Skinny Fat & at Goal Weight

Well, essentially at goal weight. It fluctuates between 100-105. ANYHOW, I'm curious; Should I be focusing more on strength training now to become more toned? What strength training routines would you recommend and how much cardio/strength training should I be doing? Thanks for the help :)

**Edit: I'm 5'0" tall**


  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    To look a bit more defined and muscular, you're gonna have to build a little more muscle. Since your'e so tiny, and weigh so little, I probably wouldn't recommend losing any more fat.

    Those bikini/fitness models you see on tv do hit the weights pretty hard, they've just mastered 'cutting' and losing the fat around their muscle over and over again.

    If you find a decent full-body routine, document your stats, try to increase weight to your lifts, then in 5-6 months re-asess your goals, and try to burn of some more fat.

    With muscle-gain comes fat gain, theres virtually no way around it. It's an ongoing process of increasing caories/mass (muscle and fat) then cutting down again, preserving as much muscle as you can, while hopefully losing most of the fat.

    That may not be the route you wanna go, but if you want a bit more of a muscular look, that'd be it.

    Losing more fat and going sub 100lbs doesn't seem terribly safe.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Also, don't get into the mindset that weightlifting is gonna turn you into some manly, ripped, huge girl. That'd take years and years of training, and a really intense diet.

    Lots of women on here do weights, and have fantastic toned bodys, legs , abs, etc. And it's probably exactly what you're looking for.

    Here's a related picture often thrown around workout forums. It's almost an inside-joke within guys cause women seem to think they'll turn into the girls on the left.

    Copy/paste that into the url

    And maybe some girls on here can offer a decent and simple routine.
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you :) I've been hearing that weight lifting is the way to go. I think it's time to get a personal trainer for a couple weeks.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'd recommend the book "New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women". It is an easy read and it explains all your questions, plus there is a whole workout plan. I like having a plan and a schedule.
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    i would focus on toning.
    do light weights & when doing the treadmill do it at a crazy incline this will build leg muscle
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member