Adding custom exercises to MyFitnessPal

Is there a way to add custom exercises to my workout routine (MyFitnessPal database)?

For example, I want to add ‘Barbell Floor Wipers’ but it isn’t in the database and so I wanted to add it myself but can’t seem to find how to and so my workout routine is inaccurate when I log it at the minute.

I’m on the latest update of the iOS app.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer


  • cyruscollier
    cyruscollier Posts: 1 Member
    Do you know if/when the feature of adding custom exercises to a routine will be implemented in the app? Right now the app is pretty much useless to me as a workout tracking tool, since there are many exercises I do in my routines that either aren't in the database at all or isn't an accurate enough match for effective tracking purposes. Maybe my training plan is too advanced and specific for MyFitnessPal's target audience, but this seems like a pretty basic feature to me.