Talked to contractor yesterday about remodeling entire downstairs using my daughter’s plans ... she's a professional interior designer. Biked 30 min. Did not journal.
    9/13: 220.2 / 220.8 - Too many homemade cookies Wed and Thurs with no journaling. Today my goal is to say NO to the cookies! Biked 30 mins.
    9/14: 221.7 / 221.0 - Where oh where is my focus? Biked 20 min
    9/15: 222.0 / 221.3 - Lost all incentive and let things go a little too far. Bike 20 min
    9/16: 221.7 / 221.4 - Well this week has been a disappointment. Bike 30 min

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Journal every bite! ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.7
    No Loss or Gain this week
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.9
    🎯 I really need to pull myself together. My calendar had a reminder this morning that I wanted to be under 220 by this date. I set up that reminder back in July. I’ve been so close and under a couple of times yet just still hanging out in the low 20s.

    9/17: 222.1 / 221.7 - Need to stop it right here from going up up up. No exercise.
    9/18: 222.1 / 221.5 - Yesterday … Snacking in the afternoon … I was feeling empty and just couldn’t stop basically having a second lunch of a half sandwich around 3pm. Where did this bottomless pit feeling come from? Healthy salmon dinner around 6pm then stayed up till 11pm not snacking at all.
    9/19: 222.8 / 221.5 - Bike 20 min
    9/20: 222.0 / 222.0 - Bike 20 min
    9/21: 221.3 / 221.9 - Bike 20 min
    9/22: 220.6 / 221.5 - Bike 20 min
    9/23: 219.0 / 221.5 - Right direction and a surprise! I know I did much better with my food over the weekend and it shows. I’ve hit 219.x twice this summer and couldn’t hold on to claim bye bye to the 220s. So my goal this week is to keep it under 220 and work on the 14 day trend to come down as well. Bike 20 min

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 219.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: 7.6
    🎯 Out of control week followed up by a great weekend. Seem to be back in the 219-220 area again like early September / late August. I thought I had wasted all my September hanging out at 221-222 in recent times. Glad to see the drop. Now to keep it under 220!!

    9/24: 219.5 / 220.2 - Held 219.x 2 days in a row! Yeah!!! No exercise really busy day teaching ESL, art class and helping my daughter with the babies while her husband is out of town.
    🎯Weigh less than DH: He is up to 222 so I’m under him this morning. (Sept 2024) ✔️

    9/25: 220.0 / 220.0 - Lost it … darn pizza and popcorn! My trend is getting closer to being under 220 :) No excuses today!
    9/26: 219.9 / 219.9 - Back under 220 but this time so is my 14 day trend!! Spent yesterday cleaning out my closet of everything to small or big. Tossed what I didn’t like. Put away in bin anything that didn’t fit that I really like so that later I can shop there first :) I believe 10 more pounds and I’ll be looking through the bin since most fit but was either too tight across the bust or hips. Now my closet has much fewer options but I can wear everything! I love how decluttered the closet is now!!
    9/27: 219.0 / 219..5 - Today I need to get back on the bike. I’ve noticed that I’ve pushed it off almost everyday this week! Baked double batch of pumpkin cookies and only at 2 I call that a win. Bike 20 min.
    9/28: 218.9 / 219.2 - Talked to another contractor yesterday and thinking this might work. Yesterday I started cleaning out my kitchen cabinets and drawers … to toss and give away. Bike 20 min
    9/29: 217.9 / 218.7 - Finally seeing the drops. This low is probably because I slept in til 7:30am instead of weighing in at 4am. LOL Not snacking and portion control seem to be working. Bike 20 min
    9/30: 218.0 / 218.4 - I still have lots of homemade cookies in the house but I’ve limited myself. Looking forward to another good week.

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens and keep it under 220 … 220's
    Actual Weight: 218.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: 8.6
    🎯 Early August I set my goal to break 220 and 8 weeks later I did it! Did it take a long time with many ups and downs … of course. Am I glad I didn’t quit and hang in the towel … YES! Now to strive for 215 which is my goal for this challenge and my birthday at the end of October!

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    240’s 230’s 220's 210's 200's 190's 180’s 170's 160's 150's
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,841 Member
    Hi : - )
    I am Dawn.
    63 and will turn 64 during this 100
    Cranbrook, BC

    The most that I have ever lost on one of these 100s is 7lbs.
    I have gained in each of the last 6 of them!
    I am not sure what it is going to take, but I would like to get back to 130 and below.

    Week 1 Goal: 146.2 - Start weight of the previous 100
    Week 1 actual weight: 148.0 - Started the week at 147.2

    Week 2 Goal: 147s
    Week 2 actual weight: 147.8 - Started the week at 148.2

    Week 3 Goal: 146s
    Week 3 actual weight: 147.8 - Started the week at 147.6

    Week 4 Goal: back to 147.2 and lower
    Week 4 actual weight: 146.4 -Started the week at 147.2

    Week 5 Goal: 145.6 - Start weight of the 2 ago 100 days challenge
    Week 5 actual weight: 146.6 - Started the week at 145.6

    Week 6 Goal: 145.6
    Week 6 actual weight: 145.2 - Started the week at 146.0

    Week 7 Goal: Didn't make a specific goal this week
    Week 7 actual weight: 146.2 - Started the week at 145.6

    Halfway point Day 50 - 146.0

    Week 9 Goal: 146.0 -
    Week 9 actual weight: 146.4 - Started the week at 146.2

    Week 10 Goal: Same as Birthday weight, 144.6
    Week 10 actual weight: 148.4 - Started the week at 144.6

    Day 71—09/27 – 147.0 - Slowly coming back down, one week after eating Ribs, Carnitas, Enchiladas on my birthday a week ago when I gained almost 5 pounds in one day when all was said and done.
    Day 72—09/28 – 146.2 - Crazy long workday, I didn't get home until 1:30am, it was Karaoke night at the bar. I didn't get to bed until 4:30am. The day is getting away from me today, I had great plans of so much I wanted to accomplish, like cutting the grass and stuff. Instead, I have to start getting ready for work in 20 minutes! Not even dressed today. Short shift tonight, tomorrow off, Monday night off from my bar job, Tuesday completely off from everything, so I will get back to eating actual dinner the next few nights.
    Day 73—09/29 – 147.0 - That was short lived. I didn't get a whole lot of activity in yesterday, as planned due to my very late night. Kind of missed the window for all of my yard work since it is overcast and forecast to rain today - no grass cutting possibly. I will be home at a normal dinner time for the next 3 nights. I had dinner last night, I was just so hungry after Friday's work marathon. I feel like my body got used to not having dinner. I will pick some onions, peppers, beans and stuff and make a stir fry one of these 3 nights.
    Day 74—09/30 – 148.0 - Weird to see a jump, well maybe not, very early weigh in. I was up at 4:30am today, the other night I didn't go to bed until that time! Spent the day Sunday getting lots done outside. I didn't actually eat anything all day until 7pm. I have only a 4 hour shift at the restaurant today, the bar is closed for the Stat holiday. I don't think that I will bother trying to go back to bed, I don't need to stay up late tonight. For those that are not Canadian, today is Truth and Reconciliation Day. Lots of stuff on public radio about this. Even though I wear a Kurti at the East Indian Restaurant, I will be wearing an orange shirt underneath in silent support.
    Day 75—10/01 –
    Day 76—10/02 –
    Day 77—10/03 –

    Week 11 Goal: 144.6
    Week 11 actual weight:

    Started the 100 at 147.2
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 718 Member
    edited September 30
    @tinathescreamer I have never heard of Bassetts jelly babies. I googled it. Wow. That's a very interesting story behind them. Now that I looked at a picture of the jelly babies, it made what you said even funnier!

    @Lilylady3k Yay! You really broke through the 220s and stayed there every single day this week! You're so close to your challenge goal. I am too. We can do this!
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 1,028 Member
    Hi. I’m Lynn, 5’probably 1” from B.C., Canada. Just reaching the point where I’m feeling uncomfortable at this weight. Tired of flab and rolls.
    Challenge Ultimate goal: 174.4  160 (Sept 8th: revised to 168)
    37 days until the end of this challenge. Goal, to be less than 170!
    38 days to go, Sept 19th: 175
    37 days to go, Sept 20th: 176.2 Round trip to Peachland. Tired ++; junk food @ L Lake.
    36 days, Sept 21st: 175
    35 days, Sept 22nd: 174.4
    34 days, Sept 23rd: 175.4
    33 days, Sept 24th: 175.4 continue to cave in to evening snacking on bread & butter.
    32 days, Sept 25th: 174.8 The ‘plan’ was to upgrade my WW membership to include accessing zoom meetings and coaching, however their “contact us” option has been removed for Core Plan ( food data base, food activity and weight ) so now wondering if it’s even worth pursuing.
    31 days, Sept 26th: 174 Cancelled kayaking as temps have dropped.
    30 days, Sept 27th: 174.8 Feeling ‘down’ this morning. Sometimes lose my ‘hope’. Yardwork in the afternoon. Pruned the hell out of those lilacs infringing on the driveway!! Quiet evening. DS stressing me about $$ being spent.
    29 days, Sept 28th: 176.6 -> 174.6 Stomach upset all night so didn’t sleep well. Up early ( 5:15), then back to bed by 7.
    28 days, Sept 29th: 176 Worked. Friends over for coffee (and goodies). Vegged infront of tv. Supper was ‘scattered’ snacking.
    27 days, Sept 30th: 177 yikes!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,979 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In #20 ^^^^^ July 19th through October 26th, 2024


    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    My Name is Donna, Age 64. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 188.6
    Goal This Round: 176.6
    Challenge Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this challenge: xxxxx

    Previous Round Tallys & Thoughts:

    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8

    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0
    Round #17---183.8
    Round #18---182.2
    Round #19---188.6
    Round #20---

    Thoughts at the beginning of this challenge:

    Last round I had my normal goal of a 12 pound loss which is approximately 4 lbs per month. That comes to about 90 days leaving the other 10 open for special holidays and social occasions. In theory, it’s a good plan. In practice it is a Mountain to Crawl, uphill, both ways. However, each 100 day round I am extremely grateful for any progress I CAN make, no matter how big or small. Sadly, I gained a little over 6 pounds last round. I hope to turn all that back around this round. After all, here in Northern Michigan I wait a very long time each year to finally get to good weather and more outside activity. I really want to capitalize on the good weather in the summer months and increase activity and drop pounds. I’m failing miserably with this so far in 2024. Time to maximize the rest of summer and early fall with challenge #20 and make the magic happen! I am so very grateful for all the support from all of you that I get on a daily basis. Working on my health has become my #1 priority. My main goals are to maintain my remission by staying cancer free and to keep my diabetes in control. Losing weight is key to both goals.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s


    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-07/19-188.0-(Trend weight 188.7)

    Day 02-07/20-186.2-(Trend weight 188.4)

    Day 03-07/21-188.0-(Trend weight 188.5)

    Day 04-07/22-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 05-07/23-188.2-(Trend weight 188.8)

    Day 06-07/24-188.6-(Trend weight 188.9)

    Day 07-07/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: ?????[ /b]
    Week 1 Ending Weight: ?????
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: ?????

    Day 08-07/26-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 09-07/27-189.4-(Trend weight 189.2)

    Day 10-07/28-189.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 11-07/29-189.4-(Trend weight 189.7)

    Day 12-07/30-189.8-(Trend weight 190.0)

    Day 13-07/31-188.4-(Trend weight 190.3)

    Day 14-08/01-188.6-(Trend weight 190.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: Broke Even
    Week 2 Ending Weight: 188.6
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0 Lost or Gained.

    Day 15-08/02- DNW -(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 16-08/03-188.4-(Trend weight 189.9)

    Day 17-08/04-189.2-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 18-08/05-188.2-(Trend weight 189.6)

    Day 19-08/06-189.2-(Trend weight 189.6)

    Day 20-08/07-188.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 21-08/08-188.8-(Trend weight 189.4)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.2 Gain
    Week 3 Ending Weight: 188.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.2 Gain

    Day 22-08/09-190.2-(Trend weight 189.4)

    Day 23-08/10-190.2-(Trend weight 189.4)

    Day 24-08/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 25-08/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 26-08/13-190.6-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 27-08/14-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 28-08/15-190.8-(Trend weight 190.3)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.0 Gained
    Week 4 Ending Weight: 190.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 Gained

    Day 29-08/16-191.4-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 30-08/17- DNW -(Trend weight DNW )

    Day 31-08/18- DNW -(Trend weight DNW

    Day 32-08/19-192.2-(Trend weight 191.1)

    Day 33-08/20- 189.4 -(Trend weight 190.9 )

    Day 34-08/21-187.0-(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 35-08/22-189.8-(Trend weight 190.5)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb Lost
    Week 5 Ending Weight: 189.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.2 lb Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-08/23-190.0-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 37-08/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 38-08/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 39-08/26-192.0-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 40-08/27-191.0-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 41-08/28-189.8-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 42-08/29-190.2-(Trend weight 190.7)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Gain
    Week 6 Ending Weight: 190.2
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 43-08/30- DNW

    Day 44-08/31-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 45- 09/01 DNW

    Day 46-09/02-192.4-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 47-09/03-192.0-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 48-09/04-190.8-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 49-09/05-190.8-(Trend weight 191.4)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Gain
    Week 7 Ending Weight: 190.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-09/06-189.4-(Trend weight 191.2)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 0.8 Gained

    Day 51-09/07-189.0-(Trend weight 191.0)

    Day 52-09/08-189.6-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 53-09/09-191.0-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 54-09/10-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 55-09/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 56-09/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.2 Gained
    Week 8 Ending Weight: 191.0
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.4 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-09/13-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 58-09/14-192.8-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 59-09/15-193.2-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 60-09/16-193.6-(Trend weight 191.8)

    Day 61-09/17-193.8-(Trend weight 192.2)

    Day 62-09/18-192.4-(Trend weight 192.3)

    Day 63-09/19-194.6-(Trend weight 192.6)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.6 Gained morning after a travel day
    Week 9 Ending Weight: 194.6
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 6.0 lbs Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-09/20-193.4-(Trend weight 193.4)

    Day 65-09/21-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 66-09/22-193.8-(Trend weight 193.5)

    Day 67-09/23-193.8-(Trend weight 193.6)

    Day 68-09/24-193.4-(Trend weight 193.8)

    Day 69-09/25-192.6-(Trend weight 193.7)

    Day 70-09/26-191.8-(Trend weight 193.5)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.8 Lost
    Week 10 Ending Weight: 191.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.2 Gain

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-09/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 72-09/28-192.2-(Trend weight 193.4)

    Day 73-09/29-193.6-(Trend weight 193.6) More ice cream because I was too weak to say no. They leave today at 7:00 pm and I’m going to make them take the ice cream with them!

    Day 74-09/30-193.6-(Trend weight 193.8) Holding steady is just not good enough for me right now. Not at this number I am at. I plan a very good day today and some extra movement with more yard work. I’m making tacos today (instead of taco Tuesday). It’s one of my son’s favorites but mine will be modified to be lower carb. No contractor today which was unexpected.

    Day 75-10/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 76-10/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-10/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 11 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Future Weeks to Come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-10/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-10/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-10/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-10/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-10/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-10/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-10/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 12 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-10/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-10/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-10/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-10/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-10/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-10/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-10/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 13 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-10/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-10/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-10/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-10/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-10/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-10/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-10/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 99-10/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-10/26…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx (9 days)
    Week 14 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,990 Member

    👋😃 Hi I’m Jeanne!
    I’m 48. 5’4’’. Live in Canada 🇨🇦. This is my 5th-100 days challenge. This is working for me. Bad Yo-yoing days are finally gone. Finally loosing weight slowly but surely. Any amount going ⬇️ is a WIN for me!!! Let’s do this!!!!

    Looks like I’m kinda stuck with this 💯 …
    But I don’t want to beat myself up
    I’m still happy at least I’m not gaining non stop like before 😀👍 Keep pushing!!

    Day 01—07/19 – 153.0
    Day 02—07/20 – 153.8
    Day 03—07/21 – 155.4
    Day 04—07/22 – 153.2
    Day 05—07/23 – 155.8
    Day 06—07/24 – 156.0
    Day 07—07/25 – 154.6
    Week 1 Goal: 150
    Week 1 actual weight: 153.2
    Wk + 0.2 👎

    Day 08—07/26 – 153.2
    Day 09—07/27 – 152.8
    Day 10—07/28 – 152.4
    Day 11—07/29 – 155.4
    Day 12—07/30 – 155.8
    Day 13—07/31 – 155.2
    Day 14—08/01 – 155.2

    Week 2 Goal: 150
    Week 2 actual weight: 154.8
    Wk +1.6 Total +1.8👎

    Day 15—08/02 – 154.8
    Day 16—08/03 – 154.9
    Day 17—08/04 – 155.0
    Day 18—08/05 – 156.2
    Day 19—08/06 – 155.8
    Day 20—08/07 – 156.6
    Day 21—08/08 – 157.8

    Week 3 Goal: 150
    Week 3 actual weight: 155.8
    Wk +1.6 Total +2.8👎

    Day 22—08/09 – 155.8
    Day 23—08/10 – 155.0
    Day 24—08/11 – 154.2
    Day 25—08/12 – 155.4
    Day 26—08/13 – 153.2
    Day 27—08/14 – 153.2
    Day 28—08/15 – 157.8

    Week 4 Goal: 150
    Week 4 actual weight: 154.6
    Wk +1.6 Total +1.6👎

    Day 29—08/16 – 154.6
    Day 30—08/17 – 154.4
    Day 31—08/18 – 154.8
    Day 32—08/19 – 154.2
    Day 33—08/20 – 154.8
    Day 34—08/21 – 154.6
    Day 35—08/22 – 154.2

    Week 5 Goal: 150
    Week 5 actual weight: 154.5
    Wk -0.1 👍Total +1.5

    Day 36—08/23 – 154.5
    Day 37—08/24 – 154.9
    Day 38—08/25 – 155.8
    Day 39—08/26 – 153.8
    Day 40—08/27 – 155.2
    Day 41—08/28 – 155.2
    Day 42—08/29 – 154.6

    Week 6 Goal: 152.0
    “recalculating”: I sound like a GPS 😆
    Week 6 actual weight: 154.8
    Wk +0.3 Total +1.8👎

    Day 43—08/30 – 154.8
    Day 44—08/31 – 152.6
    Day 45—09/01 – 152.4
    Day 46—09/02 – 152.4
    Day 47—09/03 – 153.4
    Day 48—09/04 – 151.6
    Day 49—09/05 – 152.4

    Week 7 Goal: 152.0
    Week 7 actual weight: 151.4
    Wk -3.4 🥳 Total -1.6 🥳

    Day 44—09/06 – 151.4
    Day 45—09/07 – 151.8
    Day 46—09/08 – 151.2
    Day 47—09/09 – 152.4
    Day 48—09/10 – 151.8
    Day 49—09/11 – 152.3
    Day 50—09/12 – 152.3

    Week 8 Goal: 150.0
    Week 8 actual weight: 152.8
    Wk +1.4 👎 Total - 0.2👍

    Day 51—09/13 – 152.8
    Day 52—09/14 – 152.8
    Day 53—09/15 – 152.8
    Day 54—09/16 – 152.8
    Day 55—09/17 – 153.0
    Day 56—09/18 – 154.4
    Day 57—09/19 – 154.4

    Week 9 Goal: 150.0
    Week 9 actual weight: 154.6
    Wk +1.8 👎 Total +1.6 👎

    Day 58—09/20 – 154.6
    Day 59—09/21 – 152.2
    Day 60—09/22 – 152.2
    Day 61—09/23 – 152.6
    Day 62—09/24 – 152.4
    Day 63—09/25 – 151.8
    Day 64—09/26 – 152.2

    Week 10 Goal: 150.0
    Week 10 actual weight: 151.8
    Wk -2.8 👍 Total -1.2 👍

    Day 65—09/27 – 151.8
    Day 66—09/28 – 152.1
    Day 67—09/29 – 152.8
    Day 68—09/30 – 155.2
    Total day for me 4️⃣7️⃣3️⃣

  • the_reflex
    the_reflex Posts: 134 Member
    edited September 30
    Round 18 80.1 to 76.4 kg

