A question for the ladies only ...



  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member

    As JodaNord said, this is from www.iibc.com/hungry-period/

    Studies show.....

    (Not attacking the poster of this, just the premise!!!!!)

    Any site that can't even cite the studies from which it gets its information is useless. How about offering up some solid science to back up these claims? I'm so sick and tired of blogs on the internet spewing those words "studies show!" Anyone can write a blog....not all of them are reputable.


    It's actually 100-300 calories and for the entire luteal phase.

  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Just wondering if you found you want to eat more when TOM is around ??? I just want to snack on anything and everything this week and havent found this before :sad:

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    Who is Tom? If he's making you eat more and you don't want to, I would suggest not hanging out with him any more!! My friends have to be supportive of my weight loss journey or they are no friends of mine!!


    let's not invite Tom to our wine party. he sounds like a d1ck.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Just wondering if you found you want to eat more when TOM is around ??? I just want to snack on anything and everything this week and havent found this before :sad:

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    Who is Tom? If he's making you eat more and you don't want to, I would suggest not hanging out with him any more!! My friends have to be supportive of my weight loss journey or they are no friends of mine!!


    let's not invite Tom to our wine party. he sounds like a d1ck.

    There's a wine party? I hope there is no whining about periods at this party. Because really, who wants to listen to that?
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    You'd be surprised how many women drop their panties for TOM.

  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I just discovered the same thing this week. I can't stop snacking. I don't think I noticed it before because I never recognized hunger. I ate so much that I was never really hungry.
  • I crave sugar during this time. So I just save up some calories during that week so I can get a donut when I need to!! Or I have a fun size candy bar, this often does the trick and is way less calories than a full size.

    Good luck!!!
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    Honestly, I do find that I CRAVE certain things, BUT I don't typically eat more...If anything, I think I may eat less depending on how crappy I feel wih cramps and all.
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    I get extremely bad cramps first three days, I can barely move and although I have the desire to eat more during my period, I don't (at least for the first three days) because I discovered that if I eat, the cramps become more powerful.. Like I am fueling my body to attack me, lol- So, I actually eat less those three days and am tortured by constant cravings/hunger/omgimusteat- moments. But then by day three I have to practically chain myself down in order to not eat my entire fridge- lmao. I have a question about TOM though, do you guys exercise through TOM or not? (I am new here and just starting a work out regiment for the first time ever, lol, sorry if that's a silly question)
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    My cycle is not "normal" at all, so my hunger and craving comes about 3 weeks before my period shows up. My cycles are between 43-50 days most of the time. So around days 22-26 or so I crave sugar. That would be this week. UGH! I do eat some though, I just try to make sure I work it off.

  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I do the day before I start and the first two days after, then the snack cravings die down.
    In this time I usually make turnip chips and home made guacamole. Low carb and very nutritious.
  • The few days before, I always want something sweet or something generally unhealthy and fast food-y, even though I know a few hours later I'll feel sick. When my period actually arrives, my hunger actually goes down by a lot and even though I'll have cramps on the first day, I just tend to not feel like eating for my 5 days.
  • thesixdees
    thesixdees Posts: 8 Member
    For me it's bad because I feel like I can't get ful!! AND...I get cravings like I'm pregnant!!! HATE THAT!!! I just remember that you burn more calories during this time and try to exercise more even if I don't feel like it:)
  • Yeah, I crave chocolate D:
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    It is never the same for me month to month, which is incredibly frustrating. I just try to keep healthy, filling snacks around and if I need to indulge, I just try to keep it under a certain calorie level and try to stay under for the day. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't, but I also try not to beat myself up about it.
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    Use the search button.

    vs. "Yeah, I do find that."

    It's freakin' amazing how much more helpful and courteous one is compared to the other. And what's this? They have the same number of syllables, and being courteous required no more effort than it took to post something nearly completely meaningless? Holy cow! Say it ain't so!

    The search function is impersonal. Sometimes people like to get LIVE results as though they are actually talking to someone. Yeah? Go search "human communication". Cheers.

    To the OP: I totally get that way sometimes...OK, most of the time. This varies woman to woman of course, but I think a majority of us experience some kind of increased snack craving during that time. lol

  • Augh! It always happens to me. I mean I usually want to eat everything in sight anyway, but then TOM comes around... Then I start eating everything in sight along with a pinch of chocolate...

    Since I actually started working on my health, I make sure not to keep chocolate or anything else like it near me. So I grab a bag of baby carrots, turn on some romantic comedy, and cry because I'm not allowed to have my cake and eat it too!

    :P :D
  • I have a few days where I want to eat a bunch of junk and then I have days when I don't want to eat anything. I just log what I eat and still exercise. For me it balances out.
  • I have a few days where I want to eat a bunch of junk and then I have days when I don't want to eat anything. I just log what I eat and still exercise. For me it balances out.

    When I say I don't want anything... I mean it. I usually don't even want water. It's frustrating and crazy!
  • YEP, that would be me the last 5 days! I always have to keep that in mind when i do get hungrier and just plain old munchies. I try to resist but if I can't get it off my mind I eat it and walk away. I also realize the next week I will be back to normal. :smile:
  • princessthecat22
    princessthecat22 Posts: 57 Member
    Have you ever had blood taken and the nurse gives you a juice pack and sweet snack? The same thing happens when you have your TOM ( in my opinion ). Instead of sweets try lots of fruits. Plus a squirt or two of whip cream is better then chocolate syrup or sugar!