Ugh, I just need a routine!!

I love to work out, but I never know what to do! It seems like I just go to the gym, and work out on one machine (bike, elliptical, etc) and then when I get bored get on something else, and when an hour or so passes, I decide to go home. I wish I had a set routine so that I could maximize my workouts and get results!! Anybody else in this situation? Or have any advice? What are your routines?


  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning! I am working with a trainer and he mixes it up every time. I start with cardio, then we focus on either arms or legs, and abs and then I end with cardio. For example, on Thursday, I moved from the treadmill to the aerobic steps, to knee lifts and squats, then hip flexors. It's not dull....ever!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I was like that at one point. Yep, you definitely need a routine. It changes everything.

    Check out the New Rules of Lifting for Women.
    Or - there are lots of routines there.

    I go with ~20 minutes of HIIT cardio 3x / week, and ~50 minutes of weight lifting 3x week.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Trainer is a great idea or try some of the classes. If there is a weight lifting class that can be really good for ideas to do on your own. And they're hard!
  • i have a great video that burns lots of calories. "walk away the pounds" the five mile walk by leslie sansone. Works all parts of you body and i have dropped lots of inches.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    ditto on the trainer idea. i was in the same boat for several months....doing great on cardio but no clue what to do about strength training. just joined the YMCA and the membership comes with several free sessions with the trainer to help build a workout for your individual needs and goals. if you can manage it i would strongly suggest a couple of sessions for instruction purposes. good luck!!
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning. Just noticed this thread while updating some info. What is your goal you are wanting to obtain? Is it to lose weight, get toned or just be in shape? Depending on your goals will ultimately determine your routine. I was just like you were until last year. I had gym memberships and would go in and just do what I saw others doing or some routine I randomly found on the Internet. Didn't really have an idea of which do or the proper order to do them.

    I found the solution last October and since then I've taken off 46 pounds and counting. I learned how to set goals and follow a plan to achieve the goals I set. My first goal was to lose 30 pounds. I went from 221 to 191 and a size 40 waist down to a 36 waist in just 13 weeks. I then set the goal to get more definition but maintain my weight. In 13 weeks my waist size dropped another 3.5 inches. I was in better shape than when I was in High School at age 34. I then set yet another goal, to get to 10% body fat. I knew this goal would take about 6 months. I'm 4 months into it and I've lost another 16 pounds and I'm only 5 pounds away from my goal weight and BF percentage. I've done all of this without a gym membership.

    Most people think that exercise will take the weight off and get them to where they want to be. Fact is, that it is 80% diet and 20% exercise. If you are looking to drop the weight and follow a routine that is proven to work. Shoot me a message. I love helping others succeed in their health and fitness goals.

  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I was like that too. I got a trainer, taught me how to do moves correctly and got me used to the weight room. Now I'm following the new rules of lifting for women and I feel stronger and slimmer :)