Help - I'm obsessing about my boobs - and not in a good way

i have only lost 7lbs to date and my boobs seems to be shrinking at an alarming rate :-(
they have also lost there firmness?
What can I do?


  • GirlieMutant
    Unfortunately nothing.
    I have gone down 1 - 1 ½ cupsize since I started losing weight (44 lbs).
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yup. Nothing. Except mourn your boobies with the rest of us.

    I miss mine, too.
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    strap them down and continue on : )
  • lolollama
    :( Same has happened to me it sucks! Nothing we can do about it though!
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Same here!

    As they are more squidgy I can push them about more now make them look OK with a padded bra - there are some really nice ones that help with lift .... and I am trying to focus on the good news - my jelly-belly looks like I have used a bit to much gelatine as its getting a bit less wobbly.

    Hmmm ... hope this post doesn't add to your distress!
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I hear you!! I had to buy a new bra & sports bra last weekend only to find this morning when I bounced around doing zumba that the sports bra isn't so tight now. Looks like I'm up for another new bra in a couple of weeks at this rate & soon I'll have not much left :cry:
  • mondeflottant
    mondeflottant Posts: 30 Member
    Get new bras, sports bras and moisturize. It helps.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    I started a boob-job savings account for this issue. Im not doing to let the twins die without a fight!!
  • leslielienau
    Boobs: last to grow, first to go.......:sad:
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I started a boob-job savings account for this issue. Im not doing to let the twins die without a fight!!

    i think this is an awesome idea :) a good reward after you've worked so hard for your body. i feel the same about getting different skin removal procedures done on your body after weight loss.. you deserve it.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Strength training (chest exercises) are helpful to make it firmer but like the others say, we definitely lose some inches because most part of our boobs before are fat. I'm gone down from 39 to 34.5 although I wear 36C bra.
  • loubulou2209
    I'm with you on that one. My boobs are not thanking me for this particular endeavour and despite losing a decent amount of weight I swear it must ALL have gone from my chest!!

    Apparently there are a few things that 'may' help such as specific exercises bust realistically I don't think you can stop them melting away. :brokenheart:
  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for all your replies - guess I will just have to mourn their passing with the rest of u. As pointed out least can reward myself with a new bra or two :-) - any excuse for new clothes. Was just extra worried that with only 7lbs gone out of 40odd - it's a bit disheartening - especially as belly not shrinking as fast! Typical hey.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I started a boob-job savings account for this issue. Im not doing to let the twins die without a fight!!

    i think this is an awesome idea :) a good reward after you've worked so hard for your body. i feel the same about getting different skin removal procedures done on your body after weight loss.. you deserve it.


    I am currently a 36J (a what?)~ YES~J~!!!! At the moment, they are giving my "equally ample" bottom half (big butt) some balance and I am eternally grateful that they are healthy.

    They've actually gone down a bit, but not nearly enough~ YET!

    When all is said and done though, I am definitely going to get the girls lifted and sitting pretty!
  • Racheal_Ellen
    Racheal_Ellen Posts: 5 Member
    I'm obsessing because of the opposite, I've lost 31 lbs (total, not just with this site) and my boobs HAVEN'T shrunk. I went from a 40DD to a 36DD. It's driving me nuts! I dont wanna be one of those skinny girls with huge boobs! Not looking forward to people asking if they're real. >.<
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    I have lost 17lbs on here and mine have hardly shrunk at all!! I wish they did, they are so out of proportion!!