Worried..... 30 day shred questions



  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    :) I'm having the best day. Threads dont work me up. I love a healthy banter - this is not the place however. If you had read my original post you would know that I have patella malformation syndrome (right knee) and I broke my left leg in January of this year. I was under the consult of my doctor, pt and an orthopedic surgeon. I know pain.

    I also sent the original poster a note apologizing for ruining her thread. Which is what we have done. Go enjoy the rest of your Friday.
  • chocoholicandbaby
    rml_16 I guess you took my encouragement negatively. Everyone is not out to get everyone around here. It's Friday, relax and look on the bright side!
    I didn't take it negatively. I took it as dangerous. She has a bad knee. 30DS is not knee-friendly. It isn't an excuse not to do it, it's a good reason.

    But taking bits and pieces of what someone says and not the whole comment is what you did. You jumped at the chance to point out where I could be wrong and not the fact that I told her to talk to her Doctor or a physical therapist. This is why arguments happen on here. We are not experts, we are here to support. I was telling her my honest opinion as you were. Maybe we are right and maybe we are wrong. But calling what I wrote, 'dangerous' is far fetched at best. The poster is a Zumba lover, clearly not opposed to working her knee. I was simply trying to get her to try 30DS in spite of her fears, if its too strenuous or causing her difficulties/pain, all she has to do it stop and turn it off.

    Well, one of us on here is definitely worked up. It isn't me.

    You obviously don't have knee pain. You cannot compare what one does in Zumba to what one does with 30DS. I've done both. I have bad knees. Zumba is a much different movement.

    You told her she was using her bad knee as an excuse not to exercise, which wasn't the case. It was condescending at best.

    I actually have to step in here (which is something I never do) because I think you should read her post again.
    She clearly states that she has a knee problem, and she actually was more sending the message that sometimes people are capable of more than they think. She also recommended the OP to talk to a doctor or physical therapist. And she also shared her success and what worked for her. I don't see anything wrong with that at all.
  • creativechick22
    Thanks for that!

    I have another question regarding this DVD thou, I am still on level one, but apart from the push-ups I am doing the advanced version of this.
    Anyhow I have noticed I am getting bruises on my right hand after doing the workout? Has this happened to anyone else? and does anyone know if this is a bad sign?
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    Just to let everyone know, my Dr. gave me the ok on doing the work out. He said if I feel pain while doing it stop that exercise. He said sore muscles the next he is not so much worried about. Thanks for the advice and I hope I can post some awesome results like everyone else. Waiting for the DVD......