WHY am I still hungry?? :(

UGH... I don't understand why I'm so hungry!

At 1:00 I had a good lunch, with a big piece of salmon on my salad... then at 3:00 I had some applesauce for a snack, but I was still hungry, so I decided to have some Chick Fil A at 3:30, to get some more protein... and my stomach is legit growling already. I don't get it... This is super annoying.

This was happening a lot about a month ago, but then I started eating more protein & more frequently and it stopped... now today, again, I feel like I'm starving. I literally JUST ate. UGH.


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I get like that once per month.

    Thanks TOM, your a d*ck!!!
  • Your metabolism is rising. Thats a good thing!! Just eat a little something every couple hours :) Oh and drink a full glass of water!
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I get like that once per month.

    Thanks TOM, your a d*ck!!!

    TOM is not due for another week though! lol
  • danoftroy
    danoftroy Posts: 7 Member
    I find that sometimes when I think I am hungry, I am actually thirsty. Try drinking some water.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I am a hungry person - sometimes I just have to accept that there will be times when I am hungry (at least I know my body is working, right?). Maybe try to get in some more protein in the morning. I just looked at your food diary for today and you didn't really have much protein until lunch. Drink water. Sip tea. Walk up/down a flight of stairs. Remind yourself that dinner is around the corner.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    Try a protien drink. A lot of them say you should eat a something small with them so if you scale the lunch down and add that or just the shake and a larger snack it might do the trick?
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    I was like this earlier in the week, the only thing I did different was get a flu shot so I blamed it on that. :)
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I used to have this issue when I first started trying to lose weight. It went away. I just chewed gum or ate celery.

    Also, back when I ate Chick Fil A (I cant anymore - gluten issues), I would ALWAYS get hungry like an hour later from it.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I am a hungry person - sometimes I just have to accept that there will be times when I am hungry (at least I know my body is working, right?). Maybe try to get in some more protein in the morning. I just looked at your food diary for today and you didn't really have much protein until lunch. Drink water. Sip tea. Walk up/down a flight of stairs. Remind yourself that dinner is around the corner.

    That's a good idea. I actually did try to make some hard boiled eggs that I could grab in the morning to eat with breakfast, but my attempt failed... I think I will try again for next week!
  • Try a high protein breakfast first thing in the morning. I like to have a protein shake most of the time.
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I was always told that if you still feel hungry that most likely your thirsty! Especially if you just ate. So you need to drink a glass of water, it'll fill you up! I've learned if you drink a glass of water before you eat and another one while you eat you won't eat as much!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    My standard breakfast used to be a huge bowl of steel cut oats, half an apple and skim milk or a mostly egg-white omelet with no cheese and lots of veggies. The result would be ravenous hunger just an hour or two later.

    I have switched to doing protein and (natural) FAT for breakfast (e.g. whole eggs and bacon, or meat and veggie leftovers from the night before) and now I am never hungry during the day.

    That's what has worked for me.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    Try a high protein breakfast first thing in the morning. I like to have a protein shake most of the time.

    What kind do you like? I was drinking a high-protein Slim-Fast in the morning a few months ago, the kind from the powdered mix since the cans are EXPENSIVE, but I stopped after a week or two because of the hassle... LAZY me!!
  • With the applesauce you have sweets, obviously, but are you having sweets or soft drinks with the other times you are eating? If so, that may be causing it, it does with me. Try drinking more water, flush your system while filling your stomach with it.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I was always told that if you still feel hungry that most likely your thirsty! Especially if you just ate. So you need to drink a glass of water, it'll fill you up! I've learned if you drink a glass of water before you eat and another one while you eat you won't eat as much!

    *drinks water* lol!!
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    Try eating more fiber, protein, fruits and veggies. They will keep you full. Also, when I am hungry and it's not time for me to be I drink a glass of water and wait five minutes. If I'm still hungry after that, I have a small snack.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Try a high protein breakfast first thing in the morning. I like to have a protein shake most of the time.

    I actually do this and I find a HUGE difference in my true hunger-pangs... Breakfast I do my best to get a high dose of good protein, and low carb (the good carbs, that is)... I throw in vegetables and the fiber adds to the fullness... I usually eat around 5:30am and Im good until about 1pm - and in between, I chug so much water!!!! It really helps!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Try a high protein breakfast first thing in the morning. I like to have a protein shake most of the time.

    What kind do you like? I was drinking a high-protein Slim-Fast in the morning a few months ago, the kind from the powdered mix since the cans are EXPENSIVE, but I stopped after a week or two because of the hassle... LAZY me!!

    Killerqueen - I know its not directed at me, but I drink the Designer Whey 100 Cal Vanilla brand... OH MY GAWD its DELISH! Ill even make this for a low calorie-low carb ICE CREAM!!!
  • mestupscout
    mestupscout Posts: 82 Member
    I get like that once a month too. I could literally eat dirt.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    My standard breakfast used to be a huge bowl of steel cut oats, half an apple and skim milk or a mostly egg-white omelet with no cheese and lots of veggies. The result would be ravenous hunger just an hour or two later.

    I have switched to doing protein and (natural) FAT for breakfast (e.g. whole eggs and bacon, or meat and veggie leftovers from the night before) and now I am never hungry during the day.

    That's what has worked for me.

    I agree with this. I've started doing higher protein/higher fat breakfasts and it has made a world of difference (either Greek yogurt, a third cup granola, and a quarter cup of frozen berries, or three eggs, a third cup of shredded cheese, and half a cup of spinach). Actually, I've increased my protein and fat in general and it's helped a lot - helped my workout recovery too. (I'm nowhere near a low carb diet - I'm like 40% carbs 25% protein 35% fat.)