"Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"

In another of my late nights where sleep seemed elusive, I prowled around the internet last night, finally landing on Netflix. There on my page was a recommendation for a movie by an Australian man named Joe. It's title caught my eye, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". It kept me intrigued til about 3am when I finally got sleepy. Just a few minutes ago, I finished watching it, my cat curled up by my side.

If you haven't seen it, do. If you need some inspiration, watch. If you feel like losing weight is impossible, even for the moment, check this film out. It's a beautiful example of what one person doing the right thing blossoms into others being interested, encouraged, motivated. Very much like this website of MFP.

It's the story of Joe and then Phil. Be sure that if you do watch, you'll feel the victory leap off the screen. I'm so glad he made this documentary and I'm so glad that my late night prowl led to this beautiful film.

Well done, Joe. Or as the Aussies say "Good on ys mate!"


  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Thanx I will look for and watch..
  • rrrbecca11
    I saw that on Netflix the other night and put it in my queue. I love all the good, informative documentaries about food on there!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I've seen it and while it was interesting, I wasn't very impressed. I think the whole juicing aspect was stupid. Why couldn't he just eat the veggies and fruits? :smokin: But whatever. That man has some SERIOUS will-power. I applaud that!

    Oh, and if anybody has netflix, it's on instant play so you can head right over and watch it now if you have the time! :smooched:
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    We just watched it last week. We loved it. Neither of us is interested in juicing but the results and their stories are amazing.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Thanks, I'll watch it tonight!
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    Wow ... that title sure grabs your attention! I will check it out ... thanks.
  • sandhillcrane
    I LOVED it!! I don't juice because it is a pain and expensive. I take Juice Plus to get my nutrition. Well, other than eating! The movie confirmed what I already believe. It was really inspirational. thx for the post. I watch lots of food related documentaries.
  • mazza2marilyn
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    If you like health documentaries, please be sure to include "Forks Over Knives" in your list. It was just made available on NetFlix recently and it may even change your life. It also has several "success stories" that are uplifting. They don't go into the detail of "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", but there is a lot more information about how to improve your health.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks for the info, I'll check it out tonight.
    If you like health documentaries, please be sure to include "Forks Over Knives" in your list. It was just made available on NetFlix recently and it may even change your life. It also has several "success stories" that are uplifting. They don't go into the detail of "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", but there is a lot more information about how to improve your health.
  • b027lxh
    Thank you for your post. I will add it to my list and put it first. I am feeling like the title lol. I need the motivation. thank you for sharing I needed that.
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    Thanks - I'm gonna check that out tomorrow
  • Emalyn
    I just watched it today and searched for the title in the MFP forums! I loved it, it was very inspirational. Like FunkySpunky said, I don't really get why he couldn't just eat the fruit and veggies, but I guess he just wanted to get the nutrients while still technically fasting. Plus I can't imagine just chowing down on those raw veggies everyday. :P

    I just ordered a juicer a few minutes ago and I am SOOO excited. I don't intend to only drink juice every day, but it'll be a good way to boost my veggie and fruit intake. Watching it made me crave healthy foods! Great documentary and success stories. I also plan to check out Forks over Knives, and I've been told of the concept of the documentary, but haven't gotten to it yet!