    Day 1 73.6 a big drop from my last reading on day 98, it's not total fat loss, I expect to gain as my body recovers
    Day 2 73.6
    Day 3 73.6
    Day 4 DNW
    Day 5 73.2
    Day 6 73.7
    Day 7 73.5 I want to lose at least a kilogram a month, that should be easy to achieve. So "it's all on" as they say. I will post when I have what I consider junk food. It's been 12 days since I had sugar. That's the longest in the last 5 1/2 years. I consider that an achievement. I had KFC yesterday because the mall I was at has no where to sit down and do stuff, I needed to email the receipt from the water payment and wasn't going home until it was done. At the moment, I'm a bit slower than one kilogram a month.
    Day 8 74.1
    Day 9 73.7 I have now lost weight for 42 consecutive months. That's an alternative way of saying "the_reflex is taking forever to reach goal weight, 42 months to lose 22 kg". But it shows that I haven't rebounded to any large extent. That's a hopeful sign for maintenance.
    I had sugar today, after 14 days. Sugary food and chocolate definitely changes my mood. Buzzy feeling. I hope to not have sugary food again for a while.
    Day 10 73.1
    Day 11 72.3 my weight has dropped quite a bit in the last 3 days but that's just because I stopped having salty food. I just checked my spreadsheet, guess what? 29th July 2014. 73.0 kg. I'm now the weight I was 10 years ago. I consider this a milestone. I had a Starbucks meal to celebrate.
    Day 12 73.1 pizza in the evening resulting in...
    Day 13 75.5
    Day 14 75.8, still showing the effect of the pizza. But I'm not hungry right now, so I'm eating too much. I lost 2.7 kg in July, a lot of that is from getting influenza (not covid - I got tested) which went to my throat, stomach, lungs and inner ear. Anyway I need to eat less.
    Goal weight - 64 kg. I really want to aim for reaching goal weight by the end of the year. I don't know if I can do it, but it would be nice to achieve it. So I need to track my intake, starting today, first of the month. That's about 150 days of tracking and estimating food needed. It would be nice to have a long period of continuous tracking because when I reach goal weight, that's it, no more tracking. I can't exercise right now due to the temperature, but I'm moving soon so I'll be in a cooler environment.
    Day 15 75.7
    Day 16 76.3
    Day 17 76.1
    Day 18 76.6
    Day 19 75.8
    Day 20 DNW
    Day 21 DNW
    Day 22 DNW
    Day 23 75.6
    Day 24 76.1
    I'm now in a cool location, I can exercise such as running. If I'm running I need to track my intake, so I need to average between two intake numbers. If my average intake is between these numbers (unlikely that it'll be below the minimum but I'll put it in anyway) I'll post "eating okay".
    Day 25 75.4
    Day 26 75.1
    Day 27 75.7
    Day 28 75.3
    Day 29 75.3
    Day 30 75.5
    Day 31 75.6
    Day 32 74.7
    Day 33 74.0
    Day 34 75.6
    Day 35 DNW
    Day 36 DNW
    Day 37 DNW
    Day 38 DNW
    Day 39 DNW
    Day 40 DNW
    Day 41 78.1, 3 minutes running on the treadmill, 27 minutes walking
    Day 42 77.8, 4 min running, 26 min walking
    Day 43 78.5, 5 min running, 25 min walking
    Day 44 78.5, 6 min running, 24 min walking
    Day 45 78.5, 7 min running, 23 min walking
    Day 46 78.1, 8 min running, 22 min walking
    Day 47 78.2, 9 min running, 21 min walking
    Day 48 78.3, 10 min running, 20 min walking
    Day 49 79.0, 30 minutes on elliptical
    Day 50 78.8, 11 min running, 19 min walking
    Day 51 78.7, 12 min running, 18 min walking
    Day 52 78.4, 13 min running, 17 min walking
    Day 53 79.0, 14 min running, 16 min walking
    Day 54 79.0, 15 min running, 15 min walking
    Day 55 79.0, 16 min running, 14 min walking
    Day 56 78.9, 17 min running, 13 min walking
    Day 57 DNW
    Day 58 DNW
    Day 59 80.4, 18 min running, 12 min walking
    Day 60 80.2, 19 min running, 11 min walking
    Day 61 80.5, 20 min running, 10 min walking
    Day 62 80.0, 21 min running, 9 min walking
    Day 63 80.8, 22 min running, 8 min walking
    Day 64 80.9, 23 min running, 7 min walking
    Day 65 80.3, 30 minutes walking
    Day 66 80.0, 30 minutes walking
    Day 67 80.5, 30 minutes walking
    Day 68 80.5, 30 minutes walking
    Day 69 80.8, 30 minutes walking
    Day 70 80.6, 30 minutes elliptical
    Day 71 81.3, 24 min running, 6 min walking
    Day 72 81.0, 25 min running, 5 min walking
    Day 73 81.1, 26 min running, 4 min walking
    Day 74 80.5, 27 min running, 3 min walking
    Day 75 80.2, 28 min running, 2 min walking
  • DarinGettingFitNow
    DarinGettingFitNow Posts: 424 Member
    Hi, Folks! My name is Darin, and this is my 3rd 100 days challenge (non-consecutive). I do better when I am obligated to post daily – it really makes a difference for me – and I love the community aspect. I’m looking forward to another great 100d!

    Starting Weight: 159.2
    Day 01--07/19 – 159.2 My company was affected by the Crowdstrike problem. I spent all day on hold with IT. My computer is finally working, but it’s after an entire wasted day. Note to self: next time there’s a system-wide failure, just leave the computer and do something fun instead. It wasn’t worth hanging around my work computer, looking at messages come in. I could have had a nice day of paint-by-numbers! Well, that’s my weekend.
    Day 02—07/20 – 158.6 Happy Weekend! I hope y’all are doing well. I’m so glad to have some time to relax and putter around the house. Also in charge of dinner for tonight, so will try to come up with something satisfying but healthy.
    Day 03—07/21 –159.6 mixed results for last night. I made a kung pao chicken noodle dish which turned out very good, but I also baked cookies which were not part of the plan. So four cookies later, I had nulled out any positivity from the dinner.
    Day 04—07/22 –159.9 COOKIES. Too many cookies! Stopped at four yesterday straight out of the oven. But cookie breakfast AND snack isn’t the way I want to go. I also feel kind of bleh afterwards – I think it’s just the empty calories/sugar. Logging it all, though. No matter what!
    Day 05—07/23 –159.2 Hard to focus at work today. Migraine did not help matters at all.
    Day 06—07/24 –158.6 Almost done with week 1! We’re walking early in the day due to the heat. Tonight it’s back to trivia. We won first place last week, so it remains to be seen how well we do tonight 😊
    Day 07—07/25 –158.7 Got 4th place yesterday in trivia. Boo! Next time around…. Looking forward to Friday tomorrow. My husband bought some apple fritters which are now in the house. It’s going to be hard to do that in moderation!
    Week 1 Goal: 158.2
    Week 1 actual weight: 158.7

    Day 08—07/26 –159.2 Moderately stressful Friday today. So glad it’s the weekend.
    Day 09—07/27 –158.7 Got a haircut and did some paint-by-numbers today. Looking forward to a gentle Sunday 😊
    Day 10—07/28 –158.3
    Day 11—07/29 –158.5
    Day 12—07/30 –158.0 terrible night last night – have some kind of stomach bug. On the up side I’m not that hungry. ON the downside, lots of GI problems right now.
    Day 13—07/31 –159.0 Feeling better and think that the weight is due to the salty soup I ate for dinner yesterday. Had a fairly productive day today, though. Lilylady3k I love it! Your calendar is the tops!
    Day 14—08/01 –158.0 Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. Long, tough workday today. At least got the walk out of the way early in the very humid day.
    Week 2 Goal: 156.2
    Week 2 actual weight: 158.0

    Day 15—08/02 –158.6 survived the workday. Looking forward to a peaceful weekend ahead. One of the activities is taking my mom out for birthday dinner, so that’ll be a real test of moderation.
    Day 16—08/03 –156.9 Woot! Maybe I’m out of the 158s now? That would be super. I’ve been hanging out there for some time now. Had a lovely day of painting and playing around, then cooked a nice dinner for Josh and me – it wasn’t calorie-conscious, but I only ate one serving 😊 There’s a berry cheesecake defrosting, though, so I’m going to have to be very wary around that!!!
    Day 17—08/04 –157.0 That cheesecake was delicious. It was hard to keep it to one serving! I was very close to just saying “too delicious for just one slice” lol. It’s still in the fridge, though – so if I can hold it together for the rest of the day, maybe I can have another slice. *maybe*
    Day 18—08/05 –157.8 Eating out yesterday plus the cheesecake equalled a bit of a slide backwards. But today I’ve been doing okay. Going to give that last slice of cheesecake to my husband – he’ll appreciate that!
    Day 19—08/06 –158.4 Well all good intentions, my husband ended up giving me back the cheesecake slice. I swore, then I ate it. So the scale is definitely deserved.
    Day 20—08/07 –157.4 Going out to play trivia tonight! Looking forward to a little relaxation at the local tavern. They have a “design your own salad” option that I’m very much anticipating.
    Day 21—08/08 –158.1 and I opted to have a hot dog and tater tots instead of salad. Whoops. We got second place at trivia, though, so it was a sweet victory! Okay next time I’m getting the salad. Non-scout’s honor.
    Week 3 Goal: 155.2
    Week 3 actual weight: 158.1

    Day 22—08/09 –158.1 Another work week done. Soooo looking forward to some R&R! going to try to fit in some extra walking this weekend if not a trip to the gym. Also donating platelets on Sunday, which I try to do at least monthly.
    Day 23—08/10 –157.3 It was very hot and humid today, so we skipped our walk. Tomorrow will get up early to exercise and hope to beat the heat. looneycatblue I take iron supplements daily to help with my levels. It took a while of taking them to get stabilized – a few weeks might not be enough prep time for you.
    Day 24—08/11 –157.6
    Day 25—08/12 –159.3 CMON. I did donate platelets on Sunday, beforewhich I got breakfast at McDonald’s. That might have been a reason for this jump. It was a lot of salt and fat and calories! Well will try to hold things together this week…
    Day 26—08/13 –159.5
    Day 27—08/14 –159.2 Okay I’ll admit that I’m a bit discouraged and have had a hard time keeping to a eating regimen. I’m going to try to pull it back in though.
    Day 28—08/15 –158.1
    Week 4 Goal: 153.2
    Week 4 actual weight:158.1

    Day 29—08/16 –157.7 I needed to take a break from hawking over MFP, so I had a nice, moderate dinner at Texas Roadhouse yesterday evening, and had some leftovers today. It feels like the scale is tipping back in the right direction, so there’s at least that.
    Day 30—08/17 –156.5
    Day 31—08/18 –155.9
    Day 32—08/19 –157.4 back and forth a bit. My portion sizes are good, even if sometimes my selections aren’t the best (hello shrimp scampi and spaghetti noodles). Had a girls’ night in on Saturday and did well there too (Mediterranean food).
    Day 33—08/20 –156.3 I hope y’all are doing well! It’s okay over here. Tough couple of work days made worse with migraine flaring yesterday. Still coming out of it… And yes, Texas Roadhouse! It's super indulgent (that bread!) and an "only once in a while" treat for me and my husband. :-)
    Day 34—08/21 –156.7 So had an adventure in IT today.
    Day 35—08/22 –156.9
    Week 5 Goal: n/a
    Week 5 actual weight: 156.9

    Day 36—08/23 –157.2 It’s been a tough couple of migraine days. And, let’s face it, “it tastes good” days. And not even for high-value quality food, either! That’s the worst part. If I was having a nosh on some bacon or some cheesecake that’d be one thing. But eating a serving of leftovers because I enjoyed it? Not the level I want to be hanging out on. At least if I’m going over on calories let’s have it be for something that’s worth it.
    Day 37—08/24 –157.1
    Day 38—08/25 –157.1
    Day 39—08/26 –156.9 slightly down. Looking over August I haven’t done great… but will just have to have a great September! We can do this!!!
    Day 40—08/27 –156.7 very determined to have a great September 😊 going to make sure I’m logging everything (I’ve been slacking) and up the activity. I really hate, hate, hate new years resolutions. I figure if you want to make a change, just make it already! So my non-new years resolution is to take better care of myself. dawnbgethealthy I am sensitive to pressure changes too. I get migraines if there are sudden drops or rises - and being tired is one of the symptoms. I used to call my brain a barometer because gosh help us if we're in danger of a hurricane!
    Day 41—08/28 –156.5 long day, but had a great session with my therapist, and we’re going out to the local tavern to play trivia tonight. So will try to eat in moderation while there 😊
    Day 42—08/29 –157.0 did well at the pub, not great at the trivia 😊 I had an unhealthy hot dog with fries but cut the entire plate in half and couldn’t even finish the half I was going to eat. So there’s at least that. Note to self: hot dog with chili and coleslaw doesn’t reheat so great.
    Week 6 Goal:
    Week 6 actual weight:157.0

    Day 43—08/30 –156.7 TGIF! And a long weekend to boot! I’m excited. We have some shopping ahead, and some walking in nature, and some socializing ahead! I have way too many apples so will be making either a crisp or a pie – so will have to give away most of it 😉 Oh, and I forgot a fantasy football draft on Monday - we're going to grill out ahead of time (going to put some yummy veg on the grill).
    Day 44—08/31 –155.8 I’m a little surprised by this but keeping calm – I think I’m dehydrated. So I’ll make sure I’m drinking enough water to level things out. Already have had a nice walk (check!) and am about to do a tad bit of work (can’t wait to check this one off), then off for some shopping.
    Day 45—09/01 –156.0 No more work this long weekend! Had a relaxing day yesterday – cleaned the master bathroom, played some games, cooked dinner (pepper chicken, turned out great!). While the chicken wasn’t the healthiest flex (chicken was fried before it was tossed in stir fry sauce), it was delicious, and I held myself to one serving. So I’d call that a success.
    Day 46—09/02 –156.5 Okay, yesterday went *okay*. Had a taco salad for dinner last night and didn’t eat too much of the tortilla bowl, and also didn’t finish it. Last day of my long weekend – I’m a little sad! But going to see the in=laws today and grill out for dinner before the Fantasy Football draft. As mentioned earlier, will be grilling a lot of fun vegetables. My allergies and migraine are also going a little nuts as they tend to do with weather changes – we had a front come through yesterday. Hopefully things will stabilize today.
    Day 47—09/03 –157.6 okay I haven’t eaten that healthily lately. Got to get back on the wagon!
    Day 48—09/04—157.5 yesterday wasn’t great for dietary choices. Reset!
    Day 49—09/05 –157.5
    Week 7 Goal: 155.0
    Week 7 actual weight:157.5

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: -1.5

    Day 50—09/06 –157.7
    Day 51—09/07—156.9 Hi there! Happy Saturday! Relaxing day today. Going to make kung pao chicken for dinner, which will hopefully be nice, decadent, but not too caloric. Sauce has a bit of sugar in it, so there’s that. Haven’t painted yet but will do so tomorrow. Have to go to the Asian market to get some supplies. I procrastinated and didn’t go today :-S but will try to get up the energy to go tomorrow.
    Day 52—09/08—157.1 Weekend’s almost over ☹ don’t want to work tomorrow but what are you going to do?
    Day 53—09/09—156.2 having some motivation problems over here. Think the depression is flaring.
    Day 54—09/10 –155.0
    Day 55—09/11 –155.8 Working on the depression with my therapist. Going to go out for trivia and dinner tonight, so I’m looking forward to that.
    Day 56—09/12 –155.8
    Week 8 Goal: 154.0
    Week 8 actual weight: 155.8

    Day 57—09/13 –155.3 Another Friday. Looking forward to some R&R! Going to see my brother perform his original music at a local festival, and will have to do some work as well. Will squeeze in some painting and playing of the Sims 😊 Happy Friday to you all!
    Day 58—09/14 –155.6
    Day 59—09/15 –155.6
    Day 60—09/16 –155.6 – Things stable even though I had pancakes for dinner last night lol.
    Day 61—09/17 –155.9
    Day 62—09/18 –155.4 – Going out to play trivia tonight at the local pub!
    Day 63—09/19 –154.9
    Week 9 Goal: 152.0
    Week 9 actual weight: 154.9
    Day 64—09/20 –155.8
    Day 65—09/21 –156.1
    Day 66—09/22 –157.2
    Day 67—09/23 –155.5
    Day 68—09/24 – 156.5
    Day 69—09/25 –156.2
    Day 70—09/26 –156.7
    Week 10 Goal: 151.0
    Week 10 actual weight: 156.7

    Day 71—09/27 –156.1 Hi there folks! I had a bit of a crisis of faith and was weighing in but not posting. I think I’m back now, though. I do better when I post regularly so going to get back to routine…
    Day 72—09/28 –156.7
    Day 73—09/29 –156.2
    Day 74—09/30 –155.8 Happy Monday, folks! Getting back into the swing of things.
    Day 75—10/01 –
    Day 76—10/02 –
    Day 77—10/03 –
    Week 11 Goal: 149.0
    Week 11 actual weight:
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 718 Member
    I'm 58 years old and 5'6".
    Current weight is: 216.7
    Highest weight was 252.6.
    100 Day Goal: To be under 200 lbs.

    Week 1 actual weight: 217.6 (+.9) Total for 100 day challenge: +.9
    Week 2 actual weight: 212.5 (-5.1) Total for 100 day challenge: - 4.2
    Week 3 actual weight: 211.6 (-.9) Total for 100 day challenge: - 5.1
    Week 4 actual weight: 212.0 (+.4) Total for 100 day challenge:- 4.7
    Week 5 actual weight: 207.9 (-4.1) Total for 100 day challenge: -8.8
    Week 6 actual weight: 207.6 (-.3) Total for 100 day challenge: -9.1
    Week 7 actual weight: 205.2 (-2.4) Total for 100 day challenge: -11.5

    Halfway Progress Report/Pounds Lost so Far: -11.5

    Week 8 actual weight: 207.4 (+2.2) Total for 100 day challenge: -9.3
    Week 9 actual weight: 205.0 (-2.4) Total for 100 day challenge: -11.7
    Week 10 actual weight: 202.9 (-2.1) Total for 100 day challenge: -13.8
    Start on Day 6.
    Day 06—07/24 –216.7
    Day 07—07/25 –217.6
    Week 1 actual weight: 217.6 (+.9)

    Day 08—07/26 – 217.8 - Vacation 7 weeks ago & I've been off the rails since then, so gained recently.
    Day 09—07/27 – 216.5 - Healthy eating today & tracked it all.
    Day 10—07/28 – 214.7 - Finally back on track with eating better. Now to keep it up!
    Day 11—07/29 – 213.4 - Still on track with my eating. Staying under 1800 calories.
    Day 12—07/30 – 213.4 - Another on-track day. Thought it would be up due to salty red beans & rice:)
    Day 13—07/31 – 212.9 - Yet another good day yesterday. This morning I went for a long walk.
    Day 14—08/01 – 212.5 - So happy that I made good choices this week, even at a restaurant last night.
    Week 2 actual weight: 212.5 (-5.1)

    Day 15—08/02 – 212.2 - Out to eat at a steak restaurant tonight.
    Day 16—08/03 – 212.7 - Only two bites of dessert last night! Movies today (popcorn). Dinner out.
    Day 17—08/04 – 212.9 - Conscious of my choices when eating out. Lunch out. Tough food week.
    Day 18—08/05 – 213.1 - Finally all meals at home. All of those restaurant days make it hard.
    Day 19—08/06 – 212.9 - Daughter made brownies last night. Had small one; wanted more so bad.
    Day 20—08/07 – 212.0 - Had only one tiny brownie yesterday. Made shrimp tacos for dinner.
    Day 21—08/08 - 211.6 - Another good day with good choices. Out to play trivia last night. Fun!
    Week 3 actual weight: 211.6 (-.9)

    Day 22—08/09 – 210.9 - Out to eat lunch w/ family at Cracker Barrel.
    Day 23—08/10 – 212.4 - Not unexpected with the salty meal yesterday (fluid) & more food than usual.
    Day 24—08/11 – 211.2 - Could have finished my day well under cals, but sweet tooth got me last night.
    Day 25—08/12 – 211.4 - Out w/ my daughter last night - Chinese food/dessert. Pizza tonight. So hard.
    Day 26—08/13 – 211.6 - Ate at home, so no increased sodium. Hoping it shows on the scale tomorrow.
    Day 27—08/14 – 211.2 - Bad news about our dog today:( Ate a bunch of pizza and some dessert.
    Day 28—08/15 – 212.0 - Up and down. So it goes.
    Week 4 actual weight: 212.0 (+.4)

