Cute and fun or slutty?



  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member

    Now... if you wore that to Church on sunday or something.... maybe not so appropriate ;-)
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Neither cute nor fun nor slutty. I'd call it sophisticated.

    Slutty to me is some combination of: short, tight, low cut, garish colour, cheap fabric, too shiny, embellished... plus too much makeup and hair, fake tan, fake everything else... My rule of thumb is if it's short, cover the boobs, if it shows cleavage, it should be a modest length - not showing both legs and boobs. (this does vary by context i.e. a little sun dress would be fine on the beach, and younger women can generally get away with showing off their assets a bit more obviously).

    Potential sluttiness can be offset by muted makeup, simple hair, simple accessories. Angeline Jolie is a good role model here - very sexy dresses worn very simply.

    The dress it looks lovely on you so enjoy. Nice colour on you, interesting cut, showing a bit of skin, but high neck at the front and interesting sleeves... Boots will cover a bit more leg and make it a bit more casual. The nude pumps you've got on are nice for a more formal occasion.

    Also, maybe have a think about who in your life has talked about clothes being slutty. Are they voices from the past that you need to reject?

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    You got nice legs, dress is more office type of dress, not too sexy for sure, more on the classy 80s ( in a good way) side. Btw, nice shoes too
  • Kirabelly
    Super cute! You have great legs and can totally rock it. If it was that short AND low cut with boobage hanging out it'd look trashy, but it's not. Have fun!
  • harmonysdream
    harmonysdream Posts: 92 Member
    I just don't think you're serious about this question (especially considering that the dress you have on in your profile pic is much more revealing). But just in case you aren't trolling, it looks like something I'd wear to the office. It's very modest by today's standards.
  • QueenCat25
    I think it's quite classy. =) Wish most people would dress like this instead of all their junk hanging out.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think it's very modest and kind of matronly. I definitely would not call it cute, fun OR slutty.

    Just my opinion.
  • ricki9952
    Cute and i love the shoes
  • leilani♥
    You must come from a conservative town! In the Bay Area club scene, that's too much clothing.

    ^^ THAT....

    It looks like you're going to go work...
  • glitterpiss
    I don't think its slutty in any way, but it is shaped like a paper sack with a belt.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Dumb question....but thank you for prompting me to post my first non-nice response on the message board. :bigsmile:

    And kudos to you for making us all look.........:drinker:
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Hahaha, well, it has an open back, and my friend's husband said it was too short, so I wasn't sure. Those of you who like the shoes, they are Jessica Simpson and seriously SOOOO comfortable, I got them at Marshall's for $40 and they are about the best investment ever. I recommend everyone get a pair cause they go with everything and I walked around NYC for 7 hours in them with NO pain.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    The former. You look amazing. Nice stems!:wink:
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    Honestly not anywhere remotely close in any way to being slutty, and you could probably go at least 2-3 inches shorter. Show off those legs! You look like you have worked them out hard so put your hardwork on display, you will get a lot of compliments.
  • Whitneylol
    Lol are you trolling?

    That's no where in the realm of "slutty"

  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    If it matters, I turn 30 in a month. Idk, I'm just worried I'm too old/fat for such things. Can a 30 year old wear a minidress? I'm terrible at being a girl, I'm honestly asking, I'm not trolling, I really don't know. Thanks in advance for your help....
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    That dress is not slutty and you look good in it, don't sell yourself short, you are not to old or fat, so go for it.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Thirty is still young and you definitely don't look fat in that dress. Seriously! You look fantastic!
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    If it matters, I turn 30 in a month. Idk, I'm just worried I'm too old/fat for such things. Can a 30 year old wear a minidress? I'm terrible at being a girl, I'm honestly asking, I'm not trolling, I really don't know. Thanks in advance for your help....

    It's hard to sympathise... because the dress is nowhere near slutty, it blows my mind you would consider it so. I have a friend who is really slim and she's constantly banging on about how fat she is and sticking out her non-existent 'belly'. I couldn't help but be reminded of her when I saw your comment. In my experience it is ONLY thin people who say 'look at me, look how fat I am', I have never met an overweight person who throws comments like that about, because they know no-one can say 'no you're not, you're tiny!'.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    If thats slutty, I must be a hooker XD