I received a bad check....

I embroidered a blanket for a friend. When I gave it to her she gave me a check. We deposited it & put gas in the van (prior to depositing it, we had about $3 in the bank). So today I see that we were charged a $30 fee for a 'previous deposit' and then an $19 'charge back fee.'

How do I politely ask her for the $49 that we were charged at our bank?


  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    I honestly think it was a mistake. I've known this person for many years & I really don't think she would write me a bad check on purpose.
  • greentiffanie
    greentiffanie Posts: 15 Member
    I would just be really casual about it and say that you saw it came back returned and your bank charged you $30, just tell her that you know she probably didn't mean to write you a bad check, things happen and move on. I see this kind of thing happen all the time, maybe it cleared faster than she intended. Just remind her that there are no hard feelings (that is if she pays you :) )
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    I would. Unless she specifically asked you to hold it I would ask her for the money. I would also nicely ask her if she was having a hard time and needed to talk about it.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I'd ask the bank first. Most of em will refund fees like that if you ask nicely, and then get a good check from your friend.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I would just be really casual about it and say that you saw it came back returned and your bank charged you $30, just tell her that you know she probably didn't mean to write you a bad check, things happen and move on. I see this kind of thing happen all the time, maybe it cleared faster than she intended. Just remind her that there are no hard feelings (that is if she pays you :) )

  • of course it was probably not on purpose, but she cost you a lot of money, regardless. It was a rude "mistake". I would say,

    "Hey, Jen (or whatever her name is), you know that check you wrote me? The bank returned it, and in the process charged me $49 in fees! Can you believe it? I sure can't afford that. Can we take care of this ASAP before other stuff starts bouncing because of it? I've got 3 more checks coming through any day now and I need that $49 back in the account. Thanks!"

    Good luck.
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    You could blame it on the bank :) to make her feel better just be like "hey,have you checked your bank account lately?Because when you wrote that check it bounced and i know you wouldnt do that on purpose" and usually people who are embarresed would be like "omg,let me pay you for that! and the bad check" if not just casually bring up the bank fee and say you almost went over trying to get gas and you dont want to get charged another fee as well
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I would be honest. Tell her that her check was bad and it cost you money. Let her know nicely that you'd it's not a problem, but you'd like the rest of your money when she can next afford it.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Be honest with her and do it sooner rather than later.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Tell your friend about the check. Let your friend decide the consequences. If your friend fails to mention anything about paying you back for the overdraft, let it go. It's your friend you're dealing with. If you're really strapped for cash it's okay to ask for some help.