    Day 29—08/16 – 211.8 - Dog to the vet. Out for Mexican food last night. Ate too much (stress).
    Day 30—08/17 – 210.7 - Feels good to see that number. Birthday today, so Chinese & tiny cheesecake.
    Day 31—08/18 – 210.3 - Got Moo Goo Gai Pan yesterday for Chinese b/c it's healthier:)
    Day 32—08/19 – 209.8 - Seeing the scale move motivates me to make better choices.
    Day 33—08/20 – 210.4 - Got a free tiny portion of ribs (bd reward) from Roadhouse. Only ate four fries:)
    Day 34—08/21 – 207.8 - AM pack boxes at the food bank then a lakefront walk in the PM. Lots of sweat!
    Day 35—08/22 – 207.9 - Wednesday night church dinner started up last night. So sodium Thursdays.
    Week 5 actual weight: 207.9 (-4.1)

    Day 36—08/23 – 206.9 - Handled my cravings last night & didn't snack while dh was. Feels good.
    Day 37—08/24 – 207.6 - Texas Roadhouse last night. Ate too much, so was uncomfortable:(
    Day 38—08/25 – 207.3 - Helped my dd bring everything back to her college apartment & I slept over.
    Day 39—08/26 – No scale this morning. Didn't eat lots of snacks at my daughter's this time! Home now.
    Day 40—08/27 – 207.4 - Had a pretty good day food wise. My Tuesday shift at the food bank today.
    Day 41—08/28 – 207.0 - Lunch function today & then Wed. night church dinner tonight. Oh my!
    Day 42—08/29 – 207.6 - Thought it would be worse from sodium. Up/down, up/down all week:)
    Week 6 actual weight: 207.6 (-.3)

    Day 43—08/30 – 210.0 - Expected:) Fun Bingo last night with some salty foods & chocolate!
    Day 44—08/31 – 208.6 - Good day yesterday food-wise and a nice long walk in the rain:)
    Day 45—09/01 – 208.6 - Out w/family & ate at restaurant yesterday. Not good choices. Today was good.
    Day 46—09/02 – 207.6 - Within my calorie limit yesterday & will be today. Feels good.
    Day 47—09/03 – 206.3 -All meals at home for three days in a row & the scale shows it.
    Day 48—09/04 - 205.9 - My son & his girlfriend flew here for a week. Hope I set a good example.
    Day 49—09/05 – 205.2 - They brought banana bread & canolis. I had some. Doing good though.
    Week 7 actual weight: 205.2 (-2.4)
    Halfway Progress Report/Pounds Lost so Far: - 11.5

    Day 50—09/06 – 205.0 - Still doing well though my daughter made muffins for a potluck tonight.
    Day 51—09/07 - 208.1- Played Bunco w/ neighborhood ladies last night. The + pounds are crazy.
    Day 52—09/08 - 207.3 - Out w/ family today. Ate at a restaurant.
    Day 53—09/09 - 206.6 - Pretty good day. Hurricane coming our way.
    Day 54—09/10 – 206.5 - Lots of stress. A hurricane is heading our way. Spent the day prepping for it.
    Day 55—09/11 – 206.3 - Hurricane will be hitting tonight. My dad is here w/ us. Stress.
    Day 56—09/12 – 207.4 - No power for 12 hrs., then boil water advisory. Not logging today or yesterday.
    Week 8 actual weight: 207.4 (+2.2)

    Day 57—09/13 – 207.4 - Been a rough week. Homemade cookies here now. Ups and downs.
    Day 58—09/14 – 207.2 - More on track today w/ logging. Going out tonight to see a comedian.
    Day 59—09/15 – 207.2 - Good food day today. Stayed under cals & had room for 2 oatmeal cookies!
    Day 60—09/16 – 205.9 - Out for dinner. Had a good hamburger - skipped fries/drink- full & satisfied!
    Day 61—09/17 – 205.4 - Will be home for most of the day. So should be a good food day:)
    Day 62—09/18 – 204.3 - Ate over cals today. Wed. night church dinner & munchies.
    Day 63—09/19 – 205.0 - Met a friend for coffee (cinnamon toast nitro latte). All meals at home today.
    Week 9 actual weight:205.0 (-2.4)

    Day 64—09/20 – 203.7 - Quite a drop there. Can't imagine it will last, but nice anyway.
    Day 65—09/21 – Forgot to weigh this morning! Out to eat breakfast w/ family. Feeling hungry today.
    Day 66—09/22 – 206.7 - No logging yesterday or today. Cirque du Soleil tonight, so food/dessert there.
    Day 67—09/23 – 205.6 - The only way to keep going down is to stay home & eat at home! So hard!
    Day 68—09/24 - 204.3 - My weekly food bank shift today - snacks for volunteers always get me:)
    Day 69—09/25 – 203.4 - Stayed in cals yesterday. Might skip big church dinner tonight & eat healthier.
    Day 70—09/26 – 202.9 - Another good food day today. Hungry tonight but too late to snack.
    Week 10 actual weight: 202.9 (-2.1)
    Day 71—09/27 – 202.1 - So happy about this. Doing very well this past week. Need to keep it up!
    Day 72—09/28 – 201.9 - Getting close to my goal for this challenge. Hope I don't stall.
    Day 73—09/29 – 202.1 - Went to watch LSU game at my dad's. He has good snacks. I ate a bunch.
    Day 74—09/30 – 201.9 - To my daughter's today. Did better then usual w/ her snacks.
    Day 75—10/01 –
    Day 76—10/02 –
    Day 77—10/03 –

    Week 11 actual weight:
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,976 Member
    100 day Challenge 7/19/24-10/26/2024 **Do it for Mobility**
    Lily, age 63, 5'3"
    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    Targeting ~165 being closer to overweight instead of morbidly obese
    226.6 - Ending weight last round on 7/11/2024 before vacation.
    215 - Goal this round

    Day / Weight Daily Weigh In / 14 Day Trend Weight / Comments report day of activity

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    240’s 230’s 220's 210's 200's 190's 180’s 170's 160's 150's

    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    2021 SW: 212 BMI 37.6 (1/1/2021) NOTE: Low 201.1 in August 2021
    2022 SW: 209 BMI 37.0 (1/1/2022) Lost focus on myself while helping with 2 new grand babies (Jan & June); also started teaching ESL on Tues & Thurs morning and no longer went to in person Strong & Fit class … EXCUSES EXCUSES
    2023 SW: 232 BMI 41.1 (1/1/2023) Lowest 226
    2024 SW: 230 BMI 40.7 (1/1/2024) Refocus 6/22/2024
    2025 SW: ⁉️ It’s totally up to you and within your control

    Bike 30 min 3-4x weekly
    Strong & Fit 1 hr class 2x weekly
    Water 72+ oz daily
    Journal every bite focusing on low net carb <100g
    Weekly weigh in on Mondays

    226.6 - Ending weight last round on 7/11/2024 before vacation.
    7/11-7/25: DNW - Vacation Iceland & Norway
    7/26: 229.2 / 229.0 - Gained 2.6 lbs on vacation at first weigh in. I expect some of this to be travel bloat and disappear by tomorrow but not all! I did walk most days 2-6 miles which I'm proud of! Pushed through the knee pain. And one day I actually got on the bike in the gym on the boat. :)
    Not surprised that my weight is up. After a day of travel leaving at 3am Thursday morning from the hotel in Oslo … hour drive to the airport… flights to Paris, Detroit, Houston (airplane food on each leg of the journey and 3 bags of chips on the last flight) … landed in Houston at 6pm … picking up our dog & dinner with our son’s family at 7:30pm, another hour driving home finally home at 10:00pm Thursday night (which was 5am Friday morning Oslo time). So all in all a 26 hour travel day.
    Broke my promise to myself so vacation eating plan was a fail in that I ate the bread basket every night at dinner and dessert at lunch, dinner and 4pm tea time on a 11 night cruise! Oh boy such bad habits on vacation to over come. Otherwise my eating was really healthy with small portions and no snacking. Lots of room to improve on my next cruise in October.
    Now to tackle these pounds and not let them continue to slip back into the 230s.
    7/27: 227.5 / 228.6 - The real weight gain from my trip is .9 lbs! Less than a pound. Shedded the bloat from the long 26 hours of travel and got my body reset to this time zone. I’ll take it and tackle that little gain before it slips away from me. 😊 Now to make progress … meaning I need to focus on WATER, exercise and journaling every bite remembering small portions pay off big dividends helping me toward my goals.
    Biked 30 min, journaled, water 80+ oz
    7/28: 226.0 / 227.8 - Back to clean living and better habits. Grocery shopping was huge since before leaving due to the hurricane electrical outage for 3-4 days we had to throw EVERYTHING out of our 2 fridge/freezers. So lots of fresh food and very few temptations or snacks in the house. DH didn’t even buy cookies so there are no sweets to add calories after dinner. Created menus and bought only what was needed though I did forget salad dressing … guess the selection balsamic my sister gave me for Christmas will due in a pinch. LOL
    Bike 30 min, journaled, water 80+ oz
    7/29: 225.5 / 227.1 - Didn’t make strength training class since DH has Covid and I had to deal with the AC guy for our annual checkup. He was early and showed up when my class was suppose to start. So after he left I got on the bike instead.
    Bike 30 min, journaled, water 80 oz

    Weekly Goal: Lose any vacation pounds and ensure I’m back < 227
    Actual Weight: 225.5 - BMI = 40
    Challenge Weight Loss: 1.1
    🎯 Returning from vacation and getting myself started back on the healthy journey was key this week. I’m happy with my focus and determination. Now to focus on no longer being labeled “morbidly” obese.

    7/30: 224.8 / 226.2 - Bike 30, journaled, water 80 oz. Focusing on getting the 7 hrs recommended sleep.
    7/31: 224.5 / 225.5 - Since I missed strength training Monday I’ll tune into her private YouTube channel and do a make up session. I put it off not feeling my best so probably will test for Covid later today. Skipped all exercise instead this Wednesday. First time in the red since I had not activity to burn off extra calories. 1228 cal and 70 net carbs. Felt so awfully full in the evening that I had to stretch out and go to bed early. Journaled and 80 oz water.
    8/1: 224.4 / 225.0 - Feeling good this morning but still have an uncomfortably full sensation. Otherwise feel normal. Negative Covid test! Biked 30 72+ oz water. Journaled a big bowl of red beans and rice but the surprise was the 31 carbs in my store bought prepackaged salad! Roundtrip 3 hours to north part of Houston to watch my granddaughter for 2 hrs. DH is considering moving to be closer.
    8/2: 224.1 / 224.5 - Today’s focus … after my exercise class … prep for the party. Buying everything for the charcuterie board I’m making for the party, bake dark chocolate brownies, an then picking up wine & special iced cookies for the party tomorrow. The other grandmother is having tea sandwiches made, buying a dip, wine, variety of sparkling waters and she hired someone to act as bartender and to keep the place picked up during the party (la-di-da but that is how she rolls in her world … the party is at her house in a very nice upscale area inside Houston).
    Only did 20 min of my strength training class because I became dizzy and almost fainted. Had to lay down. Journaled. 72+ oz water.
    8/3: 224.8 / 224.4 - Not at all surprised by the up tic on the scale. Lunch out with my daughter yesterday and though we split the meal I let her order … chips with spinach artichoke dip, chicken strips, French fries. Nothing healthy about it! Then I ate brownies because they made a crumbled mess out of the pan and didn’t get a clean square … probably ate 2.
    Today I need to be a little more cautious in my eating! Sip & See for my new granddaughter. Myself and the other grandmother are hosting a large party of our lady friends (45-50) to meet all 3 of my grandchildren. No exercise, no journal but did drink my water. Didn’t eat anything at the party but did have a slice of brisket at my son’s and a cookie when I returned home.
    8/4: 223.5 / 223.9 - Nothing planned today but the bike and painting. May get out and weed some though the heat is stifling. Way too much charcuterie and cookie leftovers in the house. DH & I could have charcuterie for lunch or dinner every day this week LOL
    Bike 30 min, water definitely but not sure of the oz, no journal.
    8/5: 223.7 / 223.7 - I successfully made my goal this week!!!
    20 min strength training, not enough water and no journaling.

    Weekly Goal: Obese stage 2 BMI 39.9 @ <225 No longer 🚫 morbidly obese!
    Actual Weight: 223.7 - BMI 39.7
    Challenge Weight Loss: 2.9
    🎯 I moved out of Morbidly obese stage 3 and into obese stage 2! ✔️
    Now to work my way down to obese stage 1 around 197 but I’ll first have to hit many milestones to get there.
    NSV - I “slid” my cellphone into my front pocket of my pants with lots of room to spare. (Aug 2024) ✔️

    8/6: 224.6 / 223.8 - Bike 30 min, no journal.
    8/7: 223.4 / 223.5 - No planned exercise for Wed! Need to focus on water. Though I’m not journaling my portion control has been spot on and no time for snacking the last few days.
    8/8: 223.5 / 223.4 - Bike 30 min, water, but only half journaling and way over my net carb limit of <100 due to snacking on crackers.
    8/9: 224.4 / 223.5 - Strength training 40 min, water, but still no journaling.
    8/10: 222.9 / 223.2 - No exercise or journaling.
    8/11: 224.2 / 223.4 - No exercise or journaling.
    8/12: 223.0 / 223.2 - Pre-journaled my food plan. Slight change in food plan for lunch. No exercise … forgot how time consuming a 2 month old is!

    Weekly Goal (until I hit it): < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 223.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: xx
    🎯 Many poor food choices, no journaling for the entire week, exercise also thrown off since DD & grandkids stayed with us while her husband had pneumonia. Cannot let grandkids be the reason I regain the weight like 2022!

    8/13: 223.3 / 223.1 - No exercise, no journaling
    8/14: 223.8 / 223.2 - Travel day round trip to granddaughter’s ~3 hrs and caring for her today. Bad food choices, no journaling, no exercise, lacked water.
    8/15: 225.1 / 223.7 - Bike 30, no journal and lacked water. I have today all to myself … so plenty of time to work on my own goals, exercise and make great decisions!
    8/16: 223.5 / 223.6 - Thought that spike might have been temporary. Glad to see the number come back down! Baby duty today for my 2 month old. She starts daycare on Monday. So I’m planning to enjoy all the snuggles I can get though I will miss my strength training class. No exercise or journaling and still need to work on water. But my meals were barely there … like I took some turkey deli meat and that was it for lunch. Not one single snack all day!
    8/17: 222.8 / 223.4 - Good the trend is going back down! Tonight I babysit but today is mine for exercise and painting. Bike 30 min and drank more water.
    8/18: 222.3 / 223.0 - Today roundtrip car trip to my son’s to help unload and move furniture they bought. My goal is to bike this morning since we don’t have to be there until noon. DH & I decided to eat at home for both lunch and dinner and it makes a huge difference. No snacking. 30 min bike! 80+ oz water.
    8/19: 220.5 / 222.1 - WOW! Controlling what I put in my body makes a huge difference … something I need to remember. Opportunity to eat out before and after our roundtrip to my son’s home to help move furniture. Instead of lunch out for burgers & fries at a new place DH & I made open faced sandwich and a few olives for salty. Returning from my son’s we almost went to an Italian restaurant but came home cooked a steak and romaine lettuce on the grill with a homemade lemon parmesan thyme dressing.
    📚 tonight + strength training today 40 min. AF ✔️

    Weekly Goal (until I hit it): < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 220.5 - BMI 39.1
    Challenge Weight Loss: 6
    🎯 Getting back on the bike, water and watching what I eat always pays off focusing Thurs-Sun. I need to remember this when my schedule goes crazy like it did in the earlier part of the week! I was able to bounce back. Aug 10 last Saturday I was in the 222 range but then let life happen and it slipped away. The old me would have avoided the scale at all cost after Wed after a really bad eating day and travel. But I did the daily stepping on registered it and moved on. Yeah me! It was mostly temporary due to time in a car and eating out processed food / sodium … so I had hoped I could reel it back in and I did. Ignoring things never got me anywhere. Got back down again not letting my weekend dictate slacking off. Full steam ahead started on Thursday and it paid off for my weekly weigh in. Now to not let up or slip up! I have dinner with book club ladies Monday and Wednesday night at restaurants this next week.

    8/20: 220.9 / 221.6 - Okay into the stretch shooting for the teens! Bike 30 min, water 80 oz. ✔️
    8/21: 221.3 / 221.3 - Today will be challenging. Driving to care for my granddaughter. Eating out lunch and dinner. Leaving at 9am returning at 9pm. Mexican food and chips temptation at bookclub. 📚 Dined out at Mexican restaurant for both lunch and& dinner. Tried to keep my portions down and not eat everything on my plate and counted chips. Did not order any rice, beans, etc and ate only 2 of 3 enchiladas at lunch and half order of quesadillas at dinner. AF. No exercise Wednesday but lots of water. ✔️
    8/22: 220.8 / 220.9 - Prep day for procedure only clear liquids which thank goodness includes black coffee, tea, chicken broth. Alcohol Free (AF)! Still feeling full from all the chicken enchiladas and chicken quesadillas yesterday. Met with design team on remodeling our downstairs. Next week we meet with the contractors and appliance people. Lunch out with DD & DH. While they ate I sipped on my chicken broth in a Yeti cup that kept it warm for the trip and more water. No exercise but plenty of water.✔️
    8/23: 219.3 / 220.3 - Lacking sleep. This is definitely not a diet to lose weight!!! Love that I touched the teens but positive it is a temporary loss. Scheduled Colonoscopy & Endoscopy. Results are fine. No exercise, lots of water, regular meals. Slept most of the afternoon. ✔️
    8/24: 223.4 / 221.0 - I knew it would be up from yesterday’s low but this is ridiculous! Still resting no exercise, lots of water. Not snacking and meals have not been that bad but did indulge in ice cream after dinner when watching a movie.
    8/25: 222.0 / 221.2 - Cannot believe how off kilter I am on the scale … you would think after a colonoscopy the numbers would be down. Dinner at my son’s cancelled since DIL is sick. Bike 30 min.
    8/26: 221.8 / 221.4 - Glad the number is coming back down but disappointed that I let it get out of hand. Not really sure why or what happened. Driving 2+ hr to pick up my granddaughter so she can spend the days and nights here so my son can work and my DIL can recover from fever, upper respiratory infection, etc … she needs rest, fluids, antibiotics. Walked outside 1/4 mile with stroller.✔️

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Glass of water before coffee ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.8
    GAINED this week: 1.3
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.8
    🎯 Disappointed that I let it get out of hand. Not really sure why or what happened. I didn’t snack but were my portions larger than I thought? Need to focus on journaling every bite again.

    8/27: 220.2 / 220.9 - Finally back down to 220 again. Maybe my body has finally rid itself of all the bloat after the colonoscopy. Now to continue and break through the 220s! Granddaughter duty today. No exercise. Did not journal my food at all … not one single bite.
    8/28: 220.5 / 220.8 - Okay today focus! Not traveling today and no granddaughter duty since my son said he would stay home and work and care for her so I don’t have to make the drive again. Bike 30 min, lacked water and still not journaling.
    8/29: 221.1 / 220.7 - No excuses today! Bike 30 min
    8/30: 220.3 / 220.5 - Plans to bike, menu plan, grocery shop, drink more water! No bike. UTI so meds and water!
    8/31: 219.7 / 220.1 - Plans to bike … and today I will just do it! Plenty of water in my plan as well. 2nd time seeing 219.x! Can I keep the scale from slipping up again into the 220s and soon mark it off as a scale victory? To check it off my list I need to see it multiple days in a row … so here we got trying to hold on to 219 through the weekend! Biked 30 min. Snacking go to me for the first time in a while during the afternoon.
    9/1: 220.1 / 220.0 - Bounced back into the 220s. Darn! Today we are having family over for fajitas. No exercise except chasing a toddler. Too much food!
    9/2: 220.8 / 220.1 - I need the brownies my sister brought yesterday out of the house! I ate 3 yesterday. Today my goal is not even a nibble. Ate them anyway and they are still not gone! 30 min on bike. Still not journaling.

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Journal every bite! ✔️ Notice that I didn’t even attempt this habit once this past week. Really becoming a problem.
    Actual Weight: 220.8
    Challenge Weight Loss: 5.8
    🎯 Wasn’t able to hold on to the 219.x after all. I need more discipline in my life.

