Fruit and are you doing it?

nickelmel Posts: 87
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I have such a hard time getting in all of my servings of fruit and vegetables. I really think it's an impossible task! I can only seem to squeeze in a V8 and then veggies for dinner. If i'm lucky I have a fruit during the day but that's it! That's only 3 servings!! What are you doing to get all of your servings in?

Please help! :explode:


  • nickelmel
    nickelmel Posts: 87
    I have such a hard time getting in all of my servings of fruit and vegetables. I really think it's an impossible task! I can only seem to squeeze in a V8 and then veggies for dinner. If i'm lucky I have a fruit during the day but that's it! That's only 3 servings!! What are you doing to get all of your servings in?

    Please help! :explode:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Well for breakfast I add a banana to my cereal, have apple, orange, pear, carrot or celery sticks for morning snack. Then for lunch I load up my sandwich with lettuce and tomato. Then dinner I be sure to have some type of veggie. You don't have to eat them alone, like I said with a sandwich, you don't notice them so much. Also soup is a great way! Hope that helps!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I also add fruit to my cereal I also add it to my yogurt as well in addition to whats already in far as veggies go i basically fill my plate with them so Im getting 2 times the amount
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have yogurt with blueberries, strawberries and raspberries for breakfast. Morning snack is an apple.
    Lunch is a baggie full of raw mixed veggies and dinner always has 2 or more veggies in it. Half of dinner is veggies, 1/4 meat and 1/4 carb
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    I try to do a salad at least every other day. That's a day's worth of vegetables/fruit. I also like steamed broccoli, zucchini and squash so I will pull out my little electric steamer and in 5 minutes - voila! Easily 3 servings (or more depending on portion size.) I sprinkle them with a little garlic salt, but they're also good with the spray salad dressing or butter.
  • I've already had 2 fruits and a full veggie serving this morning: an Orange and a Banana with my breakfast, and 8 oz. of baby carrots as a munchy snack.

    For lunch I'm having chicken vegetable soup, with a tossed green salad sprinkled with 1/2 cup freshly chopped onions.

    My afternoon snack will be the rest of the baby carrots (another 8 oz).

    For dinner tonight I'm having 12 oz of baked sweet potato (remember potatos are a veggie too - albeit a starchy one), along with a cup of steamed corn.

    So I'll have at least 8 or 9 fruits/veggies for the day.

    I'd suggest if possible to not drink your fruits/veggies because they don't fill you up the same way that the whole fruit/veggie can. The amount of juice you get from a single orange is hardly worth squeezing, while eating a whole orange takes longer and you actually have something besides juice to fill your tummy with!

    Also be VERY aware of the sodium/sugar levels of many of the standard veggie juices. An 8 oz can of V8 100% Vegetable Juice has 50 calories, 480 mg of sodium and 8 g of sugar. The V8 company does have some lower calorie and lower sodium blends in the Splash line that are MUCH healthier for daily consumption. For example 8 oz of V8 Splash Diet Berry Blend has 10 calories, 30 mg of sodium and 2 g of sugar. On the other hand orange juice is very low in sodium, but high in sugar: 8 oz has 112 calories, 2mg sodium and 21 g of sugar. :drinker: So enjoy your juices sensibly!
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