Sort of silly...

Not too long ago I had a "cheat day" where I at almost 1800 calories. I did work out and burn at least 500 calories, though.
Today I am trying not to eat too much but I just can't stop for some reason...So I am trying to claim THIS as my cheat day but I know that I already had one. Haha...Basically my question is how many of you would have considered my first cheat day to actually be one? How far do you let yourself go on cheat days? Do you workout on those days? Today I worked out 800 calories so my limit is 2000 but I have a feeling by the end of tonight I am going over...


  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I don't think of it so much as a cheat day as I do a cheat meal (usually dinner). For me that means I kind of/sort of try not to go too overboard because I will make myself sick, but I don't stress the calories too much either. I'm supposed to enjoy it, right? I'll have one or two of these meals per week at most (if I'm good).
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    My cheat days don't usually contain exercise. Or else my cheat days are 'special' days: family reunion, church picnic, holidays. Other days, even if I go over, I don't worry about it too much. I didn't exercise yesterday & I had a few small snacks that put me over, but I'm not counting that as a cheat day. I was, and still am, sick so I knew I was going to take a rest from exercise. Usually my only cheat days end up being on the weekend.
  • uhoh_billy
    My "cheat" days are once a month, I don't work out, and I eat whatever I want (and drink it, too!). If it were me, I wouldn't consider that a cheat day if I were still around my calorie goal after a work out! I still eat dirty awful food on non-cheat days (McDonalds today) but I work out so that I'm not over my calories! I feel like if I were never allowed to eat the food I want and learn to just work it off so that I'm still being "good", this way of life would never work for me!

    But that's just me :)