    9/3: 220.6 / 220.2 - No art class today. DH started auditing graduate level Math Economics classes at Rice Univ on Tues & Thurs (w/ labs Tues night & Friday day). So I have plenty of time to myself today for exercise, weeding, reading and painting. Bike 30 min. ✔️
    9/4: 221.7 / 220.6 - Wrong direction! ✔️Drive to babysit granddaughter and birthday celebration dinner for my sister. No exercise.
    9/5: 221.0 / 220.7 - Wrong direction! ✔️ Plans to bike today! Biked 30 min.
    9/6: DNW - Girls weekend with old college friends ... need to wrap my head around food and drink before diving into the situation.
    9/7: DNW
    9/8: DNW
    9/9: 222.7 / 221.9 - Fun weekend but obviously went overboard on the food front. Bike 30 min. Journaled for the first time in a month!

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Water before coffee ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.7
    Gained this week: .9
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.9
    🎯 I really need to get serious if I want to hit 215 before my birthday at the end of October. I need to get back to journaling every bite. If I don’t get one other thing right this week it needs to be that.

    9/10: 220.5 / 221.6 - Busy day ahead … Learn English Ministry volunteer teaching for adults in the community starts back up for today. I teach level 2 out of 4 levels. Then art class after lunch and a sorority alumni craft party this evening in town. Journaled yesterday for the first time in forever! Plans to do that again today :) No exercise. Avoided journaling. Snacked in the afternoon when I was not really hungry, then dinner out with DH and couldn’t finish my real meal, skipped the food at my evening meeting.
    9/11: 220.7 / 221.3 - No excuses today. Need to both exercise and journal. Bike 30. Did not journal. Baked cookies instead.
    9/12: 220.7 / 221.1 - Today ESL class, garden, and bike. Talked to contractor yesterday about remodeling entire downstairs using my daughter’s plans ... she's a professional interior designer. Biked 30 min. Did not journal.
    9/13: 220.2 / 220.8 - Too many homemade cookies Wed and Thurs with no journaling. Today my goal is to say NO to the cookies! Biked 30 mins.
    9/14: 221.7 / 221.0 - Where oh where is my focus? Biked 20 min
    9/15: 222.0 / 221.3 - Lost all incentive and let things go a little too far. Bike 20 min
    9/16: 221.7 / 221.4 - Well this week has been a disappointment. Bike 30 min

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Journal every bite! ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.7
    No Loss or Gain this week
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.9
    🎯 I really need to pull myself together. My calendar had a reminder this morning that I wanted to be under 220 by this date. I set up that reminder back in July. I’ve been so close and under a couple of times yet just still hanging out in the low 20s.

    9/17: 222.1 / 221.7 - Need to stop it right here from going up up up. No exercise.
    9/18: 222.1 / 221.5 - Yesterday … Snacking in the afternoon … I was feeling empty and just couldn’t stop basically having a second lunch of a half sandwich around 3pm. Where did this bottomless pit feeling come from? Healthy salmon dinner around 6pm then stayed up till 11pm not snacking at all.
    9/19: 222.8 / 221.5 - Bike 20 min
    9/20: 222.0 / 222.0 - Bike 20 min
    9/21: 221.3 / 221.9 - Bike 20 min
    9/22: 220.6 / 221.5 - Bike 20 min
    9/23: 219.0 / 221.5 - Right direction and a surprise! I know I did much better with my food over the weekend and it shows. I’ve hit 219.x twice this summer and couldn’t hold on to claim bye bye to the 220s. So my goal this week is to keep it under 220 and work on the 14 day trend to come down as well. Bike 20 min

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 219.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: 7.6
    🎯 Out of control week followed up by a great weekend. Seem to be back in the 219-220 area again like early September / late August. I thought I had wasted all my September hanging out at 221-222 in recent times. Glad to see the drop. Now to keep it under 220!!

    9/24: 219.5 / 220.2 - Held 219.x 2 days in a row! Yeah!!! No exercise really busy day teaching ESL, art class and helping my daughter with the babies while her husband is out of town.
    🎯Weigh less than DH: He is up to 222 so I’m under him this morning. (Sept 2024) ✔️

    9/25: 220.0 / 220.0 - Lost it … darn pizza and popcorn! My trend is getting closer to being under 220 :) No excuses today!
    9/26: 219.9 / 219.9 - Back under 220 but this time so is my 14 day trend!! Spent yesterday cleaning out my closet of everything to small or big. Tossed what I didn’t like. Put away in bin anything that didn’t fit that I really like so that later I can shop there first :) I believe 10 more pounds and I’ll be looking through the bin since most fit but was either too tight across the bust or hips. Now my closet has much fewer options but I can wear everything! I love how decluttered the closet is now!!
    9/27: 219.0 / 219..5 - Today I need to get back on the bike. I’ve noticed that I’ve pushed it off almost everyday this week! Baked double batch of pumpkin cookies and only at 2 I call that a win. Bike 20 min.
    9/28: 218.9 / 219.2 - Talked to another contractor yesterday and thinking this might work. Yesterday I started cleaning out my kitchen cabinets and drawers … to toss and give away. Bike 20 min
    9/29: 217.9 / 218.7 - Finally seeing the drops. This low is probably because I slept in til 7:30am instead of weighing in at 4am. LOL Not snacking and portion control seem to be working. Bike 20 min
    9/30: 218.0 / 218.4 - I still have lots of homemade cookies in the house but I’ve limited myself. Looking forward to another good week.

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens and keep it under 220 … 220's
    Actual Weight: 218.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: 8.6
    🎯 Early August I set my goal to break 220 and 8 weeks later I did it! Did it take a long time with many ups and downs … of course. Am I glad I didn’t quit and hang in the towel … YES! Now to strive for 215 which is my goal for this challenge and my birthday at the end of October!

    10/1: 218.0 / 218.1 - In sight of my challenge goal ... reaching for it!

    Weekly Goal: <215 Till I hit it!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Thank you @dawnbgethealthy
    I'm in!
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 145.0
    UGW: 140.0
    Day 01--07/19 – 149.0 at 8:45 a.m. ...no workout today. Trainer's family member is ill.
    Day 02—07/20 – 151.0 at 6:10 a.m. ...5.42 miles in 107 mins then Grandsons Duty!!!
    Day 03—07/21 – 149.8 at 7:10 a.m. ...total rest day
    Day 04—07/22 – 149.6 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    Day 05—07/23 – 148.0 at 7:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 06—07/24 – 149.3 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    Day 07—07/25 – 149.9 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then made soup
    Week 1 Goal: 147.0
    Week 1 actual weight: 149.9
    Day 08--07/26 – 149.0 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    Day 09—07/27 – 151.8 at 6:40 a.m. ...5.20 miles in 102 mins then Grandsons Duty!!!
    Day 10—07/28 – 150.2 at 7:15 a.m. ...Grandson's softball game then nothing
    Day 11—07/29 – 150.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 12—07/30 – 149.0 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 13—07/31 – 151.1 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 14—08/01 – 150.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading
    Week 2 Goal: 147.0 bwahahahah
    Week 2 gain/loss: +1.8
    Day 15--08/02 – 150.1 at 7:25 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then made soup...trainer in Utah
    Day 16—08/03 – 149.6 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.43 miles in 110 mins to the post office and back
    Day 17—08/04 – 151.5 at 6:40 a.m. ...Grandson's last softball game then shredded paper and ground coffee beans!
    Day 18—08/05 – 151.8 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 19—08/06 – 151.0 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing again!!
    Day 20—08/07 – 150.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 21—08/08 – 150.5 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then bwahahah!
    Week 3 Goal: 147.0
    Week 3 gain/loss: +.4
    Day 22—08/09 – 150.1 at 7:25 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 23—08/10 – 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.33 miles in 107 mins to the post office and back then Grandson Duty!!
    Day 24—08/11 – 150.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.21 miles to the Ruins and back
    Day 25—08/12 – 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 26—08/13 – 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 27—08/14 – 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 28—08/15 – 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Week 4 Goal: 149.0
    Week 4 gain/loss: +.9
    Day 29—08/16 – 151.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 30—08/17 – 149.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...Shopped w/DDD and her Best Friend!! First time in a couple of years! It was so fun! Then wrapped b'day gifts for my Trainer (Monday), DDD (Tuesday) and our oldest Grandson who will be 8 on Wednesday!
    Day 31—08/18 – 151.4 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.36 miles in 107 mins then made soup then wrapped presents
    Day 32—08/19 – 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 33—08/20 – 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...nothing
    Day 34—08/21 – 151.0 at 7:30 a.m. ...Family over for DDD & Grandson's b'days
    Day 35—08/22 – 151.5 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.43 miles in 107 mins to the post office and back...sooo windy!
    Week 5 Goal:
    Week 5 gain/loss:-.2
    Day 36—08/23 – 150.7 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 37—08/24 – 152.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...Family & friends met at Q-zar for laser tag to celebrate Grandson's b'day.
    Day 38—08/25 – 149.7 at 7:30 a.m. ...Family & Friends met at brunch for DDD's b'day.
    Day 39—08/26 – 149.9 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 40—08/27 – 151.7 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.36 miles in 107 mins to the Ruins and back
    Day 41—08/28 – 151.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 42—08/29 – 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Week 6 Goal: 149.0
    Week 6 gain/loss: +.3 too many b'day parties!!
    Day 43—08/30 – 152.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 44—08/31 – 150.8 at 6:00 a.m. ...DDD and I got our hair cut then I did nothing!!
    Day 45—09/01 – 151.5 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.30 miles in 106 mins to the Ruins and back
    Day 46—09/02 – 151.9 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 47—09/03 – 152.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Day 48—09/04 – 152.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then Family emergency... :#
    Day 49—09/05 – 153.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then Grandpuppy Duty
    Week 7 Goal: 149.0
    Week 7 gain/loss: +.7
    Day 50—09/06 – 151.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandpuppy then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 51—09/07 – 152.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandpuppy then 5.37 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back
    Day 52—09/08 – 149.2 at 7:30 a.m. ...Grandpuppy Duty then zero
    Day 53—09/09 – 153.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 54—09/10 – 153.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 55—09/11 – 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 56—09/12 – 153.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Week 8 Goal: 149.0
    Week 8 gain/loss: bwahahahah!
    Day 57—09/13 – 152.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero ... my trainer is gone for a week
    Day 58—09/14 – 152.5 at 6:00 a.m. ...5.46 miles in 109 mins to the post office and back
    Day 59—09/15 – 151.6 at 6:00 a.m. ...5.23 miles in 102 mins to the Ruins and back
    Day 60—09/16 – 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero ... my trainer is gone for a week
    Day 61—09/17 – 149.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Day 62—09/18 – 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero ... my trainer is gone for a week
    Day 63—09/19 – 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then went to get our booster shots
    Week 9 Goal: 149.0
    Week 9 gain/loss: -2.8
    Day 64—09/20 – 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...zero...arm tooooooo sore!!
    Day 65—09/21 – 149.7 at 9:00 a.m. ...zero still recovering... :#
    Day 66—09/22 – 150.3 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.40 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back
    Day 67—09/23 – 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 68—09/24 – 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 69—09/25 – 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 70—09/26 – 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Week 10 Goal: 149.0
    Week 10 gain/loss: -.5
    Day 71—09/27 – 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 72—09/28 – 150.9 at 9:30 a.m. ...total rest day
    Day 73—09/29 – 150.9 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.30 miles in 106 mins to the Ruins and back
    Day 74—09/30 – 152.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 75—10/01 –
    Day 76—10/02 –
    Day 77—10/03 –
    Week 11 Goal: 149.0
    Week 11 gain/loss:
    Good luck everyone!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,979 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In #20 ^^^^^ July 19th through October 26th, 2024


    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    My Name is Donna, Age 64. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 188.6
    Goal This Round: 176.6
    Challenge Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this challenge: xxxxx

    Previous Round Tallys & Thoughts:

    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8

    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0
    Round #17---183.8
    Round #18---182.2
    Round #19---188.6
    Round #20---

    Thoughts at the beginning of this challenge:

    Last round I had my normal goal of a 12 pound loss which is approximately 4 lbs per month. That comes to about 90 days leaving the other 10 open for special holidays and social occasions. In theory, it’s a good plan. In practice it is a Mountain to Crawl, uphill, both ways. However, each 100 day round I am extremely grateful for any progress I CAN make, no matter how big or small. Sadly, I gained a little over 6 pounds last round. I hope to turn all that back around this round. After all, here in Northern Michigan I wait a very long time each year to finally get to good weather and more outside activity. I really want to capitalize on the good weather in the summer months and increase activity and drop pounds. I’m failing miserably with this so far in 2024. Time to maximize the rest of summer and early fall with challenge #20 and make the magic happen! I am so very grateful for all the support from all of you that I get on a daily basis. Working on my health has become my #1 priority. My main goals are to maintain my remission by staying cancer free and to keep my diabetes in control. Losing weight is key to both goals.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s


    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-07/19-188.0-(Trend weight 188.7)

    Day 02-07/20-186.2-(Trend weight 188.4)

    Day 03-07/21-188.0-(Trend weight 188.5)

    Day 04-07/22-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 05-07/23-188.2-(Trend weight 188.8)

    Day 06-07/24-188.6-(Trend weight 188.9)

    Day 07-07/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: ?????[ /b]
    Week 1 Ending Weight: ?????
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: ?????

    Day 08-07/26-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 09-07/27-189.4-(Trend weight 189.2)

    Day 10-07/28-189.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 11-07/29-189.4-(Trend weight 189.7)

    Day 12-07/30-189.8-(Trend weight 190.0)

    Day 13-07/31-188.4-(Trend weight 190.3)

    Day 14-08/01-188.6-(Trend weight 190.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: Broke Even
    Week 2 Ending Weight: 188.6
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0 Lost or Gained.

    Day 15-08/02- DNW -(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 16-08/03-188.4-(Trend weight 189.9)

    Day 17-08/04-189.2-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 18-08/05-188.2-(Trend weight 189.6)

    Day 19-08/06-189.2-(Trend weight 189.6)

    Day 20-08/07-188.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 21-08/08-188.8-(Trend weight 189.4)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.2 Gain
    Week 3 Ending Weight: 188.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.2 Gain

    Day 22-08/09-190.2-(Trend weight 189.4)

    Day 23-08/10-190.2-(Trend weight 189.4)

    Day 24-08/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 25-08/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 26-08/13-190.6-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 27-08/14-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 28-08/15-190.8-(Trend weight 190.3)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.0 Gained
    Week 4 Ending Weight: 190.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 Gained

    Day 29-08/16-191.4-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 30-08/17- DNW -(Trend weight DNW )

    Day 31-08/18- DNW -(Trend weight DNW

    Day 32-08/19-192.2-(Trend weight 191.1)

    Day 33-08/20- 189.4 -(Trend weight 190.9 )

    Day 34-08/21-187.0-(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 35-08/22-189.8-(Trend weight 190.5)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb Lost
    Week 5 Ending Weight: 189.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.2 lb Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-08/23-190.0-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 37-08/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 38-08/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 39-08/26-192.0-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 40-08/27-191.0-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 41-08/28-189.8-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 42-08/29-190.2-(Trend weight 190.7)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Gain
    Week 6 Ending Weight: 190.2
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 43-08/30- DNW

    Day 44-08/31-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 45- 09/01 DNW

    Day 46-09/02-192.4-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 47-09/03-192.0-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 48-09/04-190.8-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 49-09/05-190.8-(Trend weight 191.4)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Gain
    Week 7 Ending Weight: 190.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-09/06-189.4-(Trend weight 191.2)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 0.8 Gained

    Day 51-09/07-189.0-(Trend weight 191.0)

    Day 52-09/08-189.6-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 53-09/09-191.0-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 54-09/10-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 55-09/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 56-09/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.2 Gained
    Week 8 Ending Weight: 191.0
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.4 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-09/13-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 58-09/14-192.8-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 59-09/15-193.2-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 60-09/16-193.6-(Trend weight 191.8)

    Day 61-09/17-193.8-(Trend weight 192.2)

    Day 62-09/18-192.4-(Trend weight 192.3)

    Day 63-09/19-194.6-(Trend weight 192.6)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.6 Gained morning after a travel day
    Week 9 Ending Weight: 194.6
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 6.0 lbs Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-09/20-193.4-(Trend weight 193.4)

    Day 65-09/21-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 66-09/22-193.8-(Trend weight 193.5)

    Day 67-09/23-193.8-(Trend weight 193.6)

    Day 68-09/24-193.4-(Trend weight 193.8)

    Day 69-09/25-192.6-(Trend weight 193.7)

    Day 70-09/26-191.8-(Trend weight 193.5)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.8 Lost
    Week 10 Ending Weight: 191.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.2 Gain

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-09/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 72-09/28-192.2-(Trend weight 193.4)

    Day 73-09/29-193.6-(Trend weight 193.6)

    Day 74-09/30-193.6-(Trend weight 193.8) Holding steady is just not good enough for me right now. Not at this number I am at. I plan a very good day today and some extra movement with more yard work. I’m making tacos today (instead of taco Tuesday). It’s one of my son’s favorites but mine will be modified to be lower carb. No contractor today which was unexpected.

    Day 75-10/01-193.6-(Trend weight 193.8) I’m stalled today on the numbers, but looking back I seem to be hovering around these same numbers for a good two weeks now. It’s time to get serious and put a dent into it. I’d like to be back in the 180’s by the end of October.

    Day 76-10/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-10/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 11 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Future Weeks to Come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-10/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-10/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-10/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-10/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-10/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-10/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-10/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 12 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-10/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-10/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-10/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-10/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-10/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-10/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-10/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 13 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-10/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-10/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-10/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-10/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-10/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-10/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-10/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 99-10/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-10/26…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx (9 days)
    Week 14 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 718 Member
    @tinathescreamer Oh my! Now I'm googling those things. Haha. Sugar mice are so cute! Coconut ice and French nougat both sound dangerously good. The dolly mixtures are pretty!
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 718 Member
    I'm 58 years old and 5'6".
    Current weight is: 216.7
    Highest weight was 252.6.
    100 Day Goal: To be under 200 lbs.

