snack attack

I am finding it extremely hard to not snack. I want to avoid eating things I shouldn't be eating such as candy and junk but at school its just so hard to avoid. Any tips on how to avoid all of those cravings?


  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    drink a lot of water and replace sugary snacks with healthy ones

    I love snacking too, but I now snack on celery sticks, carrots and apples. Grapes and berries are sweet and better for you than candy!
  • What really helps me avoid candy and junk food is chewing sugar free gum. I like Stride 5 gum but yuo can pick whatever you like best. Hope this helps!
  • Have better snacks with you.
    Raisins/Craisins/other dried fruit are great because they are also sweet! ;)
    Try nuts...
  • make sure to take "healthy snacks" with you. There are a lot of better for you cal pack of items that would allow you to snack, but not add a TON of cals.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    I suck on lemon drops to help curb the urge to snack. Only 10 calories:smile: AND if I'm "starving" I have 10 pretzels which is only 55 calories. They are so stinking dry I can't help but drink a ton of water and then my appetitie is curbed :laugh:
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    I drink water and chew sugar free gum...... Yea, NOT a snack - but distracts me ! Good luck !
  • crisped rice, plain popcorn, bananas and sugar free / fat free jelly are some of my recommendations! Also light yogurt with seeds mixed in to keep you going for longer!
  • Thanks! I think these will help especially when I have my longer shifts! I want to wish you all the best!!!!! I think this message board is great because it gives so much support!!!!! :)
  • meghan1207
    meghan1207 Posts: 10 Member
    the thing i have done to help me lose weight is to snack! BUT its apples, carrots, raisins, hot tea, water, red peppers, etc. Stuff that fills you up and lets you chew, but doesn't make you fat! i'm never hungry anymore, but the BIG thing to do is prep snacks ahead of time- i make up little baggies of veggies for the whole week so that I can grab a bag on my way to work. If i am unprepared, the vending machine starts to call my name!
  • Laughing Cow cheese wedge is good to put inside some celery. The cheese is only 35 calories. Borden fat free cheese slices are also good with a couple crackers. The new dessert flavored gum. Hard boiled eggs, excellant source of protein, as long as you don't have to watch your cholesterol. Just few ideas, hope this helps..
  • I snack ALL the time! All I changed is what I snack on. I now have a small breakfast, lunch and usually a reasonably small tea but in the midst of that I eat lots of fruit, salad, fat free yogurt, carrots, celery... I've been known to snack on rice crispies when the urge has occured. I think if anything I find it easier if I eat little and often :)