
I am a heart patient, with congestive heart failure and a defib inplanted... I am unable to do much exercise, slow walking, (at my own pace) does not seem to hep... I do believe that I do need to walk more though.. any other ideas will be a great help.. I am looking to lose at least 10 lbs..


  • jturner01
    jturner01 Posts: 6 Member
    Have you thought about doing any low impact resistance band training? this may help with some weight loss/toning and not be too intense for your condition.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    If your CHF is that bad, I would recommend discussing with your doctor. Typically, for heart patients, it is recommended to do walking and up your time/distance/speed as you are able. Make SURE you are watching your water intake, you don't want to drink the 'half your weight in ounces' or '12 glasses a day' due to your CHF...it will only cause edema/shortness of breath/and possibly an acute episode. If you are on diuretics/potassium, make sure and take that as ordered. If walking is too hard, maybe start out w/ some resistant bands or hand weights...but you really need to figure out how to safely incorporate cardio into your weekly schedule...not only for your weight, but for your heart!

    Good luck!
  • darlenebye
    darlenebye Posts: 8 Member
    many thanks to these suggestions....

    Yes, I try to be very aware of fluids etc. because of my condition; weigh every morning & do pretty good.... I am about 10# overweight & would feel better if I lose it..
    I had not thought about resistance bands; will try that for strength and toning...

    this a.m., I went to local gym; walked for 60 minutes, averaging 2.0 mph, at 0.4 incline.

    thanks again for encouragement.... I needed that !!!:
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Maybe you want to look into doing indoor walking. Leslie Sansone has some good indoor walking workouts. You can check out her workouts on youtube. You can some of her workouts at Walmart. Amazon has a lot too.

    Leslie has some workouts where you uses bands, some where you uses weights and even some where you uses 2lb weight balls. Her workouts are fun.

    Walmart carries kits by Leslie. I have found her Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home Super Walks Deluxe Kit at Walmart for $28.00. It includes 4 workout dvds, body boost cables and a 21 day meal plan.

    I own a lot of Leslie's workouts. I think you will her workouts too.
  • darlenebye
    darlenebye Posts: 8 Member
    will check out Leslie Sansone on my next trip to Wally World...
    can't seem to stay out of that place... lol
    thanks for info..
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    will check out Leslie Sansone on my next trip to Wally World...
    can't seem to stay out of that place... lol
    thanks for info..

    I love Wally World.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Sometimes hospitals have "cardiac rehab," exercise or physical therapy programs designed in particular for people with heart conditions. Try asking your doctor if there's something like that available for you. Good luck and good job!
  • darlenebye
    darlenebye Posts: 8 Member
    I will see arrhythmia doctor in 2 weeks, & regular cardio doctor in 3 weeks... will chick with both..
    I am on Humana & there may be something special for heart patients..

    thanks to all for great suggestions...