    Week 1 actual weight: 217.6 (+.9) Total for 100 day challenge: +.9
    Week 2 actual weight: 212.5 (-5.1) Total for 100 day challenge: - 4.2
    Week 3 actual weight: 211.6 (-.9) Total for 100 day challenge: - 5.1
    Week 4 actual weight: 212.0 (+.4) Total for 100 day challenge:- 4.7
    Week 5 actual weight: 207.9 (-4.1) Total for 100 day challenge: -8.8
    Week 6 actual weight: 207.6 (-.3) Total for 100 day challenge: -9.1
    Week 7 actual weight: 205.2 (-2.4) Total for 100 day challenge: -11.5

    Halfway Progress Report/Pounds Lost so Far: -11.5

    Week 8 actual weight: 207.4 (+2.2) Total for 100 day challenge: -9.3
    Week 9 actual weight: 205.0 (-2.4) Total for 100 day challenge: -11.7
    Week 10 actual weight: 202.9 (-2.1) Total for 100 day challenge: -13.8
    Start on Day 6.
    Day 06—07/24 –216.7
    Day 07—07/25 –217.6
    Week 1 actual weight: 217.6 (+.9)

    Day 08—07/26 – 217.8 - Vacation 7 weeks ago & I've been off the rails since then, so gained recently.
    Day 09—07/27 – 216.5 - Healthy eating today & tracked it all.
    Day 10—07/28 – 214.7 - Finally back on track with eating better. Now to keep it up!
    Day 11—07/29 – 213.4 - Still on track with my eating. Staying under 1800 calories.
    Day 12—07/30 – 213.4 - Another on-track day. Thought it would be up due to salty red beans & rice:)
    Day 13—07/31 – 212.9 - Yet another good day yesterday. This morning I went for a long walk.
    Day 14—08/01 – 212.5 - So happy that I made good choices this week, even at a restaurant last night.
    Week 2 actual weight: 212.5 (-5.1)

    Day 15—08/02 – 212.2 - Out to eat at a steak restaurant tonight.
    Day 16—08/03 – 212.7 - Only two bites of dessert last night! Movies today (popcorn). Dinner out.
    Day 17—08/04 – 212.9 - Conscious of my choices when eating out. Lunch out. Tough food week.
    Day 18—08/05 – 213.1 - Finally all meals at home. All of those restaurant days make it hard.
    Day 19—08/06 – 212.9 - Daughter made brownies last night. Had small one; wanted more so bad.
    Day 20—08/07 – 212.0 - Had only one tiny brownie yesterday. Made shrimp tacos for dinner.
    Day 21—08/08 - 211.6 - Another good day with good choices. Out to play trivia last night. Fun!
    Week 3 actual weight: 211.6 (-.9)

    Day 22—08/09 – 210.9 - Out to eat lunch w/ family at Cracker Barrel.
    Day 23—08/10 – 212.4 - Not unexpected with the salty meal yesterday (fluid) & more food than usual.
    Day 24—08/11 – 211.2 - Could have finished my day well under cals, but sweet tooth got me last night.
    Day 25—08/12 – 211.4 - Out w/ my daughter last night - Chinese food/dessert. Pizza tonight. So hard.
    Day 26—08/13 – 211.6 - Ate at home, so no increased sodium. Hoping it shows on the scale tomorrow.
    Day 27—08/14 – 211.2 - Bad news about our dog today:( Ate a bunch of pizza and some dessert.
    Day 28—08/15 – 212.0 - Up and down. So it goes.
    Week 4 actual weight: 212.0 (+.4)

    Day 29—08/16 – 211.8 - Dog to the vet. Out for Mexican food last night. Ate too much (stress).
    Day 30—08/17 – 210.7 - Feels good to see that number. Birthday today, so Chinese & tiny cheesecake.
    Day 31—08/18 – 210.3 - Got Moo Goo Gai Pan yesterday for Chinese b/c it's healthier:)
    Day 32—08/19 – 209.8 - Seeing the scale move motivates me to make better choices.
    Day 33—08/20 – 210.4 - Got a free tiny portion of ribs (bd reward) from Roadhouse. Only ate four fries:)
    Day 34—08/21 – 207.8 - AM pack boxes at the food bank then a lakefront walk in the PM. Lots of sweat!
    Day 35—08/22 – 207.9 - Wednesday night church dinner started up last night. So sodium Thursdays.
    Week 5 actual weight: 207.9 (-4.1)

    Day 36—08/23 – 206.9 - Handled my cravings last night & didn't snack while dh was. Feels good.
    Day 37—08/24 – 207.6 - Texas Roadhouse last night. Ate too much, so was uncomfortable:(
    Day 38—08/25 – 207.3 - Helped my dd bring everything back to her college apartment & I slept over.
    Day 39—08/26 – No scale this morning. Didn't eat lots of snacks at my daughter's this time! Home now.
    Day 40—08/27 – 207.4 - Had a pretty good day food wise. My Tuesday shift at the food bank today.
    Day 41—08/28 – 207.0 - Lunch function today & then Wed. night church dinner tonight. Oh my!
    Day 42—08/29 – 207.6 - Thought it would be worse from sodium. Up/down, up/down all week:)
    Week 6 actual weight: 207.6 (-.3)

    Day 43—08/30 – 210.0 - Expected:) Fun Bingo last night with some salty foods & chocolate!
    Day 44—08/31 – 208.6 - Good day yesterday food-wise and a nice long walk in the rain:)
    Day 45—09/01 – 208.6 - Out w/family & ate at restaurant yesterday. Not good choices. Today was good.
    Day 46—09/02 – 207.6 - Within my calorie limit yesterday & will be today. Feels good.
    Day 47—09/03 – 206.3 -All meals at home for three days in a row & the scale shows it.
    Day 48—09/04 - 205.9 - My son & his girlfriend flew here for a week. Hope I set a good example.
    Day 49—09/05 – 205.2 - They brought banana bread & canolis. I had some. Doing good though.
    Week 7 actual weight: 205.2 (-2.4)
    Halfway Progress Report/Pounds Lost so Far: - 11.5

    Day 50—09/06 – 205.0 - Still doing well though my daughter made muffins for a potluck tonight.
    Day 51—09/07 - 208.1- Played Bunco w/ neighborhood ladies last night. The + pounds are crazy.
    Day 52—09/08 - 207.3 - Out w/ family today. Ate at a restaurant.
    Day 53—09/09 - 206.6 - Pretty good day. Hurricane coming our way.
    Day 54—09/10 – 206.5 - Lots of stress. A hurricane is heading our way. Spent the day prepping for it.
    Day 55—09/11 – 206.3 - Hurricane will be hitting tonight. My dad is here w/ us. Stress.
    Day 56—09/12 – 207.4 - No power for 12 hrs., then boil water advisory. Not logging today or yesterday.
    Week 8 actual weight: 207.4 (+2.2)

    Day 57—09/13 – 207.4 - Been a rough week. Homemade cookies here now. Ups and downs.
    Day 58—09/14 – 207.2 - More on track today w/ logging. Going out tonight to see a comedian.
    Day 59—09/15 – 207.2 - Good food day today. Stayed under cals & had room for 2 oatmeal cookies!
    Day 60—09/16 – 205.9 - Out for dinner. Had a good hamburger - skipped fries/drink- full & satisfied!
    Day 61—09/17 – 205.4 - Will be home for most of the day. So should be a good food day:)
    Day 62—09/18 – 204.3 - Ate over cals today. Wed. night church dinner & munchies.
    Day 63—09/19 – 205.0 - Met a friend for coffee (cinnamon toast nitro latte). All meals at home today.
    Week 9 actual weight:205.0 (-2.4)

    Day 64—09/20 – 203.7 - Quite a drop there. Can't imagine it will last, but nice anyway.
    Day 65—09/21 – Forgot to weigh this morning! Out to eat breakfast w/ family. Feeling hungry today.
    Day 66—09/22 – 206.7 - No logging yesterday or today. Cirque du Soleil tonight, so food/dessert there.
    Day 67—09/23 – 205.6 - The only way to keep going down is to stay home & eat at home! So hard!
    Day 68—09/24 - 204.3 - My weekly food bank shift today - snacks for volunteers always get me:)
    Day 69—09/25 – 203.4 - Stayed in cals yesterday. Might skip big church dinner tonight & eat healthier.
    Day 70—09/26 – 202.9 - Another good food day today. Hungry tonight but too late to snack.
    Week 10 actual weight: 202.9 (-2.1)
    Day 71—09/27 – 202.1 - So happy about this. Doing very well this past week. Need to keep it up!
    Day 72—09/28 – 201.9 - Getting close to my goal for this challenge. Hope I don't stall.
    Day 73—09/29 – 202.1 - Went to watch LSU game at my dad's. He has good snacks. I ate a bunch.
    Day 74—09/30 – 201.9 - To my daughter's today. Did better then usual w/ her snacks.
    Day 75—10/01 – 202.7 - More ups and downs. Craving chocolate:)
    Day 76—10/02 –
    Day 77—10/03 –

    Week 11 actual weight:
  • the_reflex
    the_reflex Posts: 134 Member
    edited October 1
    Round 18 80.1 to 76.4 kg

    Day 1 73.6 a big drop from my last reading on day 98, it's not total fat loss, I expect to gain as my body recovers
    Day 2 73.6
    Day 3 73.6
    Day 4 DNW
    Day 5 73.2
    Day 6 73.7
    Day 7 73.5 I want to lose at least a kilogram a month, that should be easy to achieve. So "it's all on" as they say. I will post when I have what I consider junk food. It's been 12 days since I had sugar. That's the longest in the last 5 1/2 years. I consider that an achievement. I had KFC yesterday because the mall I was at has no where to sit down and do stuff, I needed to email the receipt from the water payment and wasn't going home until it was done. At the moment, I'm a bit slower than one kilogram a month.
    Day 8 74.1
    Day 9 73.7 I have now lost weight for 42 consecutive months. That's an alternative way of saying "the_reflex is taking forever to reach goal weight, 42 months to lose 22 kg". But it shows that I haven't rebounded to any large extent. That's a hopeful sign for maintenance.
    I had sugar today, after 14 days. Sugary food and chocolate definitely changes my mood. Buzzy feeling. I hope to not have sugary food again for a while.
    Day 10 73.1
    Day 11 72.3 my weight has dropped quite a bit in the last 3 days but that's just because I stopped having salty food. I just checked my spreadsheet, guess what? 29th July 2014. 73.0 kg. I'm now the weight I was 10 years ago. I consider this a milestone. I had a Starbucks meal to celebrate.
    Day 12 73.1 pizza in the evening resulting in...
    Day 13 75.5
    Day 14 75.8, still showing the effect of the pizza. But I'm not hungry right now, so I'm eating too much. I lost 2.7 kg in July, a lot of that is from getting influenza (not covid - I got tested) which went to my throat, stomach, lungs and inner ear. Anyway I need to eat less.
    Goal weight - 64 kg. I really want to aim for reaching goal weight by the end of the year. I don't know if I can do it, but it would be nice to achieve it. So I need to track my intake, starting today, first of the month. That's about 150 days of tracking and estimating food needed. It would be nice to have a long period of continuous tracking because when I reach goal weight, that's it, no more tracking. I can't exercise right now due to the temperature, but I'm moving soon so I'll be in a cooler environment.
    Day 15 75.7
    Day 16 76.3
    Day 17 76.1
    Day 18 76.6
    Day 19 75.8
    Day 20 DNW
    Day 21 DNW
    Day 22 DNW
    Day 23 75.6
    Day 24 76.1
    I'm now in a cool location, I can exercise such as running. If I'm running I need to track my intake, so I need to average between two intake numbers. If my average intake is between these numbers (unlikely that it'll be below the minimum but I'll put it in anyway) I'll post "eating okay".
    Day 25 75.4
    Day 26 75.1
    Day 27 75.7
    Day 28 75.3
    Day 29 75.3
    Day 30 75.5
    Day 31 75.6
    Day 32 74.7
    Day 33 74.0
    Day 34 75.6
    Day 35 DNW
    Day 36 DNW
    Day 37 DNW
    Day 38 DNW
    Day 39 DNW
    Day 40 DNW
    Day 41 78.1, 3 minutes running on the treadmill, 27 minutes walking
    Day 42 77.8, 4 min running, 26 min walking
    Day 43 78.5, 5 min running, 25 min walking
    Day 44 78.5, 6 min running, 24 min walking
    Day 45 78.5, 7 min running, 23 min walking
    Day 46 78.1, 8 min running, 22 min walking
    Day 47 78.2, 9 min running, 21 min walking
    Day 48 78.3, 10 min running, 20 min walking
    Day 49 79.0, 30 minutes on elliptical
    Day 50 78.8, 11 min running, 19 min walking
    Day 51 78.7, 12 min running, 18 min walking
    Day 52 78.4, 13 min running, 17 min walking
    Day 53 79.0, 14 min running, 16 min walking
    Day 54 79.0, 15 min running, 15 min walking
    Day 55 79.0, 16 min running, 14 min walking
    Day 56 78.9, 17 min running, 13 min walking
    Day 57 DNW
    Day 58 DNW
    Day 59 80.4, 18 min running, 12 min walking
    Day 60 80.2, 19 min running, 11 min walking
    Day 61 80.5, 20 min running, 10 min walking
    Day 62 80.0, 21 min running, 9 min walking
    Day 63 80.8, 22 min running, 8 min walking
    Day 64 80.9, 23 min running, 7 min walking
    Day 65 80.3, 30 minutes walking
    Day 66 80.0, 30 minutes walking
    Day 67 80.5, 30 minutes walking
    Day 68 80.5, 30 minutes walking
    Day 69 80.8, 30 minutes walking
    Day 70 80.6, 30 minutes elliptical
    Day 71 81.3, 24 min running, 6 min walking
    Day 72 81.0, 25 min running, 5 min walking
    Day 73 81.1, 26 min running, 4 min walking
    Day 74 80.5, 27 min running, 3 min walking
    Day 75 80.2, 28 min running, 2 min walking
    Day 76 80.6, 29 min running, 1 min walking
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,841 Member
    Hi : - )
    I am Dawn.
    63 and will turn 64 during this 100
    Cranbrook, BC

    The most that I have ever lost on one of these 100s is 7lbs.
    I have gained in each of the last 6 of them!
    I am not sure what it is going to take, but I would like to get back to 130 and below.

    Week 1 Goal: 146.2 - Start weight of the previous 100
    Week 1 actual weight: 148.0 - Started the week at 147.2

    Week 2 Goal: 147s
    Week 2 actual weight: 147.8 - Started the week at 148.2

    Week 3 Goal: 146s
    Week 3 actual weight: 147.8 - Started the week at 147.6

    Week 4 Goal: back to 147.2 and lower
    Week 4 actual weight: 146.4 -Started the week at 147.2

    Week 5 Goal: 145.6 - Start weight of the 2 ago 100 days challenge
    Week 5 actual weight: 146.6 - Started the week at 145.6

    Week 6 Goal: 145.6
    Week 6 actual weight: 145.2 - Started the week at 146.0

    Week 7 Goal: Didn't make a specific goal this week
    Week 7 actual weight: 146.2 - Started the week at 145.6

    Halfway point Day 50 - 146.0

    Week 9 Goal: 146.0 -
    Week 9 actual weight: 146.4 - Started the week at 146.2

    Week 10 Goal: Same as Birthday weight, 144.6
    Week 10 actual weight: 148.4 - Started the week at 144.6

    Day 71—09/27 – 147.0 - Slowly coming back down, one week after eating Ribs, Carnitas, Enchiladas on my birthday a week ago when I gained almost 5 pounds in one day when all was said and done.
    Day 72—09/28 – 146.2 - Crazy long workday, I didn't get home until 1:30am, it was Karaoke night at the bar. I didn't get to bed until 4:30am. The day is getting away from me today, I had great plans of so much I wanted to accomplish, like cutting the grass and stuff. Instead, I have to start getting ready for work in 20 minutes! Not even dressed today. Short shift tonight, tomorrow off, Monday night off from my bar job, Tuesday completely off from everything, so I will get back to eating actual dinner the next few nights.
    Day 73—09/29 – 147.0 - That was short lived. I didn't get a whole lot of activity in yesterday, as planned due to my very late night. Kind of missed the window for all of my yard work since it is overcast and forecast to rain today - no grass cutting possibly. I will be home at a normal dinner time for the next 3 nights. I had dinner last night, I was just so hungry after Friday's work marathon. I feel like my body got used to not having dinner. I will pick some onions, peppers, beans and stuff and make a stir fry one of these 3 nights.
    Day 74—09/30 – 148.0 - Weird to see a jump, well maybe not, very early weigh in. I was up at 4:30am today, the other night I didn't go to bed until that time! Spent the day Sunday getting lots done outside. I didn't actually eat anything all day until 7pm. I have only a 4 hour shift at the restaurant today, the bar is closed for the Stat holiday. I don't think that I will bother trying to go back to bed, I don't need to stay up late tonight. For those that are not Canadian, today is Truth and Reconciliation Day. Lots of stuff on public radio about this. Even though I wear a Kurti at the East Indian Restaurant, I will be wearing an orange shirt underneath in silent support.
    Day 75—10/01 – 148.2 - Ouch. Had to go into work for an hour which kind of wrecked the flow of my day off.
    Day 76—10/02 –
    Day 77—10/03 –

    Week 11 Goal: 144.6
    Week 11 actual weight:

    Started the 100 at 147.2
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 369 Member
    Week 8 170.4
    Week 9 169.3
    Week 10 168.4
    Day 71—09/27 – 168.4lb same as yesterday, always think that's abit odd. Last day of work and it's the weekend..yay!
    Day 72—09/28 –167.8lb
    Day 73—09/29 –168lb perfectly fine had a donut and I'm not doing my flat out 16k step work days. Had a weird dream I bought myself a chin up bar and got really good at it. I used to be in my 20s maybe brain is telling me to do weights.
    Day 74—09/30 –i did weigh but forgot!
    Day 75—10/01 –168.4 lady time ..I think I just never know these days, it's like buses!
    Day 76—10/02 –167.8lb now two long work days I really really want to see 165 before the month is out.
    Day 77—10/03 –
    Week 11 Goal: 167.4b
    Week 11 actual weight:
  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 561 Member
    @iradi8 Sigh......I need to stop talking about sweets......went to the supermarket today knowing onions and avocados were on sale.....well, I got those......and there were big size chocolate bars for only NZ2.00 (USD1.20)......so I got one and scoffed it all before I got home......I have to give up sugar - less for weight loss than for the sake of my teeth and general health.

    Day 71—09/27 – 140 lb
    Day 72—09/28 – 139.9 lb. Friend brought me some Bassetts jelly babies - the one and only true original jelly baby! They're hard to get here, and the local ones taste different - more like gummies, whereas Bassetts are more like Turkish Delight! Happy memories of childhood days, when you judged someone's character by how they ate a jelly baby - head first or feet first? Slowly and sadistically or quickly to put it out of its misery? Babies themselves are the worst abusers of jelly babies - they just shove the whole thing in their mouths at once and chomp - then drool and spit it up!
    Day 73—09/29 – 139.5 lb.
    Day 74—09/30 – 140 lb.
    Day 75—10/01 – 139.8 lb. Yikes! only 3 and a half weeks to go.....
    Day 76—10/02 – 139.5 lb.
    Day 77—10/03 –
    Week 11 Goal: 139 lb
    Week 11 actual weight:
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,976 Member
    100 day Challenge 7/19/24-10/26/2024 **Do it for Mobility**
    Lily, age 63, 5'3"
    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    Targeting ~165 being closer to overweight instead of morbidly obese
    226.6 - Ending weight last round on 7/11/2024 before vacation.
    215 - Goal this round

    Day / Weight Daily Weigh In / 14 Day Trend Weight / Comments report day of activity

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    240’s 230’s 220's 210's 200's 190's 180’s 170's 160's 150's

    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    2021 SW: 212 BMI 37.6 (1/1/2021) NOTE: Low 201.1 in August 2021
    2022 SW: 209 BMI 37.0 (1/1/2022) Lost focus on myself while helping with 2 new grand babies (Jan & June); also started teaching ESL on Tues & Thurs morning and no longer went to in person Strong & Fit class … EXCUSES EXCUSES
    2023 SW: 232 BMI 41.1 (1/1/2023) Lowest 226
    2024 SW: 230 BMI 40.7 (1/1/2024) Refocus 6/22/2024
    2025 SW: ⁉️ It’s totally up to you and within your control

    Bike 30 min 3-4x weekly
    Strong & Fit 1 hr class 2x weekly
    Water 72+ oz daily
    Journal every bite focusing on low net carb <100g
    Weekly weigh in on Mondays

    226.6 - Ending weight last round on 7/11/2024 before vacation.
    7/11-7/25: DNW - Vacation Iceland & Norway
    7/26: 229.2 / 229.0 - Gained 2.6 lbs on vacation at first weigh in. I expect some of this to be travel bloat and disappear by tomorrow but not all! I did walk most days 2-6 miles which I'm proud of! Pushed through the knee pain. And one day I actually got on the bike in the gym on the boat. :)
    Not surprised that my weight is up. After a day of travel leaving at 3am Thursday morning from the hotel in Oslo … hour drive to the airport… flights to Paris, Detroit, Houston (airplane food on each leg of the journey and 3 bags of chips on the last flight) … landed in Houston at 6pm … picking up our dog & dinner with our son’s family at 7:30pm, another hour driving home finally home at 10:00pm Thursday night (which was 5am Friday morning Oslo time). So all in all a 26 hour travel day.
    Broke my promise to myself so vacation eating plan was a fail in that I ate the bread basket every night at dinner and dessert at lunch, dinner and 4pm tea time on a 11 night cruise! Oh boy such bad habits on vacation to over come. Otherwise my eating was really healthy with small portions and no snacking. Lots of room to improve on my next cruise in October.
    Now to tackle these pounds and not let them continue to slip back into the 230s.
    7/27: 227.5 / 228.6 - The real weight gain from my trip is .9 lbs! Less than a pound. Shedded the bloat from the long 26 hours of travel and got my body reset to this time zone. I’ll take it and tackle that little gain before it slips away from me. 😊 Now to make progress … meaning I need to focus on WATER, exercise and journaling every bite remembering small portions pay off big dividends helping me toward my goals.
    Biked 30 min, journaled, water 80+ oz
    7/28: 226.0 / 227.8 - Back to clean living and better habits. Grocery shopping was huge since before leaving due to the hurricane electrical outage for 3-4 days we had to throw EVERYTHING out of our 2 fridge/freezers. So lots of fresh food and very few temptations or snacks in the house. DH didn’t even buy cookies so there are no sweets to add calories after dinner. Created menus and bought only what was needed though I did forget salad dressing … guess the selection balsamic my sister gave me for Christmas will due in a pinch. LOL
    Bike 30 min, journaled, water 80+ oz
    7/29: 225.5 / 227.1 - Didn’t make strength training class since DH has Covid and I had to deal with the AC guy for our annual checkup. He was early and showed up when my class was suppose to start. So after he left I got on the bike instead.
    Bike 30 min, journaled, water 80 oz

    Weekly Goal: Lose any vacation pounds and ensure I’m back < 227
    Actual Weight: 225.5 - BMI = 40
    Challenge Weight Loss: 1.1
    🎯 Returning from vacation and getting myself started back on the healthy journey was key this week. I’m happy with my focus and determination. Now to focus on no longer being labeled “morbidly” obese.

