Insulin Resistance + Metformin

Hi Everyone,

I've been on MFP for a few months now, and after eating between 1200-1500 cals/day and exercising I struggled to lose weight. With the help of my doctors and dietitian it has been found that I have insulin resistance. They offered to put me on Metformin but I would like to know others peoples experiences and if it does help with weight loss?

My current goal is to continue on my low carb diet (Atkins -type) and exercise and see how my weight loss goes over the next 2 months. If it is still a really slow process I will then go to Metformin, but I've heard that it's not so good for the digestive system.

So if anyone could give their advice, it would be greatly appreciated!

Also, I'm always on the look out for new friends so if you would like to add me feel free.


  • klacoille
    I've taken it before to help with my infertility. I wasn't trying to loose weight while on it, but I did. So I'm sure it will help if you're trying. Only bad thing I have to say about it, was that I had diarrhea for about a week when I first started taking in until my body got used to it.
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    I am currently on it due to PCOS and trying to get pregnant..... Yes, the first few weeks are terrible, and I will still get crazy diarrhea sometimes, but I do believe that it has helped me lose the weight A LITTLE easier.... Before, I would not even drop 1 Lb. I have been able to drop 22 Lbs so far since July 22 but have been counting calories strickly, sticking with 1490 max per day. No excercise up until now, so I believe it has helped me....

    Or maybe all the potty issues have just made me lose 22 Lbs because nothing stays inside me for too long !! EWW TMI, but the truth...

    Good luck ! Feel free to add me if you want to ! :flowerforyou:
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I take it every day since over a year now. It does not work like a diet pill, but it helps with the insulin resistance which could lead to diabetes. All I have to do is take care to not eat too many carbs in the evening and I don't drink milk anymore, changed it to soymilk, since then I don't have diarrhea anymore, it was bad in the beginning, because I ate the wrong things. But I have more energy and loosing weight is working normally. Before i could exercise and eat good and healthy und still gain weight, now I do the same and loose weight. Also I am not all the time tired anymore. I was supposed to take 3 a day, but I can only take 1 a day, otherwise I would have to quit my job and move into the bathroom. You will figure out what works best for you after a short time.
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    Take it. It helps you feel better for one thing, and does help keeping carbs from triggering insulin, which helps you not to gain.
    I would advise you to get it from a doctor directly, and not put it on insurance, unless you want to see your rates possibly go up-precursor to diabetes.

    It can make you have stomach issues for a week, but not always and not all people. It only affected me one night-no big deal.

    How are doing after 2 months on low carb?
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    I'm diabetic, and was on it for a while. I had a lot of nausea, and used to spend my time trying to work out what I could eat to reduce the nausea!

    All in all, it didn't work for me, and my doctor put me on other medication. However everyone is different - couldn't you give it a try, and then stop it if the nausea was too much?
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone!

    Glad to see Metformin works with PCOS too. I was tested for that as I had an iridologist (eye person) look into my eyes and tell me he thought I had it, but as I'm on the pill it was indistinguishable.

    With the low carb, the dietitian agreed and it's definitely helping with my tiredness and energy levels, and have low carbs makes me not crave them anymore either, which is good.

    @recesq - In regards to insurance - I live in Australia and don't need insurance we have Medicare (for now, until it turns into America lol)

    It's good to hear/see so many success stories with it, I will be rethinking my approach a little sooner now!
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I have diabetes on both sides of my family and am dead set on keeping from getting it. I have been on metformin for years and would admit I do lose weight better when I take it. My mom is diabetic and was on it for a while and it tore her stomach up but I have noticed I do fine if I take it at night right before bed. It means I only have to do 'that' bathroom run once or twice each morning before work and the rest of the day I am fine.
  • irdietinfo
    Hi Jess, I'm in Australia too. I'd see how the diet changes work first (going low carb is usually very effective), and make sure you exercise regularly - doesn't even need to be strenuous exercise, but the key is consistency to help insulin resistance. You should aim to at least do a short walk every other day - that will complement your diet efforts.

    Give it a chance - I'd commit to a few months of low carb/low GI dietary changes and exercise, but if you don't see any progress, then you should definitely see if your doctor will consider prescribing metformin as it is known to increase insulin sensitivity.