Lifestyle change making me sick?!

Not sure if it's just a fluke or not, but seems every time I start a diet and eating healthier I get sick. Coughing, runny nose, chest congestion the whole nine yards. I know some people do a "detoxing cleanse" , but I'm wondering if just the lifestyle change and cutting out so much of the junk and processed foods, fast foods I use to eat has caused me to go into a detoxing cleanse? Anyone else just starting out having this same problem? I've tried everything, nyquil, chicken soup, vicks vapor rub, cough syrups, and drinking lots more water. Nothing seems to help, I'm miserable, but I'm determined not to give up on getting healthier and losing weight, other than going to the doctor, anyone have any suggestions on what might help? I'm tired of knocking myself out with cold meds and waking up every couple hours with coughing fits only to eat, take more meds and go back to bed. This has been going on for almost a week now and it's not getting better. Not getting any worse yet either, which is good.

I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired. I thought eating healthier and exercising was suppose to make me feel good. Anyone know when that's suppose to happen? I'm not looking for an excuse to quit, but just wondering if I should buy stock in Kleenex.


  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Sorry. Sounds like detox indeed. Now that you are already sick (and already detoxing) ride it out. Sounds like your body wants to clean house! Stick with it. Going back and forth is not healthy at all. Let your body make the adjustment. Be easy on yourself. This too shall pass.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    when i started i got terribly sick for a couple weeks :( but now im aight :) i think u jus have to make it through it :)
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    All you can do is tough it out and know it will go away eventually. Use it as motivation to stay healthy in your lifestyle. Good luck.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    Get some vitamin D pills and take about 30000 IUs for a few days.
  • I always quit because I feel like CRAP especially emotionally within the first 6 weeks. This time i am suffering through and it is getting better and better finally after 30 days of detox type diet. Feel free to friend me and look at my logs. It;s the most effective and least painful diet Ive ever tried.
  • This too shall pass.

    :laugh: Had to laugh at that saying. I only ever heard my mother in law use that phrase. :laugh:
    Course caused a coughing fit when I laughed and I almost peed on myself again because of it. That's the worst part of it all!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I read somewhere and I felt the same way too, that it takes a good two weeks or more sometimes to start feeling the good effects of a healthy lifestyle after the body is so used to all of the unhealthy crap you put in it. Like others have said, just ride it out, eventually you'll feel better.
  • maggiedcs
    maggiedcs Posts: 22 Member
    To quote "The devil wears prada"

    I'm only one stomach flu away from reaching my goal weight!

    Hang in there whether it's a cold or detox you're probably going to start feeling better in the next few days....
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Yep - happens to me every time. (many past attempts to get healthy) Not only do I feel like i have a cold or flu, I get headaches, skin eruptions from little blistery bubbles to boils, and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms too.

    Ride it out. Drink more than the 8 glasses of water. Add in some mild cleansing herbal tea or herbs. Soak in a hot tub and scrub with a loofah when your skin is all soft (skin is an eliminative organ and will speed up the detox if you help it all along) Get plenty of rest and keep your exercise mild until you've cleared the detox.

    Look into a neti-pot for the congestion. I swear by it.

    Good luck.
  • acireme
    acireme Posts: 10 Member
    As others have said, ride it out, Dee! It could be your body going into a natural detox, it could be coincidental illness. One week may feel like a long time when you're miserable, but you know when you have a regular cold that it can last weeks. Like with everything, give yourself time. Be kind to yourself. I know after a long life of being overweight, we're just so tired of it and our motivation to change doesn't match the time that it takes to get there! You've lost 6 pounds so you're doing something right so far. I can't see your diary or anything so I can't really give my opinion about your nutrition, but make sure you're eating lots of vegetables and fruits. Getting those nutrient dense calories in your body will help. I was originally curious about what your post was based on your topic because I am just the opposite. I am now a nutritarian and eat very little meat so when I do eat meat, or what used to be a "normal" portion, I get sick! Imagine that, huh? 'And about energy, I am living proof that cutting out the animal products and increasing your vegetable and fruit consumption will boost your energy in ways you never thought possible. I'm seriously shocked at how good I feel. Like you, I've tried diets before and never felt good. I exercised like a mad woman, still always tired. I found it was just my nutrition. *Food* for thought! ;) I hope you find your way and feel better really soon. Give yourself time. :)
  • Kimmy546
    Kimmy546 Posts: 102
    I felt like I was dieing the first 2-3 weeks that I started changing my diet, but I hung in there. Don't quit! It will get easier.
  • Stick to it & in the end you'll feel healthier. It's the most successful diet I ever did. After 5 weeks I have started to feel better & much livelier.:smooched:
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Get some vitamin D pills and take about 30000 IUs for a few days.

    Or more importantly, Vitamin C. Take more than 3,000mg for several days. You cannot OD on Vitamin C.. Worst case: You get a headache, some diarrhea, and more thirsty than usual.
  • cacraft
    cacraft Posts: 76
    This too shall pass.

    :laugh: Had to laugh at that saying. I only ever heard my mother in law use that phrase. :laugh:
    Course caused a coughing fit when I laughed and I almost peed on myself again because of it. That's the worst part of it all!

    Oh dear, Poor Dee ...I'm laughing with you. haha Hang in there friend.

    This is a little off topic, but I used to suffer from horrendous headaches all the time. And in the 6 weeks I've been eating healthy - no headaches. Coincindance? I wonder. Last night I indulged in several treats at a social I was at and woke up with one of my headaches again. Not sure what ingredient set it off, but it was enough for me to say NO MORE!

    I love this journey I'm on to a healthier life. You become so much more aware of how food affects your body. Good stuff.