    7/30: 224.8 / 226.2 - Bike 30, journaled, water 80 oz. Focusing on getting the 7 hrs recommended sleep.
    7/31: 224.5 / 225.5 - Since I missed strength training Monday I’ll tune into her private YouTube channel and do a make up session. I put it off not feeling my best so probably will test for Covid later today. Skipped all exercise instead this Wednesday. First time in the red since I had not activity to burn off extra calories. 1228 cal and 70 net carbs. Felt so awfully full in the evening that I had to stretch out and go to bed early. Journaled and 80 oz water.
    8/1: 224.4 / 225.0 - Feeling good this morning but still have an uncomfortably full sensation. Otherwise feel normal. Negative Covid test! Biked 30 72+ oz water. Journaled a big bowl of red beans and rice but the surprise was the 31 carbs in my store bought prepackaged salad! Roundtrip 3 hours to north part of Houston to watch my granddaughter for 2 hrs. DH is considering moving to be closer.
    8/2: 224.1 / 224.5 - Today’s focus … after my exercise class … prep for the party. Buying everything for the charcuterie board I’m making for the party, bake dark chocolate brownies, an then picking up wine & special iced cookies for the party tomorrow. The other grandmother is having tea sandwiches made, buying a dip, wine, variety of sparkling waters and she hired someone to act as bartender and to keep the place picked up during the party (la-di-da but that is how she rolls in her world … the party is at her house in a very nice upscale area inside Houston).
    Only did 20 min of my strength training class because I became dizzy and almost fainted. Had to lay down. Journaled. 72+ oz water.
    8/3: 224.8 / 224.4 - Not at all surprised by the up tic on the scale. Lunch out with my daughter yesterday and though we split the meal I let her order … chips with spinach artichoke dip, chicken strips, French fries. Nothing healthy about it! Then I ate brownies because they made a crumbled mess out of the pan and didn’t get a clean square … probably ate 2.
    Today I need to be a little more cautious in my eating! Sip & See for my new granddaughter. Myself and the other grandmother are hosting a large party of our lady friends (45-50) to meet all 3 of my grandchildren. No exercise, no journal but did drink my water. Didn’t eat anything at the party but did have a slice of brisket at my son’s and a cookie when I returned home.
    8/4: 223.5 / 223.9 - Nothing planned today but the bike and painting. May get out and weed some though the heat is stifling. Way too much charcuterie and cookie leftovers in the house. DH & I could have charcuterie for lunch or dinner every day this week LOL
    Bike 30 min, water definitely but not sure of the oz, no journal.
    8/5: 223.7 / 223.7 - I successfully made my goal this week!!!
    20 min strength training, not enough water and no journaling.

    Weekly Goal: Obese stage 2 BMI 39.9 @ <225 No longer 🚫 morbidly obese!
    Actual Weight: 223.7 - BMI 39.7
    Challenge Weight Loss: 2.9
    🎯 I moved out of Morbidly obese stage 3 and into obese stage 2! ✔️
    Now to work my way down to obese stage 1 around 197 but I’ll first have to hit many milestones to get there.
    NSV - I “slid” my cellphone into my front pocket of my pants with lots of room to spare. (Aug 2024) ✔️

    8/6: 224.6 / 223.8 - Bike 30 min, no journal.
    8/7: 223.4 / 223.5 - No planned exercise for Wed! Need to focus on water. Though I’m not journaling my portion control has been spot on and no time for snacking the last few days.
    8/8: 223.5 / 223.4 - Bike 30 min, water, but only half journaling and way over my net carb limit of <100 due to snacking on crackers.
    8/9: 224.4 / 223.5 - Strength training 40 min, water, but still no journaling.
    8/10: 222.9 / 223.2 - No exercise or journaling.
    8/11: 224.2 / 223.4 - No exercise or journaling.
    8/12: 223.0 / 223.2 - Pre-journaled my food plan. Slight change in food plan for lunch. No exercise … forgot how time consuming a 2 month old is!

    Weekly Goal (until I hit it): < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 223.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: xx
    🎯 Many poor food choices, no journaling for the entire week, exercise also thrown off since DD & grandkids stayed with us while her husband had pneumonia. Cannot let grandkids be the reason I regain the weight like 2022!

    8/13: 223.3 / 223.1 - No exercise, no journaling
    8/14: 223.8 / 223.2 - Travel day round trip to granddaughter’s ~3 hrs and caring for her today. Bad food choices, no journaling, no exercise, lacked water.
    8/15: 225.1 / 223.7 - Bike 30, no journal and lacked water. I have today all to myself … so plenty of time to work on my own goals, exercise and make great decisions!
    8/16: 223.5 / 223.6 - Thought that spike might have been temporary. Glad to see the number come back down! Baby duty today for my 2 month old. She starts daycare on Monday. So I’m planning to enjoy all the snuggles I can get though I will miss my strength training class. No exercise or journaling and still need to work on water. But my meals were barely there … like I took some turkey deli meat and that was it for lunch. Not one single snack all day!
    8/17: 222.8 / 223.4 - Good the trend is going back down! Tonight I babysit but today is mine for exercise and painting. Bike 30 min and drank more water.
    8/18: 222.3 / 223.0 - Today roundtrip car trip to my son’s to help unload and move furniture they bought. My goal is to bike this morning since we don’t have to be there until noon. DH & I decided to eat at home for both lunch and dinner and it makes a huge difference. No snacking. 30 min bike! 80+ oz water.
    8/19: 220.5 / 222.1 - WOW! Controlling what I put in my body makes a huge difference … something I need to remember. Opportunity to eat out before and after our roundtrip to my son’s home to help move furniture. Instead of lunch out for burgers & fries at a new place DH & I made open faced sandwich and a few olives for salty. Returning from my son’s we almost went to an Italian restaurant but came home cooked a steak and romaine lettuce on the grill with a homemade lemon parmesan thyme dressing.
    📚 tonight + strength training today 40 min. AF ✔️

    Weekly Goal (until I hit it): < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 220.5 - BMI 39.1
    Challenge Weight Loss: 6
    🎯 Getting back on the bike, water and watching what I eat always pays off focusing Thurs-Sun. I need to remember this when my schedule goes crazy like it did in the earlier part of the week! I was able to bounce back. Aug 10 last Saturday I was in the 222 range but then let life happen and it slipped away. The old me would have avoided the scale at all cost after Wed after a really bad eating day and travel. But I did the daily stepping on registered it and moved on. Yeah me! It was mostly temporary due to time in a car and eating out processed food / sodium … so I had hoped I could reel it back in and I did. Ignoring things never got me anywhere. Got back down again not letting my weekend dictate slacking off. Full steam ahead started on Thursday and it paid off for my weekly weigh in. Now to not let up or slip up! I have dinner with book club ladies Monday and Wednesday night at restaurants this next week.

    8/20: 220.9 / 221.6 - Okay into the stretch shooting for the teens! Bike 30 min, water 80 oz. ✔️
    8/21: 221.3 / 221.3 - Today will be challenging. Driving to care for my granddaughter. Eating out lunch and dinner. Leaving at 9am returning at 9pm. Mexican food and chips temptation at bookclub. 📚 Dined out at Mexican restaurant for both lunch and& dinner. Tried to keep my portions down and not eat everything on my plate and counted chips. Did not order any rice, beans, etc and ate only 2 of 3 enchiladas at lunch and half order of quesadillas at dinner. AF. No exercise Wednesday but lots of water. ✔️
    8/22: 220.8 / 220.9 - Prep day for procedure only clear liquids which thank goodness includes black coffee, tea, chicken broth. Alcohol Free (AF)! Still feeling full from all the chicken enchiladas and chicken quesadillas yesterday. Met with design team on remodeling our downstairs. Next week we meet with the contractors and appliance people. Lunch out with DD & DH. While they ate I sipped on my chicken broth in a Yeti cup that kept it warm for the trip and more water. No exercise but plenty of water.✔️
    8/23: 219.3 / 220.3 - Lacking sleep. This is definitely not a diet to lose weight!!! Love that I touched the teens but positive it is a temporary loss. Scheduled Colonoscopy & Endoscopy. Results are fine. No exercise, lots of water, regular meals. Slept most of the afternoon. ✔️
    8/24: 223.4 / 221.0 - I knew it would be up from yesterday’s low but this is ridiculous! Still resting no exercise, lots of water. Not snacking and meals have not been that bad but did indulge in ice cream after dinner when watching a movie.
    8/25: 222.0 / 221.2 - Cannot believe how off kilter I am on the scale … you would think after a colonoscopy the numbers would be down. Dinner at my son’s cancelled since DIL is sick. Bike 30 min.
    8/26: 221.8 / 221.4 - Glad the number is coming back down but disappointed that I let it get out of hand. Not really sure why or what happened. Driving 2+ hr to pick up my granddaughter so she can spend the days and nights here so my son can work and my DIL can recover from fever, upper respiratory infection, etc … she needs rest, fluids, antibiotics. Walked outside 1/4 mile with stroller.✔️

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Glass of water before coffee ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.8
    GAINED this week: 1.3
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.8
    🎯 Disappointed that I let it get out of hand. Not really sure why or what happened. I didn’t snack but were my portions larger than I thought? Need to focus on journaling every bite again.

    8/27: 220.2 / 220.9 - Finally back down to 220 again. Maybe my body has finally rid itself of all the bloat after the colonoscopy. Now to continue and break through the 220s! Granddaughter duty today. No exercise. Did not journal my food at all … not one single bite.
    8/28: 220.5 / 220.8 - Okay today focus! Not traveling today and no granddaughter duty since my son said he would stay home and work and care for her so I don’t have to make the drive again. Bike 30 min, lacked water and still not journaling.
    8/29: 221.1 / 220.7 - No excuses today! Bike 30 min
    8/30: 220.3 / 220.5 - Plans to bike, menu plan, grocery shop, drink more water! No bike. UTI so meds and water!
    8/31: 219.7 / 220.1 - Plans to bike … and today I will just do it! Plenty of water in my plan as well. 2nd time seeing 219.x! Can I keep the scale from slipping up again into the 220s and soon mark it off as a scale victory? To check it off my list I need to see it multiple days in a row … so here we got trying to hold on to 219 through the weekend! Biked 30 min. Snacking go to me for the first time in a while during the afternoon.
    9/1: 220.1 / 220.0 - Bounced back into the 220s. Darn! Today we are having family over for fajitas. No exercise except chasing a toddler. Too much food!
    9/2: 220.8 / 220.1 - I need the brownies my sister brought yesterday out of the house! I ate 3 yesterday. Today my goal is not even a nibble. Ate them anyway and they are still not gone! 30 min on bike. Still not journaling.

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Journal every bite! ✔️ Notice that I didn’t even attempt this habit once this past week. Really becoming a problem.
    Actual Weight: 220.8
    Challenge Weight Loss: 5.8
    🎯 Wasn’t able to hold on to the 219.x after all. I need more discipline in my life.

    9/3: 220.6 / 220.2 - No art class today. DH started auditing graduate level Math Economics classes at Rice Univ on Tues & Thurs (w/ labs Tues night & Friday day). So I have plenty of time to myself today for exercise, weeding, reading and painting. Bike 30 min. ✔️
    9/4: 221.7 / 220.6 - Wrong direction! ✔️Drive to babysit granddaughter and birthday celebration dinner for my sister. No exercise.
    9/5: 221.0 / 220.7 - Wrong direction! ✔️ Plans to bike today! Biked 30 min.
    9/6: DNW - Girls weekend with old college friends ... need to wrap my head around food and drink before diving into the situation.
    9/7: DNW
    9/8: DNW
    9/9: 222.7 / 221.9 - Fun weekend but obviously went overboard on the food front. Bike 30 min. Journaled for the first time in a month!

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Water before coffee ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.7
    Gained this week: .9
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.9
    🎯 I really need to get serious if I want to hit 215 before my birthday at the end of October. I need to get back to journaling every bite. If I don’t get one other thing right this week it needs to be that.

    9/10: 220.5 / 221.6 - Busy day ahead … Learn English Ministry volunteer teaching for adults in the community starts back up for today. I teach level 2 out of 4 levels. Then art class after lunch and a sorority alumni craft party this evening in town. Journaled yesterday for the first time in forever! Plans to do that again today :) No exercise. Avoided journaling. Snacked in the afternoon when I was not really hungry, then dinner out with DH and couldn’t finish my real meal, skipped the food at my evening meeting.
    9/11: 220.7 / 221.3 - No excuses today. Need to both exercise and journal. Bike 30. Did not journal. Baked cookies instead.
    9/12: 220.7 / 221.1 - Today ESL class, garden, and bike. Talked to contractor yesterday about remodeling entire downstairs using my daughter’s plans ... she's a professional interior designer. Biked 30 min. Did not journal.
    9/13: 220.2 / 220.8 - Too many homemade cookies Wed and Thurs with no journaling. Today my goal is to say NO to the cookies! Biked 30 mins.
    9/14: 221.7 / 221.0 - Where oh where is my focus? Biked 20 min
    9/15: 222.0 / 221.3 - Lost all incentive and let things go a little too far. Bike 20 min
    9/16: 221.7 / 221.4 - Well this week has been a disappointment. Bike 30 min

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Weekly Positive Habit Focus: Journal every bite! ✔️
    Actual Weight: 221.7
    No Loss or Gain this week
    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.9
    🎯 I really need to pull myself together. My calendar had a reminder this morning that I wanted to be under 220 by this date. I set up that reminder back in July. I’ve been so close and under a couple of times yet just still hanging out in the low 20s.

    9/17: 222.1 / 221.7 - Need to stop it right here from going up up up. No exercise.
    9/18: 222.1 / 221.5 - Yesterday … Snacking in the afternoon … I was feeling empty and just couldn’t stop basically having a second lunch of a half sandwich around 3pm. Where did this bottomless pit feeling come from? Healthy salmon dinner around 6pm then stayed up till 11pm not snacking at all.
    9/19: 222.8 / 221.5 - Bike 20 min
    9/20: 222.0 / 222.0 - Bike 20 min
    9/21: 221.3 / 221.9 - Bike 20 min
    9/22: 220.6 / 221.5 - Bike 20 min
    9/23: 219.0 / 221.5 - Right direction and a surprise! I know I did much better with my food over the weekend and it shows. I’ve hit 219.x twice this summer and couldn’t hold on to claim bye bye to the 220s. So my goal this week is to keep it under 220 and work on the 14 day trend to come down as well. Bike 20 min

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens … 220's
    Actual Weight: 219.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: 7.6
    🎯 Out of control week followed up by a great weekend. Seem to be back in the 219-220 area again like early September / late August. I thought I had wasted all my September hanging out at 221-222 in recent times. Glad to see the drop. Now to keep it under 220!!

    9/24: 219.5 / 220.2 - Held 219.x 2 days in a row! Yeah!!! No exercise really busy day teaching ESL, art class and helping my daughter with the babies while her husband is out of town.
    🎯Weigh less than DH: He is up to 222 so I’m under him this morning. (Sept 2024) ✔️

    9/25: 220.0 / 220.0 - Lost it … darn pizza and popcorn! My trend is getting closer to being under 220 :) No excuses today!
    9/26: 219.9 / 219.9 - Back under 220 but this time so is my 14 day trend!! Spent yesterday cleaning out my closet of everything to small or big. Tossed what I didn’t like. Put away in bin anything that didn’t fit that I really like so that later I can shop there first :) I believe 10 more pounds and I’ll be looking through the bin since most fit but was either too tight across the bust or hips. Now my closet has much fewer options but I can wear everything! I love how decluttered the closet is now!!
    9/27: 219.0 / 219..5 - Today I need to get back on the bike. I’ve noticed that I’ve pushed it off almost everyday this week! Baked double batch of pumpkin cookies and only at 2 I call that a win. Bike 20 min.
    9/28: 218.9 / 219.2 - Talked to another contractor yesterday and thinking this might work. Yesterday I started cleaning out my kitchen cabinets and drawers … to toss and give away. Bike 20 min
    9/29: 217.9 / 218.7 - Finally seeing the drops. This low is probably because I slept in til 7:30am instead of weighing in at 4am. LOL Not snacking and portion control seem to be working. Bike 20 min
    9/30: 218.0 / 218.4 - I still have lots of homemade cookies in the house but I’ve limited myself. Looking forward to another good week.

    Weekly Goal: < 220 - Break through the 220s into the teens and keep it under 220 … 220's
    Actual Weight: 218.0
    Challenge Weight Loss: 8.6
    🎯 Early August I set my goal to break 220 and 8 weeks later I did it! Did it take a long time with many ups and downs … of course. Am I glad I didn’t quit and hang in the towel … YES! Now to strive for 215 which is my goal for this challenge and my birthday at the end of October!

    10/1: 218.0 / 218.1 - No exercise
    10/2: 218.7 / 218.1 - Up earlier which is probably the reason for the uptick on the scale. Not worried yet. Need to drink more water though since I woke up thirsty.

