I need motivation in the right direction!

I feel like I'm over thinking MFP. I know that when I exercise it gives me more calories to eat..but I'm nervous to eat them because I just want to lose weight! Then if I don't eat the exercise calories I feel like I'll gain weight because I didn't give my body enough! I've read a ton of threads in this topic and I'm still not sure which is right. I've been doing the 30 day shred and I don't want that exercise to go to waste. lol what's wrong with me?!

Any encouraging words are appreciated! :)


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think perhaps you need to take a small step back.

    I found myself obsessing over calories, exercise, water, etc. I found that I was spending way too much time analyzing this or that. I stopped logging everything. I have to learn to trust myself to eat how I should eat and stop worrying about counting every single calorie that goes into my mouth.

    Perhaps you should try doing it without MFP? Trying eating well, eating less and working out but don't log for a week or so and see what happens?
  • newton2
    newton2 Posts: 21 Member
    I do not use my extra points from my exercise only when I am straving !!!lol Keep up the good work! I tell my self if I do not use it than I will lose it off my body!! The important thing is to exercise.
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    Eat "smart" meals throughout the day, and if you are hungry eat some or all the exercise calories back. If you are not hungry do not force yourself to eat just because you think/feel you need to eat them back. Just make sure you do not fall below 1200 calories. Hope this helps as I am sure many may disagree with what I write...
  • SmallerBecky
    I over-thought it all the time too when I tried MFP before. This time, I'm just eating right and trying to keep myself around 1500-1600 calories a day, and then whatever exercise I get in, that's there so some days I get a net of about 1200 and other days almost 1600 and that's it! It's WORKING for me! But I really think my change in diet is a big, big factor. I am kind of following the guidelines in two books I read: Flat Belly Diet and Water With Lemon. Both talk about making sure you DO EAT the healthy fats with every meal (among other things).

    Aside from all that...try to think of this whole process as running TO your vision of yourself where you want to be instead of running AWAY from "being overweight" or "fat." Focus on what you want and stop even giving thought to what you don't want! It helps me to just focus on, for example, everyone saying at the Christmas parties, "Hey, you've lost weight!" and "You look great!" And it's silly but I have my yearly checkup with my gynecologist in Feb. and I can't wait for the nurse to take my weight and say, "You've lost 30+ lbs!" It's just neat to think of people who don't see you but once a year being amazed at the difference! :)
  • mccgivens
    I feel like I'm over thinking MFP. I know that when I exercise it gives me more calories to eat..but I'm nervous to eat them because I just want to lose weight! Then if I don't eat the exercise calories I feel like I'll gain weight because I didn't give my body enough! I've read a ton of threads in this topic and I'm still not sure which is right. I've been doing the 30 day shred and I don't want that exercise to go to waste. lol what's wrong with me?!

    Any encouraging words are appreciated! :)

    Look at the big picture...It's not gonna happen overnight. What I do is I think to myself, "where will I be in 1 year?" Say it over and over and over again if you have to. Just remember what your goals are. I also have inspirational sayings or quotes around the house, in the car and in my purse. Just so I don't forget. This may not work for you but it helps me. I hope you find what you are looking for!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Weight loss isn't an exact science. Our bodies are different and you need to find what works best for you. I can still lose 1-2 pounds a week at 200 daily above what mfp gives me. I can lose the same at what mfp gives me. I feel the best in between.
  • AlynLeigh
    AlynLeigh Posts: 39 Member
    I recently asked my doctor the same thing. She said that you cannot starve your body so you need to try to stick between eating 75-90% of your total daily allotted calories (net amount). You do have to consider when you eat those calories and what foods they come from. The best options is to make Breakfast your biggest meal so that it gives you lots of energy in the morning to get your started and help get you through the day and to have supper be your lightest meal. Now she didnt say to stop eating by a certain time but I have found that if I can eat supper @ 5:30 or 6pm, then I wont have the excuse of not being hungry in the morning and not eating a good breakfast and starting the day off right. Also, it helps me to spread out my calories throughout the day. So I may have 30-40% of my calories for breakfast, and then 10% for a snack a few hours later, 15-20% for lunch, and then just eat 15-20% for supper. Basically, don't starve your body, but don't feel like you have to eat 100% of your calories every day.
  • AlynLeigh
    AlynLeigh Posts: 39 Member
    Oh and by the way, you look great. I would say the same as the others, maybe your are obsessing a little too much (although I am probably guilty of the same thing but I have allot more weight to shed then you right now). Eat smart, and find a fun workout/exercise routine. Maybe Zumba? Or Kickboxing on the days you feel like punching something. ^_^
  • pink59eldo
    Thank you all for the motivation and tips (I just now figured out how to get back to the thread I posted lol). I'm still stuck at the same point. It's frustrating. I know that it won't happen over night, but it's almost been a month and I'm still in the same spot as before. I do feel like you are right about obsessing over the calorie tracking and exercising, I'm just tired of trying everything and nothing working. Thanks again!