Jillian Michaels VS P90X

I've been doing P90X for about 6 weeks now and have had very minimal results... I switched to Jillian Michaels for a few days and finally saw the scale move! it's just so bizarre because P90X is double the workouts! and i can do them all...Has anyone else had this happen to them?


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I did p90X for 5 weeks last year and didn't lose a pound!! I think it didn't include enough cardio for me! I hardly sweated at all!! I now am doing Insanity along with spinning and have lost all the weight I want.....as long as I control my eating. I think p90x is good for guys...not so much for girls who need to drop weight. If they are at their goal weight and need to tone up, it would probably be a great thing! Just my opinion.....
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I did p90X for 5 weeks last year and didn't lose a pound!! I think it didn't include enough cardio for me! I hardly sweated at all!! I now am doing Insanity along with spinning and have lost all the weight I want.....as long as I control my eating. I think p90x is good for guys...not so much for girls who need to drop weight. If they are at their goal weight and need to tone up, it would probably be a great thing! Just my opinion.....

    I lost 35lbs with my first round of P90X. So it can be used for either one really. I really don't know anything about JM's dvds. So I can't fairly say why one worked and the other didn't. But tons and tons of people have used P90X and had amazing results. So I will say it's probably has more to do with the person and not the program.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    if you are super fat and outta shape like me it works :tongue: but I think it is more for men and toning and building muscle. Everyone is different so i guess it just depends...
  • lefleri
    lefleri Posts: 9 Member
    If you're using a scale as your only means to determine results you're probably short-changing your accomplishments, especially with P90X that helps build lean muscle. You might have a better perspective on it if you used a body-fat analyzer.

    The first month of P90X your body has probably been slowly converting fat-weight to muscle-weight. Once you get the ball rolling, though, that muscle is going to help you burn fat faster than any cardio long-term wise. My first month was kind of like yours on AthleanX (kind of like P90X). If you're looking for quick but short-term results, then maybe Jillian's program is a better choice.

    Also, not trying to downplay your accomplishments on the scale, but if you're basing your results on a just few days of Jillian's workouts, there's a good chance it's water-weight. You'd have to burn more than 3,500 excess calories per pound in just those few days.
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    I lost 30 pounds before I joined this site using the elliptical and Jillians dvds.... (i have almost all of hers) then I wanted to challenge myself so I tried P90X because I've seen amazing results but i only lost 2-3 lbs in 6 weeks. then went back to Jillian and immediately saw a change... I'm an athlete so working out is fun for me.... just numerous pregnancies have caused me to gain...I just had my 3rd baby 7 months ago and want to get my body back! I also measure and i only lost 1/4 inch here and there... I just don't know if I should continue using P90X and hope to see better results OR go back to Jillian...
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    Lefleri is right about just using a scale to determine results. No matter what exercise program you are doing, diet is the greatest determining factor regarding weight loss. I think measuring your body is a much better way to track your success. Most times, losing weight fast is just water loss and will come back just as quickly. I went thru 4 rounds of p90x. The first 2, I ended up losing around 35 lbs. , the last two rounds, I gained 10 back. I really watched what I ate the first two rounds and the second two rounds, I ate more calories to gain muscle. But, most of my measurments stayed the same when I gained the 10 lbs. My chest, arms (things I wanted to increase) added inches, but my waist stayed the same. Also, dont get too caught up with a specific program. Do what you like to do. That way you will continue to workout. The best workout on the planet is useless if no one wants to do it. You might want to check out New Rules of Lifting for Women.