Newbie...I am lazy... but here goes...

I am older and fatter.... joined all the fat clubs - counted my points, ate green foods and red foods on certain days, stayed
away from Sin foods.... enough is enough I think....anyone else out there who just wants to eat healthy food on a plate
without having to check in a book to see if I am allowed it because of my points allocation etc.

I am of the view now that it is all about my lifestyle, I like to party but I also want to lose weight and get fit and
healthy.. i have about 5 stone to - exercise is the key i think to have the best of both worlds.....

But i am very lazy.....i have the execise dvd's and a garage full of gym equipment so - here goes - from tomorrow i am
counting as day 1......(and yes, i have done day 1's so many times) but this will be the last........ does anyone else feel the


  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    oh you sound like me! lol. trust me, you will get addicted here and you will love it!

    welcome aboard.
  • Another lazy newbie here! I have lost all the energy that has pushed me to 4 days a week workouts and I am not liking the results. I am really exciting to join this community and help push myself to reevaluate my workout life and eating habits!!!
  • orchid100
    orchid100 Posts: 40 Member
    Snap!!!! Welcome to our wee world .. :):)

    I tried everything and usually failed lol .... but the support on here is fantastic. Have made friends all over the world and even with good and bad times I`m getting there.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish , still have a long way to go too

    Good Luck

    Tracey :)
  • I actually first signed up with MFP in January 2011 and guess I wasn't ready. Actually gained 7 pounds by June when I finally had my epiphany of 'enough is enough'! Since then, 22 pounds gone and in the overweight vs. obese category of life. Even so, there are days when exercising is the LAST thing I want to do and some of those days, I don't do it. Most days I remind myself of the progress I've made and get with it. I think that by allowing myself the occasional day off when the motivation isn't there, I'm more inclined to go the next day. You don't have to go to anything extreme, my main thing is an hour walk every day with my husband and dance lessons once a week. Biggest change is taking account of what I eat and how much - very eye opening when I started logging all my food on MFP!! Don't beat yourself up along the way, just keep plugging along and you'll get there.
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Welcome. Congratulations on making a commitment to your future (as well as your health and fitness).

    As someone who likes to party, it sounds to me as though you will get your exercise through dance!!! Enjoy the journey.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    oh my yes! I think you will find many in the very same boat. I need to loose at least 6 stone if it were a perfect world, but would be happy with 4. I find that having done this same song an dance for so long, that this time around pacing myself has been the key. I have not tired to work out more than 3 times per week, and if in a few week I want to increase that fine, otherwise M-W-F is good enough and usually ok. I also am only doing 30 mins to 40 mins and will increase that little by little. I am also finding that eating every 3 hrs has really helped quite a bit. One key factor is to each breakfast as soon as possible after you rise in the AM and to ensure you have as much potein as possible as that starts your metobolic system burning fat. Best of luck to you!!
  • it is good to hear that people are struggling as well and on the same wavelength without trying to be "SLIIMMER OF THE WEEK".

    Thank you for your comments, and i mean it - Day 1 starts tomorrow...... but there is something i cannot get my head round, when overweight people like myself suddlenly find the places like the gym their second home and how they now LOVE going to the gym.

    I cannot even imagining liking the gym, even if i was a size 8 ! (UK)

    I will make an effort to log on here so i can monitor my progress and get the help and support of others and hopefully, if
    i have lazy days, someone out there will give me a kick up the A** to get back on it......
  • I am brand new too...and I have tried many systems.....oh it is a battle.. many blessings on your journey!
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Foods make you lazy.... I think sooo.... Bet you will do it, take a pic now and in 6 months take some more, then in a year, post them for us all to see how amazing you have done!

    Psssssssssttttttttttttt............ But you dont stay lazy for long x
  • "the systems" ....are these the systems that you pay nearly £6 a week to stand on scales only to be told your weight - in my eyes, these people are just telling me that i am fat every week and i actually pay for them to tell me this..week in and week out !... the only major thing i am losing is my money..........
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 159 Member
    you sound just like me ive been here couple weeks now