    Weekly Goal: <215 Till I hit it!
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 1,028 Member
    Hi. I’m Lynn, 5’probably 1” from B.C., Canada. Just reaching the point where I’m feeling uncomfortable at this weight. Tired of flab and rolls.
    Challenge Ultimate goal: 174.4  160 (Sept 8th: revised to 168)
    37 days until the end of this challenge. Goal, to be less than 170!
    38 days to go, Sept 19th: 175
    37 days to go, Sept 20th: 176.2 Round trip to Peachland. Tired ++; junk food @ L Lake.
    36 days, Sept 21st: 175
    35 days, Sept 22nd: 174.4
    34 days, Sept 23rd: 175.4
    33 days, Sept 24th: 175.4 continue to cave in to evening snacking on bread & butter.
    32 days, Sept 25th: 174.8 The ‘plan’ was to upgrade my WW membership to include accessing zoom meetings and coaching, however their “contact us” option has been removed for Core Plan ( food data base, food activity and weight ) so now wondering if it’s even worth pursuing.
    31 days, Sept 26th: 174 Cancelled kayaking as temps have dropped.
    30 days, Sept 27th: 174.8 Feeling ‘down’ this morning. Sometimes lose my ‘hope’. Yardwork in the afternoon. Pruned the hell out of those lilacs infringing on the driveway!! Quiet evening. DS stressing me about $$ being spent.
    29 days, Sept 28th: 176.6 -> 174.6 Stomach upset all night so didn’t sleep well. Up early ( 5:15), then back to bed by 7.
    28 days, Sept 29th: 176 Worked. Friends over for coffee (and goodies). Vegged infront of tv. Supper was ‘scattered’ snacking.
    27 days, Sept 30th: 177 yikes!
    26 days, Oct 1st: 176.2 Worked. Did arm free wt 3x15 x3 movements.
    25 days, Oct 2nd: 175 Last week’s mindless binge recovery continues. Battling fatigue and procrastinating re-introducing free wts and using treadmill and stationary bike. ?? why the resistance??
    24 days, Oct 3rd:
    23 days, Oct 4th::
  • the_reflex
    the_reflex Posts: 134 Member
    edited October 2
    Round 18 80.1 to 76.4 kg

    Day 1 73.6 a big drop from my last reading on day 98, it's not total fat loss, I expect to gain as my body recovers
    Day 2 73.6
    Day 3 73.6
    Day 4 DNW
    Day 5 73.2
    Day 6 73.7
    Day 7 73.5 I want to lose at least a kilogram a month, that should be easy to achieve. So "it's all on" as they say. I will post when I have what I consider junk food. It's been 12 days since I had sugar. That's the longest in the last 5 1/2 years. I consider that an achievement. I had KFC yesterday because the mall I was at has no where to sit down and do stuff, I needed to email the receipt from the water payment and wasn't going home until it was done. At the moment, I'm a bit slower than one kilogram a month.
    Day 8 74.1
    Day 9 73.7 I have now lost weight for 42 consecutive months. That's an alternative way of saying "the_reflex is taking forever to reach goal weight, 42 months to lose 22 kg". But it shows that I haven't rebounded to any large extent. That's a hopeful sign for maintenance.
    I had sugar today, after 14 days. Sugary food and chocolate definitely changes my mood. Buzzy feeling. I hope to not have sugary food again for a while.
    Day 10 73.1
    Day 11 72.3 my weight has dropped quite a bit in the last 3 days but that's just because I stopped having salty food. I just checked my spreadsheet, guess what? 29th July 2014. 73.0 kg. I'm now the weight I was 10 years ago. I consider this a milestone. I had a Starbucks meal to celebrate.
    Day 12 73.1 pizza in the evening resulting in...
    Day 13 75.5
    Day 14 75.8, still showing the effect of the pizza. But I'm not hungry right now, so I'm eating too much. I lost 2.7 kg in July, a lot of that is from getting influenza (not covid - I got tested) which went to my throat, stomach, lungs and inner ear. Anyway I need to eat less.
    Goal weight - 64 kg. I really want to aim for reaching goal weight by the end of the year. I don't know if I can do it, but it would be nice to achieve it. So I need to track my intake, starting today, first of the month. That's about 150 days of tracking and estimating food needed. It would be nice to have a long period of continuous tracking because when I reach goal weight, that's it, no more tracking. I can't exercise right now due to the temperature, but I'm moving soon so I'll be in a cooler environment.
    Day 15 75.7
    Day 16 76.3
    Day 17 76.1
    Day 18 76.6
    Day 19 75.8
    Day 20 DNW
    Day 21 DNW
    Day 22 DNW
    Day 23 75.6
    Day 24 76.1
    I'm now in a cool location, I can exercise such as running. If I'm running I need to track my intake, so I need to average between two intake numbers. If my average intake is between these numbers (unlikely that it'll be below the minimum but I'll put it in anyway) I'll post "eating okay".
    Day 25 75.4
    Day 26 75.1
    Day 27 75.7
    Day 28 75.3
    Day 29 75.3
    Day 30 75.5
    Day 31 75.6
    Day 32 74.7
    Day 33 74.0
    Day 34 75.6
    Day 35 DNW
    Day 36 DNW
    Day 37 DNW
    Day 38 DNW
    Day 39 DNW
    Day 40 DNW
    Day 41 78.1, 3 minutes running on the treadmill, 27 minutes walking
    Day 42 77.8, 4 min running, 26 min walking
    Day 43 78.5, 5 min running, 25 min walking
    Day 44 78.5, 6 min running, 24 min walking
    Day 45 78.5, 7 min running, 23 min walking
    Day 46 78.1, 8 min running, 22 min walking
    Day 47 78.2, 9 min running, 21 min walking
    Day 48 78.3, 10 min running, 20 min walking
    Day 49 79.0, 30 minutes on elliptical
    Day 50 78.8, 11 min running, 19 min walking
    Day 51 78.7, 12 min running, 18 min walking
    Day 52 78.4, 13 min running, 17 min walking
    Day 53 79.0, 14 min running, 16 min walking
    Day 54 79.0, 15 min running, 15 min walking
    Day 55 79.0, 16 min running, 14 min walking
    Day 56 78.9, 17 min running, 13 min walking
    Day 57 DNW
    Day 58 DNW
    Day 59 80.4, 18 min running, 12 min walking
    Day 60 80.2, 19 min running, 11 min walking
    Day 61 80.5, 20 min running, 10 min walking
    Day 62 80.0, 21 min running, 9 min walking
    Day 63 80.8, 22 min running, 8 min walking
    Day 64 80.9, 23 min running, 7 min walking
    Day 65 80.3, 30 minutes walking
    Day 66 80.0, 30 minutes walking
    Day 67 80.5, 30 minutes walking
    Day 68 80.5, 30 minutes walking
    Day 69 80.8, 30 minutes walking
    Day 70 80.6, 30 minutes elliptical
    Day 71 81.3, 24 min running, 6 min walking
    Day 72 81.0, 25 min running, 5 min walking
    Day 73 81.1, 26 min running, 4 min walking
    Day 74 80.5, 27 min running, 3 min walking
    Day 75 80.2, 28 min running, 2 min walking
    Day 76 80.6, 29 min running, 1 min walking
    Day 77 81.4, 30 minutes running on treadmill, 2.64 km
  • DarinGettingFitNow
    DarinGettingFitNow Posts: 424 Member
    Hi, Folks! My name is Darin, and this is my 3rd 100 days challenge (non-consecutive). I do better when I am obligated to post daily – it really makes a difference for me – and I love the community aspect. I’m looking forward to another great 100d!

    Starting Weight: 159.2
    Day 01--07/19 – 159.2 My company was affected by the Crowdstrike problem. I spent all day on hold with IT. My computer is finally working, but it’s after an entire wasted day. Note to self: next time there’s a system-wide failure, just leave the computer and do something fun instead. It wasn’t worth hanging around my work computer, looking at messages come in. I could have had a nice day of paint-by-numbers! Well, that’s my weekend.
    Day 02—07/20 – 158.6 Happy Weekend! I hope y’all are doing well. I’m so glad to have some time to relax and putter around the house. Also in charge of dinner for tonight, so will try to come up with something satisfying but healthy.
    Day 03—07/21 –159.6 mixed results for last night. I made a kung pao chicken noodle dish which turned out very good, but I also baked cookies which were not part of the plan. So four cookies later, I had nulled out any positivity from the dinner.
    Day 04—07/22 –159.9 COOKIES. Too many cookies! Stopped at four yesterday straight out of the oven. But cookie breakfast AND snack isn’t the way I want to go. I also feel kind of bleh afterwards – I think it’s just the empty calories/sugar. Logging it all, though. No matter what!
    Day 05—07/23 –159.2 Hard to focus at work today. Migraine did not help matters at all.
    Day 06—07/24 –158.6 Almost done with week 1! We’re walking early in the day due to the heat. Tonight it’s back to trivia. We won first place last week, so it remains to be seen how well we do tonight 😊
    Day 07—07/25 –158.7 Got 4th place yesterday in trivia. Boo! Next time around…. Looking forward to Friday tomorrow. My husband bought some apple fritters which are now in the house. It’s going to be hard to do that in moderation!
    Week 1 Goal: 158.2
    Week 1 actual weight: 158.7

    Day 08—07/26 –159.2 Moderately stressful Friday today. So glad it’s the weekend.
    Day 09—07/27 –158.7 Got a haircut and did some paint-by-numbers today. Looking forward to a gentle Sunday 😊
    Day 10—07/28 –158.3
    Day 11—07/29 –158.5
    Day 12—07/30 –158.0 terrible night last night – have some kind of stomach bug. On the up side I’m not that hungry. ON the downside, lots of GI problems right now.
    Day 13—07/31 –159.0 Feeling better and think that the weight is due to the salty soup I ate for dinner yesterday. Had a fairly productive day today, though. Lilylady3k I love it! Your calendar is the tops!
    Day 14—08/01 –158.0 Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. Long, tough workday today. At least got the walk out of the way early in the very humid day.
    Week 2 Goal: 156.2
    Week 2 actual weight: 158.0

    Day 15—08/02 –158.6 survived the workday. Looking forward to a peaceful weekend ahead. One of the activities is taking my mom out for birthday dinner, so that’ll be a real test of moderation.
    Day 16—08/03 –156.9 Woot! Maybe I’m out of the 158s now? That would be super. I’ve been hanging out there for some time now. Had a lovely day of painting and playing around, then cooked a nice dinner for Josh and me – it wasn’t calorie-conscious, but I only ate one serving 😊 There’s a berry cheesecake defrosting, though, so I’m going to have to be very wary around that!!!
    Day 17—08/04 –157.0 That cheesecake was delicious. It was hard to keep it to one serving! I was very close to just saying “too delicious for just one slice” lol. It’s still in the fridge, though – so if I can hold it together for the rest of the day, maybe I can have another slice. *maybe*
    Day 18—08/05 –157.8 Eating out yesterday plus the cheesecake equalled a bit of a slide backwards. But today I’ve been doing okay. Going to give that last slice of cheesecake to my husband – he’ll appreciate that!
    Day 19—08/06 –158.4 Well all good intentions, my husband ended up giving me back the cheesecake slice. I swore, then I ate it. So the scale is definitely deserved.
    Day 20—08/07 –157.4 Going out to play trivia tonight! Looking forward to a little relaxation at the local tavern. They have a “design your own salad” option that I’m very much anticipating.
    Day 21—08/08 –158.1 and I opted to have a hot dog and tater tots instead of salad. Whoops. We got second place at trivia, though, so it was a sweet victory! Okay next time I’m getting the salad. Non-scout’s honor.
    Week 3 Goal: 155.2
    Week 3 actual weight: 158.1

    Day 22—08/09 –158.1 Another work week done. Soooo looking forward to some R&R! going to try to fit in some extra walking this weekend if not a trip to the gym. Also donating platelets on Sunday, which I try to do at least monthly.
    Day 23—08/10 –157.3 It was very hot and humid today, so we skipped our walk. Tomorrow will get up early to exercise and hope to beat the heat. looneycatblue I take iron supplements daily to help with my levels. It took a while of taking them to get stabilized – a few weeks might not be enough prep time for you.
    Day 24—08/11 –157.6
    Day 25—08/12 –159.3 CMON. I did donate platelets on Sunday, beforewhich I got breakfast at McDonald’s. That might have been a reason for this jump. It was a lot of salt and fat and calories! Well will try to hold things together this week…
    Day 26—08/13 –159.5
    Day 27—08/14 –159.2 Okay I’ll admit that I’m a bit discouraged and have had a hard time keeping to a eating regimen. I’m going to try to pull it back in though.
    Day 28—08/15 –158.1
    Week 4 Goal: 153.2
    Week 4 actual weight:158.1

    Day 29—08/16 –157.7 I needed to take a break from hawking over MFP, so I had a nice, moderate dinner at Texas Roadhouse yesterday evening, and had some leftovers today. It feels like the scale is tipping back in the right direction, so there’s at least that.
    Day 30—08/17 –156.5
    Day 31—08/18 –155.9
    Day 32—08/19 –157.4 back and forth a bit. My portion sizes are good, even if sometimes my selections aren’t the best (hello shrimp scampi and spaghetti noodles). Had a girls’ night in on Saturday and did well there too (Mediterranean food).
    Day 33—08/20 –156.3 I hope y’all are doing well! It’s okay over here. Tough couple of work days made worse with migraine flaring yesterday. Still coming out of it… And yes, Texas Roadhouse! It's super indulgent (that bread!) and an "only once in a while" treat for me and my husband. :-)
    Day 34—08/21 –156.7 So had an adventure in IT today.
    Day 35—08/22 –156.9
    Week 5 Goal: n/a
    Week 5 actual weight: 156.9

    Day 36—08/23 –157.2 It’s been a tough couple of migraine days. And, let’s face it, “it tastes good” days. And not even for high-value quality food, either! That’s the worst part. If I was having a nosh on some bacon or some cheesecake that’d be one thing. But eating a serving of leftovers because I enjoyed it? Not the level I want to be hanging out on. At least if I’m going over on calories let’s have it be for something that’s worth it.
    Day 37—08/24 –157.1
    Day 38—08/25 –157.1
    Day 39—08/26 –156.9 slightly down. Looking over August I haven’t done great… but will just have to have a great September! We can do this!!!
    Day 40—08/27 –156.7 very determined to have a great September 😊 going to make sure I’m logging everything (I’ve been slacking) and up the activity. I really hate, hate, hate new years resolutions. I figure if you want to make a change, just make it already! So my non-new years resolution is to take better care of myself. dawnbgethealthy I am sensitive to pressure changes too. I get migraines if there are sudden drops or rises - and being tired is one of the symptoms. I used to call my brain a barometer because gosh help us if we're in danger of a hurricane!
    Day 41—08/28 –156.5 long day, but had a great session with my therapist, and we’re going out to the local tavern to play trivia tonight. So will try to eat in moderation while there 😊
    Day 42—08/29 –157.0 did well at the pub, not great at the trivia 😊 I had an unhealthy hot dog with fries but cut the entire plate in half and couldn’t even finish the half I was going to eat. So there’s at least that. Note to self: hot dog with chili and coleslaw doesn’t reheat so great.
    Week 6 Goal:
    Week 6 actual weight:157.0

    Day 43—08/30 –156.7 TGIF! And a long weekend to boot! I’m excited. We have some shopping ahead, and some walking in nature, and some socializing ahead! I have way too many apples so will be making either a crisp or a pie – so will have to give away most of it 😉 Oh, and I forgot a fantasy football draft on Monday - we're going to grill out ahead of time (going to put some yummy veg on the grill).
    Day 44—08/31 –155.8 I’m a little surprised by this but keeping calm – I think I’m dehydrated. So I’ll make sure I’m drinking enough water to level things out. Already have had a nice walk (check!) and am about to do a tad bit of work (can’t wait to check this one off), then off for some shopping.
    Day 45—09/01 –156.0 No more work this long weekend! Had a relaxing day yesterday – cleaned the master bathroom, played some games, cooked dinner (pepper chicken, turned out great!). While the chicken wasn’t the healthiest flex (chicken was fried before it was tossed in stir fry sauce), it was delicious, and I held myself to one serving. So I’d call that a success.
    Day 46—09/02 –156.5 Okay, yesterday went *okay*. Had a taco salad for dinner last night and didn’t eat too much of the tortilla bowl, and also didn’t finish it. Last day of my long weekend – I’m a little sad! But going to see the in=laws today and grill out for dinner before the Fantasy Football draft. As mentioned earlier, will be grilling a lot of fun vegetables. My allergies and migraine are also going a little nuts as they tend to do with weather changes – we had a front come through yesterday. Hopefully things will stabilize today.
    Day 47—09/03 –157.6 okay I haven’t eaten that healthily lately. Got to get back on the wagon!
    Day 48—09/04—157.5 yesterday wasn’t great for dietary choices. Reset!
    Day 49—09/05 –157.5
    Week 7 Goal: 155.0
    Week 7 actual weight:157.5

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: -1.5

    Day 50—09/06 –157.7
    Day 51—09/07—156.9 Hi there! Happy Saturday! Relaxing day today. Going to make kung pao chicken for dinner, which will hopefully be nice, decadent, but not too caloric. Sauce has a bit of sugar in it, so there’s that. Haven’t painted yet but will do so tomorrow. Have to go to the Asian market to get some supplies. I procrastinated and didn’t go today :-S but will try to get up the energy to go tomorrow.
    Day 52—09/08—157.1 Weekend’s almost over ☹ don’t want to work tomorrow but what are you going to do?
    Day 53—09/09—156.2 having some motivation problems over here. Think the depression is flaring.
    Day 54—09/10 –155.0
    Day 55—09/11 –155.8 Working on the depression with my therapist. Going to go out for trivia and dinner tonight, so I’m looking forward to that.
    Day 56—09/12 –155.8
    Week 8 Goal: 154.0
    Week 8 actual weight: 155.8

    Day 57—09/13 –155.3 Another Friday. Looking forward to some R&R! Going to see my brother perform his original music at a local festival, and will have to do some work as well. Will squeeze in some painting and playing of the Sims 😊 Happy Friday to you all!
    Day 58—09/14 –155.6
    Day 59—09/15 –155.6
    Day 60—09/16 –155.6 – Things stable even though I had pancakes for dinner last night lol.
    Day 61—09/17 –155.9
    Day 62—09/18 –155.4 – Going out to play trivia tonight at the local pub!
    Day 63—09/19 –154.9
    Week 9 Goal: 152.0
    Week 9 actual weight: 154.9
    Day 64—09/20 –155.8
    Day 65—09/21 –156.1
    Day 66—09/22 –157.2
    Day 67—09/23 –155.5
    Day 68—09/24 – 156.5
    Day 69—09/25 –156.2
    Day 70—09/26 –156.7
    Week 10 Goal: 151.0
    Week 10 actual weight: 156.7

    Day 71—09/27 –156.1 Hi there folks! I had a bit of a crisis of faith and was weighing in but not posting. I think I’m back now, though. I do better when I post regularly so going to get back to routine…
    Day 72—09/28 –156.7
    Day 73—09/29 –156.2
    Day 74—09/30 –155.8 Happy Monday, folks! Getting back into the swing of things.
    Day 75—10/01 –155.5
    Day 76—10/02 –154.5 Hi Folks! Hoping you’re doing well in your neck of the woods.
    Day 77—10/03 –
    Week 11 Goal: removed because boy that wasn’t going to happen.
    Week 11 actual weight:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,979 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In #20 ^^^^^ July 19th through October 26th, 2024


    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    My Name is Donna, Age 64. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 188.6
    Goal This Round: 176.6
    Challenge Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this challenge: xxxxx

    Previous Round Tallys & Thoughts:

    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8

    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0
    Round #17---183.8
    Round #18---182.2
    Round #19---188.6
    Round #20---

    Thoughts at the beginning of this challenge:

    Last round I had my normal goal of a 12 pound loss which is approximately 4 lbs per month. That comes to about 90 days leaving the other 10 open for special holidays and social occasions. In theory, it’s a good plan. In practice it is a Mountain to Crawl, uphill, both ways. However, each 100 day round I am extremely grateful for any progress I CAN make, no matter how big or small. Sadly, I gained a little over 6 pounds last round. I hope to turn all that back around this round. After all, here in Northern Michigan I wait a very long time each year to finally get to good weather and more outside activity. I really want to capitalize on the good weather in the summer months and increase activity and drop pounds. I’m failing miserably with this so far in 2024. Time to maximize the rest of summer and early fall with challenge #20 and make the magic happen! I am so very grateful for all the support from all of you that I get on a daily basis. Working on my health has become my #1 priority. My main goals are to maintain my remission by staying cancer free and to keep my diabetes in control. Losing weight is key to both goals.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s


    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-07/19-188.0-(Trend weight 188.7)

    Day 02-07/20-186.2-(Trend weight 188.4)

    Day 03-07/21-188.0-(Trend weight 188.5)

    Day 04-07/22-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 05-07/23-188.2-(Trend weight 188.8)

    Day 06-07/24-188.6-(Trend weight 188.9)

    Day 07-07/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: ?????[ /b]
    Week 1 Ending Weight: ?????
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: ?????

    Day 08-07/26-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 09-07/27-189.4-(Trend weight 189.2)

    Day 10-07/28-189.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 11-07/29-189.4-(Trend weight 189.7)

    Day 12-07/30-189.8-(Trend weight 190.0)

    Day 13-07/31-188.4-(Trend weight 190.3)

    Day 14-08/01-188.6-(Trend weight 190.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: Broke Even
    Week 2 Ending Weight: 188.6
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0 Lost or Gained.

    Day 15-08/02- DNW -(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 16-08/03-188.4-(Trend weight 189.9)

    Day 17-08/04-189.2-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 18-08/05-188.2-(Trend weight 189.6)

    Day 19-08/06-189.2-(Trend weight 189.6)

    Day 20-08/07-188.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 21-08/08-188.8-(Trend weight 189.4)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.2 Gain
    Week 3 Ending Weight: 188.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.2 Gain

    Day 22-08/09-190.2-(Trend weight 189.4)

    Day 23-08/10-190.2-(Trend weight 189.4)

    Day 24-08/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 25-08/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 26-08/13-190.6-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 27-08/14-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 28-08/15-190.8-(Trend weight 190.3)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.0 Gained
    Week 4 Ending Weight: 190.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 Gained

    Day 29-08/16-191.4-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 30-08/17- DNW -(Trend weight DNW )

    Day 31-08/18- DNW -(Trend weight DNW

    Day 32-08/19-192.2-(Trend weight 191.1)

    Day 33-08/20- 189.4 -(Trend weight 190.9 )

    Day 34-08/21-187.0-(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 35-08/22-189.8-(Trend weight 190.5)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb Lost
    Week 5 Ending Weight: 189.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.2 lb Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-08/23-190.0-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 37-08/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 38-08/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 39-08/26-192.0-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 40-08/27-191.0-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 41-08/28-189.8-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 42-08/29-190.2-(Trend weight 190.7)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Gain
    Week 6 Ending Weight: 190.2
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 43-08/30- DNW

    Day 44-08/31-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 45- 09/01 DNW

    Day 46-09/02-192.4-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 47-09/03-192.0-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 48-09/04-190.8-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 49-09/05-190.8-(Trend weight 191.4)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Gain
    Week 7 Ending Weight: 190.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-09/06-189.4-(Trend weight 191.2)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 0.8 Gained

    Day 51-09/07-189.0-(Trend weight 191.0)

    Day 52-09/08-189.6-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 53-09/09-191.0-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 54-09/10-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 55-09/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 56-09/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.2 Gained
    Week 8 Ending Weight: 191.0
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.4 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-09/13-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 58-09/14-192.8-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 59-09/15-193.2-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 60-09/16-193.6-(Trend weight 191.8)

    Day 61-09/17-193.8-(Trend weight 192.2)

    Day 62-09/18-192.4-(Trend weight 192.3)

    Day 63-09/19-194.6-(Trend weight 192.6)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.6 Gained morning after a travel day
    Week 9 Ending Weight: 194.6
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 6.0 lbs Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-09/20-193.4-(Trend weight 193.4)

    Day 65-09/21-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 66-09/22-193.8-(Trend weight 193.5)

    Day 67-09/23-193.8-(Trend weight 193.6)

    Day 68-09/24-193.4-(Trend weight 193.8)

    Day 69-09/25-192.6-(Trend weight 193.7)

    Day 70-09/26-191.8-(Trend weight 193.5)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.8 Lost
    Week 10 Ending Weight: 191.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.2 Gain

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-09/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 72-09/28-192.2-(Trend weight 193.4)

    Day 73-09/29-193.6-(Trend weight 193.6)

    Day 74-09/30-193.6-(Trend weight 193.8)

    Day 75-10/01-193.6-(Trend weight 193.8) I’m stalled today on the numbers, but looking back I seem to be hovering around these same numbers for a good two weeks now. It’s time to get serious and put a dent into it. I’d like to be back in the 180’s by the end of October.

