New with a public food diary :) Please add me!

I'm looking forward to starting off my MFP journey with a few good friends to keep me on track :] I'd appreciate the support and hopefully I'll be able to return it :D x


  • Welcome! I'm new too and so far this site has been amazing for me!

    Good luck!
  • I've been on this site for a few weeks now and it's an awesome tool and everyone here is so supportive!
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome, feel free to add me. I think you will like it here :) Good luck to you!
  • victoria543
    victoria543 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there, its a really freindly site -best of luck x:smile:
  • Janet717
    Janet717 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been on mfp since August and I love it!!! Welcome...feel free to add me. :happy: :happy:
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Welcome! Please feel free to add me. I enjoy encouraging others and getting the same. This is one of MFP's strengths.
  • I've been on here for a few months, and it is really a great site. The support everyone offers is amazing!
  • kmartinko
    kmartinko Posts: 114
    I wish you the best. I am truly addicted to this website. I have logged on every day and it keeps me motivated!!
  • ann1992
    ann1992 Posts: 1 Member
    I started a little over a month ago. I'm forcing myself to make sure that I log in every day or I might end up steering in the wrong direction. This has helped so far but I'm also looking for a support team.
  • tjs22
    tjs22 Posts: 21
    Hi welcome! I'm pretty new here and trying to acquire friends for support also so feel free to add me :)
  • Hey there (: Welcome to MFP, it's a great site to get not only motivation from fellow members but to track your progress as you lose those flabs! I started out recently on this site too, and it's been awesome! I'm looking for pals too, adding ya :D All the best!!
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi there, I am new here as well -feel free to add me! Good luck!!
  • katapum
    katapum Posts: 10 Member
    I'm new too!
  • mcrae006
    mcrae006 Posts: 18 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    I am new to the site. I started on Sept. 24. This site is addictive.
  • tomasart
    tomasart Posts: 306 Member
    Mountains are smaller when traveled with Friends. Wishing You success in this Journey! :smile: Free Free to add me if You like. Now Go take down the mountain! -TomTom, NC
  • Lots of new people here but we're all here for the same lose weight and get support! Welcome! Feel free to add me as well!
  • i been here for a few months and it is really a great site. the community is great and tracking your food and exercise is very helpful. Good Luck!
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome! I think you will find all the support here at MFP you could ever need :)
  • Jo0308
    Jo0308 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome to you. I am fairly new with this site as well. Please feel free to add me.