    Day 76-10/02-193.4-(Trend weight 193.7) Wow what a busy morning and day helping my contractor who was alone today. I am just now getting around to reading posts and submitting my posts. I am a drip down from yesterday and hope to make even more progress as the days come at me. Of course, my DD and DGS will be back tomorrow for the next 4 days. I’ve got to have a plan.
    Day 77-10/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 11 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Future Weeks to Come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-10/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-10/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-10/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-10/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-10/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-10/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-10/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 12 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-10/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-10/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-10/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-10/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-10/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-10/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-10/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 13 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-10/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-10/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-10/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-10/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-10/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-10/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-10/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 99-10/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-10/26…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx (9 days)
    Week 14 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,990 Member

    👋😃 Hi I’m Jeanne!

    I’m 48. 5’4’’. Live in Canada 🇨🇦. This is my 5th-100 days challenge. This is working for me. Bad Yo-yoing days are finally gone. Finally loosing weight slowly but surely. Any amount going ⬇️ is a WIN for me!!! Let’s do this!!!! Looks like I’m kinda stuck with this 💯 … But I don’t want to beat myself up. I’m still happy at least I’m not gaining non stop like before 😀👍 Keep pushing!

    Day 01—07/19 – 153.0
    Day 02—07/20 – 153.8
    Day 03—07/21 – 155.4
    Day 04—07/22 – 153.2
    Day 05—07/23 – 155.8
    Day 06—07/24 – 156.0
    Day 07—07/25 – 154.6
    Week 1 Goal: 150
    Week 1 actual weight: 153.2
    Wk + 0.2 👎

    Day 08—07/26 – 153.2
    Day 09—07/27 – 152.8
    Day 10—07/28 – 152.4
    Day 11—07/29 – 155.4
    Day 12—07/30 – 155.8
    Day 13—07/31 – 155.2
    Day 14—08/01 – 155.2

    Week 2 Goal: 150
    Week 2 actual weight: 154.8
    Wk +1.6 Total +1.8👎

    Day 15—08/02 – 154.8
    Day 16—08/03 – 154.9
    Day 17—08/04 – 155.0
    Day 18—08/05 – 156.2
    Day 19—08/06 – 155.8
    Day 20—08/07 – 156.6
    Day 21—08/08 – 157.8

    Week 3 Goal: 150
    Week 3 actual weight: 155.8
    Wk +1.6 Total +2.8👎

    Day 22—08/09 – 155.8
    Day 23—08/10 – 155.0
    Day 24—08/11 – 154.2
    Day 25—08/12 – 155.4
    Day 26—08/13 – 153.2
    Day 27—08/14 – 153.2
    Day 28—08/15 – 157.8

    Week 4 Goal: 150
    Week 4 actual weight: 154.6
    Wk +1.6 Total +1.6👎

    Day 29—08/16 – 154.6
    Day 30—08/17 – 154.4
    Day 31—08/18 – 154.8
    Day 32—08/19 – 154.2
    Day 33—08/20 – 154.8
    Day 34—08/21 – 154.6
    Day 35—08/22 – 154.2

    Week 5 Goal: 150
    Week 5 actual weight: 154.5
    Wk -0.1 👍Total +1.5

    Day 36—08/23 – 154.5
    Day 37—08/24 – 154.9
    Day 38—08/25 – 155.8
    Day 39—08/26 – 153.8
    Day 40—08/27 – 155.2
    Day 41—08/28 – 155.2
    Day 42—08/29 – 154.6

    Week 6 Goal: 152.0
    “recalculating”: I sound like a GPS 😆
    Week 6 actual weight: 154.8
    Wk +0.3 Total +1.8👎

    Day 43—08/30 – 154.8
    Day 44—08/31 – 152.6
    Day 45—09/01 – 152.4
    Day 46—09/02 – 152.4
    Day 47—09/03 – 153.4
    Day 48—09/04 – 151.6
    Day 49—09/05 – 152.4

    Week 7 Goal: 152.0
    Week 7 actual weight: 151.4
    Wk -3.4 🥳 Total -1.6 🥳

    Day 44—09/06 – 151.4
    Day 45—09/07 – 151.8
    Day 46—09/08 – 151.2
    Day 47—09/09 – 152.4
    Day 48—09/10 – 151.8
    Day 49—09/11 – 152.3
    Day 50—09/12 – 152.3

    Week 8 Goal: 150.0
    Week 8 actual weight: 152.8
    Wk +1.4 👎 Total - 0.2👍

    Day 51—09/13 – 152.8
    Day 52—09/14 – 152.8
    Day 53—09/15 – 152.8
    Day 54—09/16 – 152.8
    Day 55—09/17 – 153.0
    Day 56—09/18 – 154.4
    Day 57—09/19 – 154.4

    Week 9 Goal: 150.0
    Week 9 actual weight: 154.6
    Wk +1.8 👎 Total +1.6 👎

    Day 58—09/20 – 154.6
    Day 59—09/21 – 152.2
    Day 60—09/22 – 152.2
    Day 61—09/23 – 152.6
    Day 62—09/24 – 152.4
    Day 63—09/25 – 151.8
    Day 64—09/26 – 152.2

    Week 10 Goal: 150.0
    Week 10 actual weight: 151.8
    Wk -2.8 👍 Total -1.2 👍

    Day 65—09/27 – 151.8
    Day 66—09/28 – 152.1
    Day 67—09/29 – 152.8
    Day 68—09/30 – 155.2
    Day 69—10/01 – 152.6
    Day 70—10/02 – 152.6
    Total day for me 4️⃣7️⃣5️⃣


  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 561 Member
    Day 71—09/27 – 140 lb
    Day 72—09/28 – 139.9 lb. Friend brought me some Bassetts jelly babies - the one and only true original jelly baby! They're hard to get here, and the local ones taste different - more like gummies, whereas Bassetts are more like Turkish Delight! Happy memories of childhood days, when you judged someone's character by how they ate a jelly baby - head first or feet first? Slowly and sadistically or quickly to put it out of its misery? Babies themselves are the worst abusers of jelly babies - they just shove the whole thing in their mouths at once and chomp - then drool and spit it up!
    Day 73—09/29 – 139.5 lb.
    Day 74—09/30 – 140 lb.
    Day 75—10/01 – 139.8 lb. Yikes! only 3 and a half weeks to go.....
    Day 76—10/02 – 139.5 lb.
    Day 77—10/03 – 140 lb. Day 1 of No Eating Sugar......I may not have picked the best time of year for this personal challenge......
    Week 11 Goal: 139 lb
    Week 11 actual weight: 140 lb. Well, even Steven is better than gaining, I guess.......???
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Thank you @dawnbgethealthy
    I'm in!
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 145.0
    UGW: 140.0
    Day 01--07/19 – 149.0 at 8:45 a.m. ...no workout today. Trainer's family member is ill.
    Day 02—07/20 – 151.0 at 6:10 a.m. ...5.42 miles in 107 mins then Grandsons Duty!!!
    Day 03—07/21 – 149.8 at 7:10 a.m. ...total rest day
    Day 04—07/22 – 149.6 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    Day 05—07/23 – 148.0 at 7:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 06—07/24 – 149.3 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    Day 07—07/25 – 149.9 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then made soup
    Week 1 Goal: 147.0
    Week 1 actual weight: 149.9
    Day 08--07/26 – 149.0 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    Day 09—07/27 – 151.8 at 6:40 a.m. ...5.20 miles in 102 mins then Grandsons Duty!!!
    Day 10—07/28 – 150.2 at 7:15 a.m. ...Grandson's softball game then nothing
    Day 11—07/29 – 150.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 12—07/30 – 149.0 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 13—07/31 – 151.1 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 14—08/01 – 150.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading
    Week 2 Goal: 147.0 bwahahahah
    Week 2 gain/loss: +1.8
    Day 15--08/02 – 150.1 at 7:25 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then made soup...trainer in Utah
    Day 16—08/03 – 149.6 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.43 miles in 110 mins to the post office and back
    Day 17—08/04 – 151.5 at 6:40 a.m. ...Grandson's last softball game then shredded paper and ground coffee beans!
    Day 18—08/05 – 151.8 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 19—08/06 – 151.0 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing again!!
    Day 20—08/07 – 150.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 21—08/08 – 150.5 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then bwahahah!
    Week 3 Goal: 147.0
    Week 3 gain/loss: +.4
    Day 22—08/09 – 150.1 at 7:25 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 23—08/10 – 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.33 miles in 107 mins to the post office and back then Grandson Duty!!
    Day 24—08/11 – 150.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.21 miles to the Ruins and back
    Day 25—08/12 – 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 26—08/13 – 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 27—08/14 – 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 28—08/15 – 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Week 4 Goal: 149.0
    Week 4 gain/loss: +.9
    Day 29—08/16 – 151.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 30—08/17 – 149.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...Shopped w/DDD and her Best Friend!! First time in a couple of years! It was so fun! Then wrapped b'day gifts for my Trainer (Monday), DDD (Tuesday) and our oldest Grandson who will be 8 on Wednesday!
    Day 31—08/18 – 151.4 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.36 miles in 107 mins then made soup then wrapped presents
    Day 32—08/19 – 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 33—08/20 – 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...nothing
    Day 34—08/21 – 151.0 at 7:30 a.m. ...Family over for DDD & Grandson's b'days
    Day 35—08/22 – 151.5 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.43 miles in 107 mins to the post office and back...sooo windy!
    Week 5 Goal:
    Week 5 gain/loss:-.2
    Day 36—08/23 – 150.7 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 37—08/24 – 152.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...Family & friends met at Q-zar for laser tag to celebrate Grandson's b'day.
    Day 38—08/25 – 149.7 at 7:30 a.m. ...Family & Friends met at brunch for DDD's b'day.
    Day 39—08/26 – 149.9 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 40—08/27 – 151.7 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.36 miles in 107 mins to the Ruins and back
    Day 41—08/28 – 151.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 42—08/29 – 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Week 6 Goal: 149.0
    Week 6 gain/loss: +.3 too many b'day parties!!
    Day 43—08/30 – 152.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 44—08/31 – 150.8 at 6:00 a.m. ...DDD and I got our hair cut then I did nothing!!
    Day 45—09/01 – 151.5 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.30 miles in 106 mins to the Ruins and back
    Day 46—09/02 – 151.9 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 47—09/03 – 152.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Day 48—09/04 – 152.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then Family emergency... :#
    Day 49—09/05 – 153.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then Grandpuppy Duty
    Week 7 Goal: 149.0
    Week 7 gain/loss: +.7
    Day 50—09/06 – 151.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandpuppy then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 51—09/07 – 152.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandpuppy then 5.37 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back
    Day 52—09/08 – 149.2 at 7:30 a.m. ...Grandpuppy Duty then zero
    Day 53—09/09 – 153.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 54—09/10 – 153.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 55—09/11 – 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 56—09/12 – 153.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Week 8 Goal: 149.0
    Week 8 gain/loss: bwahahahah!
    Day 57—09/13 – 152.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero ... my trainer is gone for a week
    Day 58—09/14 – 152.5 at 6:00 a.m. ...5.46 miles in 109 mins to the post office and back
    Day 59—09/15 – 151.6 at 6:00 a.m. ...5.23 miles in 102 mins to the Ruins and back
    Day 60—09/16 – 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero ... my trainer is gone for a week
    Day 61—09/17 – 149.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Day 62—09/18 – 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero ... my trainer is gone for a week
    Day 63—09/19 – 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then went to get our booster shots
    Week 9 Goal: 149.0
    Week 9 gain/loss: -2.8
    Day 64—09/20 – 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...zero...arm tooooooo sore!!
    Day 65—09/21 – 149.7 at 9:00 a.m. ...zero still recovering... :#
    Day 66—09/22 – 150.3 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.40 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back
    Day 67—09/23 – 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 68—09/24 – 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 69—09/25 – 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 70—09/26 – 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Week 10 Goal: 149.0
    Week 10 gain/loss: -.5
    Day 71—09/27 – 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 72—09/28 – 150.9 at 9:30 a.m. ...total rest day
    Day 73—09/29 – 150.9 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.30 miles in 106 mins to the Ruins and back
    Day 74—09/30 – 152.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 75—10/01 – 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Day 76—10/02 – 153.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 77—10/03 –
    Week 11 Goal: 149.0
    Week 11 gain/loss:
    Good luck everyone!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,979 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In #20 ^^^^^ July 19th through October 26th, 2024


    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    My Name is Donna, Age 64. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 188.6
    Goal This Round: 176.6
    Challenge Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this challenge: xxxxx

    Previous Round Tallys & Thoughts:

    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8

    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0
    Round #17---183.8
    Round #18---182.2
    Round #19---188.6
    Round #20---

    Thoughts at the beginning of this challenge:

    Last round I had my normal goal of a 12 pound loss which is approximately 4 lbs per month. That comes to about 90 days leaving the other 10 open for special holidays and social occasions. In theory, it’s a good plan. In practice it is a Mountain to Crawl, uphill, both ways. However, each 100 day round I am extremely grateful for any progress I CAN make, no matter how big or small. Sadly, I gained a little over 6 pounds last round. I hope to turn all that back around this round. After all, here in Northern Michigan I wait a very long time each year to finally get to good weather and more outside activity. I really want to capitalize on the good weather in the summer months and increase activity and drop pounds. I’m failing miserably with this so far in 2024. Time to maximize the rest of summer and early fall with challenge #20 and make the magic happen! I am so very grateful for all the support from all of you that I get on a daily basis. Working on my health has become my #1 priority. My main goals are to maintain my remission by staying cancer free and to keep my diabetes in control. Losing weight is key to both goals.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s


    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-07/19-188.0-(Trend weight 188.7)

    Day 02-07/20-186.2-(Trend weight 188.4)

    Day 03-07/21-188.0-(Trend weight 188.5)

    Day 04-07/22-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 05-07/23-188.2-(Trend weight 188.8)

    Day 06-07/24-188.6-(Trend weight 188.9)

    Day 07-07/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: ?????[ /b]
    Week 1 Ending Weight: ?????
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: ?????

    Day 08-07/26-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 09-07/27-189.4-(Trend weight 189.2)

    Day 10-07/28-189.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 11-07/29-189.4-(Trend weight 189.7)

    Day 12-07/30-189.8-(Trend weight 190.0)

    Day 13-07/31-188.4-(Trend weight 190.3)

    Day 14-08/01-188.6-(Trend weight 190.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: Broke Even
    Week 2 Ending Weight: 188.6
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0 Lost or Gained.

    Day 15-08/02- DNW -(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 16-08/03-188.4-(Trend weight 189.9)

    Day 17-08/04-189.2-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 18-08/05-188.2-(Trend weight 189.6)

    Day 19-08/06-189.2-(Trend weight 189.6)

    Day 20-08/07-188.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 21-08/08-188.8-(Trend weight 189.4)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.2 Gain
    Week 3 Ending Weight: 188.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.2 Gain

    Day 22-08/09-190.2-(Trend weight 189.4)

    Day 23-08/10-190.2-(Trend weight 189.4)

    Day 24-08/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 25-08/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 26-08/13-190.6-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 27-08/14-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 28-08/15-190.8-(Trend weight 190.3)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.0 Gained
    Week 4 Ending Weight: 190.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 Gained

    Day 29-08/16-191.4-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 30-08/17- DNW -(Trend weight DNW )

    Day 31-08/18- DNW -(Trend weight DNW

    Day 32-08/19-192.2-(Trend weight 191.1)

    Day 33-08/20- 189.4 -(Trend weight 190.9 )

    Day 34-08/21-187.0-(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 35-08/22-189.8-(Trend weight 190.5)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb Lost
    Week 5 Ending Weight: 189.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.2 lb Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-08/23-190.0-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 37-08/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 38-08/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 39-08/26-192.0-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 40-08/27-191.0-(Trend weight 190.8)

    Day 41-08/28-189.8-(Trend weight 190.7)

    Day 42-08/29-190.2-(Trend weight 190.7)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Gain
    Week 6 Ending Weight: 190.2
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 43-08/30- DNW

    Day 44-08/31-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 45- 09/01 DNW

    Day 46-09/02-192.4-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 47-09/03-192.0-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 48-09/04-190.8-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 49-09/05-190.8-(Trend weight 191.4)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Gain
    Week 7 Ending Weight: 190.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-09/06-189.4-(Trend weight 191.2)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 0.8 Gained

    Day 51-09/07-189.0-(Trend weight 191.0)

    Day 52-09/08-189.6-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 53-09/09-191.0-(Trend weight 190.9)

    Day 54-09/10-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 55-09/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 56-09/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.2 Gained
    Week 8 Ending Weight: 191.0
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.4 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-09/13-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 58-09/14-192.8-(Trend weight 191.5)

    Day 59-09/15-193.2-(Trend weight 191.6)

    Day 60-09/16-193.6-(Trend weight 191.8)

    Day 61-09/17-193.8-(Trend weight 192.2)

    Day 62-09/18-192.4-(Trend weight 192.3)

    Day 63-09/19-194.6-(Trend weight 192.6)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.6 Gained morning after a travel day
    Week 9 Ending Weight: 194.6
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 6.0 lbs Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-09/20-193.4-(Trend weight 193.4)

    Day 65-09/21-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 66-09/22-193.8-(Trend weight 193.5)

    Day 67-09/23-193.8-(Trend weight 193.6)

    Day 68-09/24-193.4-(Trend weight 193.8)

    Day 69-09/25-192.6-(Trend weight 193.7)

    Day 70-09/26-191.8-(Trend weight 193.5)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.8 Lost
    Week 10 Ending Weight: 191.8
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.2 Gain

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-09/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 72-09/28-192.2-(Trend weight 193.4)

    Day 73-09/29-193.6-(Trend weight 193.6)

    Day 74-09/30-193.6-(Trend weight 193.8)

    Day 75-10/01-193.6-(Trend weight 193.8)

    Day 76-10/02-193.4-(Trend weight 193.7) Wow what a busy morning and day helping my contractor who was alone today. I am just now getting around to reading posts and submitting my posts. I am a drip down from yesterday and hope to make even more progress as the days come at me. Of course, my DD and DGS will be back tomorrow for the next 4 days. I’ve got to have a plan.

    Day 77-10/03-DNW-(Trend weight DNW) I didn’t remember that I’d forgotten to weigh until I was fully dressed and drinking my morning Java. Ah well. I slept well last night between my normal multitude of diabetic potty breaks. It was refreshing to get more than 5 hours. I’ll use yesterday’s weight for end of week tally.

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.6 lb Gain
    Week 11 Ending Weight: 193.4
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.8 lb Gain

    Future Weeks to Come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-10/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-10/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-10/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-10/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-10/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-10/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-10/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 12 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-10/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-10/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-10/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-10/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-10/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-10/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-10/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx
    Week 13 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-10/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-10/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-10/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-10/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-10/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-10/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-10/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 99-10/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-10/26…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN: xxxxx (9 days)
    Week 14 Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: xxxxx